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Legacy a big dissapointment!


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And it has been confirmed that those requirements are EITHER the required Legacy Level OR the Credits, NOT both.


Catch_TwentyTwo, ardent crusader of SWTOR and unscrupulous apolgetist, stop spreading false information.


You will have to spend credits to get your ship unlocks. You will also need the correct Legacy level.



By attaining high enough Legacy Levels and spending credits, players will be able to purchase unlockable items for their ship. Wish you could pick up your mail on your ship? There’s a mailbox you can purchase if you are the right Legacy Level and spend a few credits. Neutral Galactic Trade Network Terminal? Better be ready to shell out some credits for that one! Wish that you could love your ship’s protocol droid even more than you already do? A new astromech you can acquire for your ship sells unique sensor modules for your beloved C2-N2 or 2V-R8 that give him crafting specializations, just the same as your other companions. In case that’s not enough, the astromech also repairs items and buys your junk!
Edited by lollermittens
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Catch_TwentyTwo, ardent crusader of SWTOR and unscrupulous apolgetist, stop spreading false information.


You will have to spend credits to get your ship unlocks. You will also need the correct Legacy level.




Yeah. Your Legacy level basically gives you the ability to buy things. Bad, just bad.

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Yeah. Your Legacy level basically gives you the ability to buy things. Bad, just bad.


I wish we could get things as straight up unlocks with high enough Legacy Level. Like, say, level 8+credits for the rocket boost OR level 20 for the first rocket boost without a credit charge, then 30 and 40 for the boosts. 50 for the GTN on your ship, wouldn't that make sense?


Something like that...because right now, I feel like there's no point in me desiring to level my Legacy any further, or potentially obtaining more character slots (when available) for my Legacy since I could get the same stuff I want on another server by Legacy Level 8 or so (with enough credits).


I know it's not difficult to build up credits daily with a 50, but it's too tedious and considering the system is here to encourage us to play as more characters I don't understand why things need these lump sums if they're only there for the solo experience. I'd rather put credits I farm into crafting and companions and such; gating the best novelty and convenience items after months of people expecting better guaranteed rewards for higher Legacy levels is pretty disappointing.

Edited by Prismatico
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Exactly how will it affect my 'story'? I suspect individual class stories will be completely unaffected.. Feel free to prove me wrong.


We cant please every one but at least we can point out bad spelling.


they adding those feature later ..That is what i heared later any way >.>.. if you see bad spelling i am trying sory :p.I am sure you saw luke sky walker and star wars movies they doing something like that. That is all i know.

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So after discovering that the things I planed on paying for with credits, is not purchasable, like unlocking companions and special ability's from the opposite faction.


Funny, I don't remember them ever saying you could buy companions and abilities from opposing factions.


#1 reduced fleetpass cooldown, 3 ranks at 100k, 200k and 300k that lowers the cooldown with 6 hours, letting you use it every 12 hours. I can buy 600 1 hour cooldown fleetpasses for that investment, NO THANKS-


I think that is more of a response to people who didn't buy the authenticator.


#2 same goes for quick travel, a total of 600k and a reduction of 6min.


I can't say needing to QT multiple times in a half hour has been a real problem.


#3 Ship upgrades, repair droid 1 mill for that. mailbox, OPS training dummy and pvp training dummy 500k each. and ofc the laughingstock of them all, the GTN a whopping 5mill for that, again no thanks ill just port in on the fleet.


They said some of these things were going to be expensive. Not really sure why it comes as a surprise to you.


#4 Rocket boosters, for those of you who thought that was something to look forward to, start saving up the credits. It consists of 3 ranks 1 ability and 2 upgrades. 2 mill for the ability, 1 mill for rank 2 and 1,5 mill for rank 3 and the upgrades is just a lowering of the CD.


Again, they said it would be expensive, and you can't use it in WZs, so it's not a must have to be the best.


#5 Species, all of them cost 1.5 mill to unlock except human you can get that for 500k.


One, why are you unlocking humans? They can already be everything. Two, the 1.5mil price tag has been know for awhile. The whole point behind the Legacy System was to get people to play more. The more time you spend unlocking something, the more money they get.



#1 lvl 25 mounts at lvl 10.


Had no idea this was even planned. Not that it's a huge deal, anyways. Takes about ten hours, if you're going slow, to get to 25.


#2 design the way you lvl, that was the words from bioware at the guild summit. so i can choose to increase my XP gain from space missions, PVP or Flashpoint. I'm a PVE kind of guy, so I would choose flashpoints, only problem with that is finding a grp at low lvl is like finding water in the dessert (not much difference at lvl 50).


Would have been nice, but I'd rather they hold off on a feature, rather then release something that someone can declare to be 'game breaking'. If I have to listen to my guild's merc ***** about his healing one more time, I'ma kill someone.


#3 Increase crit chance when crafting. we need that now since you implement orange gear with augment slot. by the time your able to get these perks its gonna be to late, just like all the other stuff.


They also said that RE'ing items is going to give you a lot of the mats back, so it's not a huge issue. The only potential problems are going to be the raid mats.


