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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Do you care about the "looks" of the 1.2 armor?


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Originally Posted by HHHHellraizer

The armor designer is just pathetic to be honest. The armor looks silly, has no purpose and there is no concept of form following function. Its just random stuff placed around and calling it a day. Lets make big blades stick out! "totally! thats such a great idea! But we should add blades to the blades as well"


Ive just honestly never seen such bad design good god! There is no feeling of "hey im getting better and looking more ****** as time goes on". Nope, instead you just look dumber and dumber and they utterly cheese the gear by just doing a texture swap. Its like really?? JUST a texture swap?


Agreed, looks like Star Trek, not Star Wars. More similar to an Asian MMO than to this game. I will not be wearing it at all.




sad but true...

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IMO the BH set is even dumber looking then the current super commando set, and that's saying something. Seriously, big goofy shoulder pads that extend to the elbow and a skirt? And gold? It looks like an asian fantasy set, not a sci fi set.


As others have said everyone will be removing the mods and using crit crafted orange gear, but it shouldn't come down to that.


They need an appearance tab in this game so friggin bad. It's gonna cost a LOT of credits to remove that many purple mods. So basically once most players set up an orange armor set they are just going to stick with it. With an appearance tab players change their look often and it adds more variety to a game. There are plenty of other things they can do for a money sink. Players shouldn't be forced to grind daily PVE just to change their look in PVP.


/end rant about ugly gear

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LoL yeah the armor in this game is so awful! I would have thought as a sniper my end game gear would be more of a camo look... not power ranger on meth look. Could you imagine a Sniper running around a war zone with big ol headgear and bright red colors... cummon. And as far as the end game warrior gear... can anyone say "Fool, No living man can kill me!" (the Witch King from LoTR) LoL, I am way glad i didn't roll a smuggler though... SOOOO glad! that headgear is puke-a-rific. Time to hire a new design team Bioware... this is just sad!
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Even the default forum avatars are better!!



Can we hire that guy/gal that drew those?!?



On a scale to 1-10, I'd say the current Championship PVP gear for the Trooper is a 7. I kinda like the Havoc squad chest buckle, the little orange loin cloth is cool. Not a fan of the rockets on the shoulder (what's with BW and stuff on the shoulders?), but I can live with it.


This 1.2 armor is a 2 on the 1 to 10 scale. 1 being a ballerina tutu, and a clown outfit being a 3.

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