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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Your solo rating will tell all


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I wonder how healing will be taken into account. Seems like the rankings are leaning toward kill heavy. Spamming Affliction gets me some high kill counts (when I'm on good teams).


Either way it'll be interesting.


AFAIK ratings will be purely based on whether you won or lost, not on personal stats like kills/damage/etc. It will be using that chess rating system where every time you win you gain an amount of points and your opponent loses that amount of points, with the amount being determined by the difference between your ratings.


In response to the OP in my opinion solo queue rating will mean nothing to me...since you will just be 1 of 16 players in each WZ that will determine the outcome of the match for every good player that makes it to the top of the leaderboards there will be hoards more who get there because they happened to get put into favorable games.

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Really, the way most PuGs play, I don't see many people, if any, getting very high solo ratings.


That is the point. Those who play TDM in objective based game or just plain lack skills will lose more than win and get lower rating than those who actually play to win and cooperate with fellow PUGers. After some time, better players will be slowly separated from worse players. This is how ELO rating works. Always there is more poeple with lower ratings than people with higher ratings. That is why having high rating actually means that you are a good player, not like for example high valor, which only means you played for a long time.

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That is the point. Those who play TDM in objective based game or just plain lack skills will lose more than win and get lower rating than those who actually play to win and cooperate with fellow PUGers. After some time, better players will be slowly separated from worse players. This is how ELO rating works. Always there is more poeple with lower ratings than people with higher ratings. That is why having high rating actually means that you are a good player, not like for example high valor, which only means you played for a long time.


No, that's not at all how it'll work. Good players can't carry 5-7 bads and so their ratings will never go up consistently and they'll never get to a higher tier of play. There's no way to ensure that your PuG will have more than 1 or 2 quality players, especially since the best players and guilds will be doing group queue. Solo rating will be a joke and the solo queue will be only a way for those without guild teams to farm Ranked Comms

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I wonder how people will view the rating system in 1.2 when it comes to "rating" players. If someone is a highly rated group player and low rated solo player do you assume his friends are good and he is not good or is he just unlucky in (solo) random rated groups.


How much of a factor will luck be in solo rated. Especially when people get 100's of matches in, shouldn't it average out.


The solo rating is going to be very interesting. I think it will also tell alot about class balance. Meaning, if the top 10 guardians are overall in the top 20 whereas the top 10 Vanguards are in the top 20-40 it will say something about the difference your class can make on a match. (Those classes were just an example) It would also be telling if they gave out other stats such as rating by WZ. Imagine if the top 20 Voidstar players are all class _______.


with the current class balance the broken pvp and the gear diffrence scoreboards mean diddly squat.


there is no skill in spamming 1 button and rolling face for starters




you will see how retarded the system will be just you watch

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What are these ratings based on? Losses vs wins or medals or something els?


In a system where rating is based on medals I'll always be higher rated solo. The reason is that I'm way more concerned about winning while playing in a group. I will sacrifice myself for the objective instead of just dps'ing.


If it's strictly a matter of wins vs losses I will most definitely have a higher group rating, I'm way to competitive to be grouping with people just for the "social experience". If I'm in a group it's with people I know have the ability to beat other teams.

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No, that's not at all how it'll work. Good players can't carry 5-7 bads and so their ratings will never go up consistently and they'll never get to a higher tier of play. There's no way to ensure that your PuG will have more than 1 or 2 quality players, especially since the best players and guilds will be doing group queue. Solo rating will be a joke and the solo queue will be only a way for those without guild teams to farm Ranked Comms


Looks like you never played any MOBA type of game...it works there, it will work here.

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my solo rating will be good since it's like 70% of what I do in the game


I've carried bads in huttball games and whatnot. it'll be harder in 1.2 due to nerfs to my build but I know how to herd cats pretty well after so much soloin

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Does it really matter A person can just exit a losing match, even if there a solo ranking which is really rated among who in general,,, among all players played are class types, then you have break it down to according to matches played a person could effectively just win a set number and stop. which there solo rating would be perfect...


Bioware needs to total up all matchs played rated and non rated and that would be a better account of score... even if you exited for any reason it would be a number agianst your ranking score...


But I think its just to applease some of players to brag about playing..lol You see so many players bragging hint


afkcamper 50 gunslinger 65 valor rated 99.9%

loser 50 merc 65 valor rated 80%

Iwon 50 sage 70 valor rated 80%


Also I wandering how it going to really work due to server types being low, and on most major PVE server there are large giuld types, most time there not enough sith vs rep to que and your playing agianst giuldies,



THEY need to add a team thing and set named players for this,, rating thing to be a effective personal gain thing,, but hey who cares really lol

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Is this a MOBA? No. Not at all. Not even close.


ok, I will try to explain that.


We have 8v8 WZ here.


Most players are bad.


If you are good, your team has only 7 spots for bad players, while opposing team has 8 spots for bad players. If you are better than your rating, you increase chance your team will win.


ELO system do not work on 1 match base. It works on 100s matches.


Statement "I lose my games because my teammates sucks" is a common explanation for being stuck in so called "ELO hell" in my favourite MOBA and in the same time top players proved (playing from alt accounts) that it is possible to increase your rating when you are good, even when you start with abysmally low ELO (900 in that game, where half of your team are usually afkers, leavers, ragers and total morons).


What I am trying to say is that I agree 2-3 good players cant carry a game against 8 good players, but why you assume your team will have 3 good players and other team 8 good ones? Of course of you are bad yourself, it changes the equation;)

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ok, I will try to explain that.


We have 8v8 WZ here.


Most players are bad.


If you are good, your team has only 7 spots for bad players, while opposing team has 8 spots for bad players. If you are better than your rating, you increase chance your team will win.


ELO system do not work on 1 match base. It works on 100s matches.


Statement "I lose my games because my teammates sucks" is a common explanation for being stuck in so called "ELO hell" in my favourite MOBA and in the same time top players proved (playing from alt accounts) that it is possible to increase your rating when you are good, even when you start with abysmally low ELO (900 in that game, where half of your team are usually afkers, leavers, ragers and total morons).


What I am trying to say is that I agree 2-3 good players cant carry a game against 8 good players, but why you assume your team will have 3 good players and other team 8 good ones? Of course of you are bad yourself, it changes the equation;)


you're still comparing 2 different genres, which doesn't work.


If you really think solo queue will be used for anything other than farming Rated comms then that's your problem.

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