#4 Repair droids, mail box and the opportunity to respec (dual spec is what I want) on the fly. Just a thought, how about a cargo hold ship drop? I don't need a mailbox when my Inventory is full.


Your companion can go sell your grays, so they're already half way there. I'd rather they implement a feature that allows you to pick and choose what else you want to sell rather then carrying around a Jeeves again.


So here are some of the things I was hoping for when I opened up the legacy window.


That's the thing about hoping, you open yourself up for disappointment.


#1 more materials per node.

#2 faster mission/crafting times

#3 increased mount speed

#4 cool titels

#5 a party summon


None of those things were ever talked about, as far as I can recall, so you shouldn't expect them to be in there.


So in conclusion, if the new OPS don't rock my world with fun and amazing tactics. Not like the current OPS, which is just a gearcheck and lacks the ability to test peoples IQ. the only boss our guild have had troubles with is SOA and thats not couse it's hard but course it's a bug fest and the worst designed boss mechanics I have ever experienced.


You never did the loot ship, did you? We used to throw one of our raiders off the ledge as a sacrifice to the lag boss. Don't know if it really worked, but it seemed to.


phase 1 is for idiots, phase 2 and 3 is where it all goes to hell. Not being able to heal the peeps that gets picked up and thrown around 1st fail, picking peeps up that have just been targeted by lighting 2nd fail, dropping peeps on lightning or over the edge if if phase is over 3rd fail, throwing the tank in the air 4th fail, pulling the tank in mind prison in the last phase is just one of the most retarded fails of all time as the window of opportunity to drag SOA to the pillars are short and you need to hit him every time.


I actually love most of what you described. It can make things a bit tense, and means your raiders might actually have to react. Unlike 90% of ICC.


I don't call those bugs, I call them a challenge. Your tank disappears, someone else needs to pick it up quick. Someone comes down from the air, need to heal them up quick, just in case. Prioritization, it's a good thing.


and then there is all the bugs OMG it's endgame contend, wake up bioware. things we have experienced in my raid grp, peeps getting stuck in mind prisons, lightning ball that don't die but end up at 5-10% HP, lightning balls that stop chasing after 2nd phase ends up on the first platform, SOA never comes down to the last phase he just hangs in the air, SOA not loosing his shield after hitting him with a pillar, SOA Disappearing just when he is about to die, platforms that haven't reset after a wipe, I'm sure there is more but those are the ones that come to mind.


I've only experienced him resetting to phase one, and one person disappearing into the walls.

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Let me start off by saying, that my legacy lvl on the live servers is 50. I have 4 lvl 50 characters, 1 of each class with all the companions maxed out in affection (no life, I know).



I agree with everything you've said (see sig).


What I had hoped for from the legacy system:


  • New species options---you know, actual NEW species such as Nautolans, Rodians, Kel Dor, and so on. It is maddening that they are in the game but not available for play.
  • Special modifiable gear unlocks, such as Luke's black outfit from Return of the Jedi, Anakin's Jedi robes from Revenge of the Sith, or Leia's outfit from A New Hope.
  • Legacy speeders and equipment that can be passed down to other toons (this is happening, just not through the Legacy system...which is odd)
  • Accelerated leveling of alts (coming in 1.3, apparently)
  • Cool titles
  • Appearance customization
  • Linking accounts such that one person can mentor another while leveling (aka City of Heroes)

Edited by RolyartNala
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I wish we could get things as straight up unlocks with high enough Legacy Level. Like, say, level 8+credits for the rocket boost OR level 20 for the first rocket boost without a credit charge, then 30 and 40 for the boosts. 50 for the GTN on your ship, wouldn't that make sense?


Something like that...because right now, I feel like there's no point in me desiring to level my Legacy any further, or potentially obtaining more character slots (when available) for my Legacy since I could get the same stuff I want on another server by Legacy Level 8 or so (with enough credits).


I know it's not difficult to build up credits daily with a 50, but it's too tedious and considering the system is here to encourage us to play as more characters I don't understand why things need these lump sums if they're only there for the solo experience. I'd rather put credits I farm into crafting and companions and such; gating the best novelty and convenience items after months of people expecting better guaranteed rewards for higher Legacy levels is pretty disappointing.


Its all about the time sink; the more time you spend online the more money you will spend monthly. Making you reroll as a form of content is pretty much all about getting you to continue to fork over that 15 bucks. If this stuff was available based on legacy level you would not rinse and repeat hour after hour and day after day.

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Its all about the time sink; the more time you spend online the more money you will spend monthly. Making you reroll as a form of content is pretty much all about getting you to continue to fork over that 15 bucks. If this stuff was available based on legacy level you would not rinse and repeat hour after hour and day after day.


i would i been on this game since beta . :D its been giving me good cookies :D

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The only thing I was looking forward to was Rocket Boost in PVP - but it has been confirmed not to work in PVP.


So it's basically 100% useless. In fact, its even demotivating. Nothing to work for and nothing to buy worth spending 1 credit on.

