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Direct-damage sages/sorcs will underperform in PvP if 1.2 goes live as-is


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Good sages will still be good, balance is the way to go, if you think balance is garbage then you're garbage even with TkThrow getting nerfed by 6%, its called dot and kite, pop FP and relics and adrenals and blow something up.
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Wow man i've been following these 1.2 sage posts a while and you sure do switch tunes quite often. Everything i've heard you say before is along the lines of "stop qq'ing sages are just super post nerf" and now it sounds like you're actually saying the nerf is as bad as everyone else thinks? I'm beginning to think you just like being confrontational instead of actually picking a side and sticking to it...


Talk about a confrontational post then?


And no I've never said we're "just super" post nerf. I have a thread that basically says "we're getting nerfed, deal with it". It's not a huge nerf to our overall dmg potential, but if anything is making me change my tune its the new parses coming out that are flat out showing we're not even within 5% of the highest dps class anymore, like BW has stated it's goals were. I dunno maybe you agree with the guy I was quoting that we need another nerf?

Edited by Khadroth
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Talk about a confrontational post then?


And no I've never said we're "just super" post nerf. I have a thread that basically says "we're getting nerfed, deal with it". It's not a huge nerf to our overall dmg potential, but if anything is making me change my tune its the new parses coming out that are flat out showing we're not even within 5% of the highest dps class anymore, like BW has stated it's goals were. I dunno maybe you agree with the guy I was quoting that we need another nerf?


This thread is about pvp and you keep freaking talking like our damage isn't nerfed alot. It freaking is. PvP is all about burst and mobility. Both these got a hit with the removal of TK wave. While on static bosses who just stand there and you can do whatever with this dps loss isn't big, it is big in PVP. Really big.


Secondly we are allready far behind with most classes in terms of effective PVP damage.


That being said: A truly good pvp sage is not in a warzone to be the best dps'r, he is in there to be a utility monster with good damage. The sky won't fall cse thank god they didnt remove any of our CC capability.


In the end I personally think we allready underperfom NOW vs equally geared and skilled DPS classes in terms of damage, and the patch won't help that. But the chances that bioware reconsiders their plan is small.


I agree that Hybrid was and STILL IS (post 1.2) the ONLY way to pvp. There are other specs which are also acceptable, like full tele, full balance BUT they are less effective at the main strenght of a sage in PVP which is utility. Funny enough, even with the nerf, they still do less effective dps in pvp, because they are more easily shut down and run out of force faster -.-

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I really wonder how many really play hardmodes and PVP with sage. Damage nerf in 1.2 is big.


"This thread is about pvp and you keep freaking talking like our damage isn't nerfed alot. It freaking is. PvP is all about burst and mobility. Both these got a hit with the removal of TK wave. While on static bosses who just stand there and you can do whatever with this dps loss isn't big, it is big in PVP. Really big."


You just cannot stand still in hardmodes and do damage. In PVP this is really much bigger problem. Enemies are not just some training dummies what you can turretnuke on one spot with long casting times and hovering rocks.


"In the end I personally think we allready underperfom NOW vs equally geared and skilled DPS classes in terms of damage, and the patch won't help that. But the chances that bioware reconsiders their plan is small."


I really feel like sages are underperformers allready. Try to fight any other class with same skill and gear. Atm it is not possible to stand still and make desent damage with low survability. Thank god i have couple of more chars in good pvp gear :)

Edited by kenbenobi
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That being said: A truly good pvp sage is not in a warzone to be the best dps'r, he is in there to be a utility monster with good damage.


This was an intelligent post. I think you're spot on.


Unfortunately, I didn't roll a sage for the utility. I wanted to do a ton of damage in PvP, a la caster classes in other MMOs.

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About cast interrupting. Concentration skill gives 70% resistance to pushback suffering. So its difficult to interrupt cast with direct damage. Using alacrity and choosing vantage points are the best friends of the TK sage.
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About cast interrupting. Concentration skill gives 70% resistance to pushback suffering. So its difficult to interrupt cast with direct damage. Using alacrity and choosing vantage points are the best friends of the TK sage.


And there is nothing and I mean nothing Burstier than Popping the alacrity adrenals, and casting things so fast and having a TK wave saved from 7 seconds ago and hitting the 1 second cast for disturbance and Turbulence, and having a crit go off for alacritied TT.


People simply vaporize in front of you, 2.3k, 4.5k, 4.3k, and 6 tics of 1000 in < 6 seconds is YUM...

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And there is nothing and I mean nothing Burstier than Popping the alacrity adrenals, and casting things so fast and having a TK wave saved from 7 seconds ago and hitting the 1 second cast for disturbance and Turbulence, and having a crit go off for alacritied TT.


People simply vaporize in front of you, 2.3k, 4.5k, 4.3k, and 6 tics of 1000 in < 6 seconds is YUM...




Disturbance = ~1k noncrit, ~1.7k crit in 1.5 seconds


Turbulence = ~2.5k crit in 2 seconds


Telekinetic Throw = 2.5k noncrit, ~4k crit in 3 seconds (1.5 with Psychic Projection Proc, which requires spending a GCD on Weaken Mind)


Telekinetic Wave = ~1.5k noncrit, 3k crit (instant with the Tidal Force proc, which typically requires casting Disturbance several times in a row despite its damage being among the worst of any ability in the game)


The overall damage is decent if you're able to chain these abilities together. You might be able to "vaporize" a poorly geared player if no one is paying any attention to you. But the moment a melee class takes notice and the interrupts start, it's game over.

Edited by Visue
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