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Funny, they stated quite clearly at the summit that you can unlock stuff with high enough legacy level OR credits. Now you need legacy level and 10mil and I assume it's that 10mil for each character?
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Its all about the time sink; the more time you spend online the more money you will spend monthly. Making you reroll as a form of content is pretty much all about getting you to continue to fork over that 15 bucks. If this stuff was available based on legacy level you would not rinse and repeat hour after hour and day after day.


Yes I would, I'd be playing my different characters, like how they're marketing Legacy. Instead they've got credit sinks behind over half the stuff, which would be unaffordable without sticking to my high characters doing daily content solely to purchase what I technically unlocked.


I know some people already made tons over time and didn't even spend it on the recent vendor dumps of color crystals and speeders, but don't you at least think it's a little ridiculous that Legacy Levels mean nothing after a certain point if you don't want to farm credits? Role-players (the target audience) generally aren't fans of that, so it's counter-productive in my opinion.

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The only thing I was looking forward to was Rocket Boost in PVP - but it has been confirmed not to work in PVP.


So it's basically 100% useless. In fact, its even demotivating. Nothing to work for and nothing to buy worth spending 1 credit on.


If you really thought they would work in warzones, you were deluding yourself. Of course they wouldn't work there, otherwise you would need them or simply not take part in wz at all. That would be completely stupid on their part.

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So after discovering that the things I planed on paying for with credits, is not purchasable, like unlocking companions and special ability's from the opposite faction.


Your plans should have included the other faction, personally I do not like the Empire side either, but I got it done because I wanted to cover all angles ready for what the legacy system may bring. So now I can max out every companion and have every heroic moment ability unlocked. Thats what I call planning.

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Catch_TwentyTwo, ardent crusader of SWTOR and unscrupulous apolgetist, stop spreading false information.


You will have to spend credits to get your ship unlocks. You will also need the correct Legacy level.




Well I personally also recall (from guild summit) them saying "Legacy level OR credits".

You quote is from a later date though (and I didnt read it before), which probably means I either recall it incorrectly or they changed it.

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Well I personally also recall (from guild summit) them saying "Legacy level OR credits".

You quote is from a later date though (and I didnt read it before), which probably means I either recall it incorrectly or they changed it.


I recall them making it sound like the credit option would be there for shortcuts (not wanting to level a race to 50) and the neutral GTN thing. When they talked about the mailbox, rocket boots, and training droids it sounded like they'd just be there after a certain Legacy level. I just assumed that there would be a nice bonus to having a higher legacy level that wouldn't eat up credits so I could focus on companions and crafting with my 50's.

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I agree with everything you've said (see sig).


What I had hoped for from the legacy system:


  • New species options---you know, actual NEW species such as Nautolans, Rodians, Kel Dor, and so on. It is maddening that they are in the game but not available for play.
  • Special modifiable gear unlocks, such as Luke's black outfit from Return of the Jedi, Anakin's Jedi robes from Revenge of the Sith, or Leia's outfit from A New Hope.
  • Legacy speeders and equipment that can be passed down to other toons (this is happening, just not through the Legacy system...which is odd)
  • Accelerated leveling of alts (coming in 1.3, apparently)
  • Cool titles
  • Appearance customization
  • Linking accounts such that one person can mentor another while leveling (aka City of Heroes)

I'm sure you were also anticipating in 1.2 for Bioware to give you the option to leap forward in time and fight along side Luke on the Death Star.



Your pretty dumb to say in this post that BW is forcing people to get a skill to make extra money then in another post ***** cause things are too expensive, and just because you dont want to go through these awesome storylines doesnt mean 95% of the other players dont either. Your single character ideas died with the dinosaur mmo that is what WOW has become. Their stupid little expansions and patches have ended up turning what used to be a very good game into a pile of useless junk for you to sift through. Having lvled 5 toons after the Cataclymsm expansion i know how many storyline contradictions are in WOW, how many useless, dead end quests how many quests they had to take out in order for their new flop of an expansion to actually fit into their storyline. With all the heirlooom gear and all the increases in xp what used to take months in wow now only takes 2 days to lvl from 1-70. then 2 more to get to 85. my first toon took me 3 months to get to 70. do you really want this new idea to fall into the same old rut and just build everything for end game content. then why would you play this game ?

ITS A STAR WARS GAME! Star wars is all about the story line. If you dont like that then like adam chaney said go play with pandas.

Someone who gets it. ^

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After reading some post here and there. The patch just seems like a lot of credit sink options. Now its kinda depressing after thinking about it. The UI stuff is neat but the ship upgrades and unlocks are costly if they aren't for all the chars on that server . But might as well announce the next expansion cause this patch sounds like its gonna kill my mood towards playing even more. I figured there had to be a catch for a patch sounding to good to be true at first. :(
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Legacy will never have any effect on your storyline, ever. You have seen the current story lines and the dfiferences between lioght and dark right? This should give you a big clue and how legacy will never effect your story line.


Does any Bioware game have choices that actually DO anything? It seems like every single game they make is full of pointless conversation timesinks that all lead to the exact same place.

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