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Possible new classes

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The possibility to play an Imperial Trooper wounld be nice. But maybe not innovative compared to the Republic Tropper I guess. Though developers should be able to design new weapon moves depending on the weapon used.


Regarding Force users, I think everyting is covered so far.

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Considering they got balance of the existing classes "so wrong upon launch that they had to rebalance them all in 1.2 despite having all the metrics data already prior to launch" I wouldn't trust them to introduce any more in the next 3 years, the developers are playing "switcheroo" with class balance just like Mythic did with every WAR class balance patch. Edited by SkuzBukit
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Honestly, I personally would liked to see Trooper, Bounty hunter, Imp agent, smuggler as individual classes not mirrors.



BH = pick a side

Trooper= pick a side

Smuggler = pick a side

Imp agent change to agent and make it playable both sides.



Also I would have put in a feature that allowed you to switch sides through hard work. You could make it very similar to a class quest. A story line that you learn the difficulties about betraying your own. Doing said story line opens you up for say PVP bounties that bounty hunters could chase you down.. they have an ability that searches a planet for those bounties and you find them as a player.


Agent would have an ability that would cancel out bounty searches because they can be seen as double agents.


Even without the switching of classes the BH thing would be great. I personally would have one of my characters switched just because of the dangers of having a bounty hunter after me.

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So i was trying to think of new classes they could bring in the future but i can't think of any.

i Could thing of so many possible new species but not classes.

What do you guys think some possible new classes could be in SWTOR's future?


Well Wookie is its own class. Kinda trooper I guess but still different.


I think a martial Artist like SWGs TKA would be a fun class and thats not currently in game.


Mostly I think they need more races!


Ton of standard races (some in game as NPCs, mobs, companions already) already in game and so many more not in game in any way.


Id like to see the Trooper class transfer over to Imp side (even though the Bounty Hunter mostly the same). Imps not haveing a military heavy gunner seems wrong to me. As Rep not having Bounty Hunters seems wrong!


Star Wars so vast, the classes might not be that extensive but the races are none stop. This is one of the expansion areas im excited to see done.

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i like the ideas of tkm's and imperial troopers aswell as republic bounty hunters. Another avenue that could be looked into is actual transferance of companion class to playable class's even if that means at maximum affection and a few quests that we are able to play our own companions.


If more companions are to be added this could be a way to transplant companions from the companion list into the char list and not clutter up having 40 companions.

Edited by Shingara
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Imperial trooper is probably on the way.


And I'd say that a Republic Ambassador - like Leia, and modelled on the Op spy-type class - is a pretty logical inclusion.


Apart from that I'd like to see a single-sabre weilding DPS class...... and maybe an Imperial Guard who has a double-bladed vibrostaff? I'm thinking this could be a tank class.

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  • 1 year later...
I would be interested to see something like a Crime Lord class for the Imperial side. Something that would be kinda like the smuggler but that your main goal is to go from this lowly thug for the Hutts to becoming a crime lord of your own organization. Sorta like Zann from the Forces of Corruption game. And for the republic side maybe a class that is focused around the SIS similar to the imperial agent or maybe go for another type of melee class. Trying to think of classes that would make sense for the side is harder then I thought.
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...But I'll tag along.


Before Cathar was introduced, we got a glimpse of models through NPCs.

Lastly, we had Aygo a Bothan. Bothan, make me think of Republic Agents.


Unlikely now, but you see where I'm going ?

Edited by Altheran
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New classes are pretty much not possible at this stage, unless they did the WoW hero class type thing and had them start at 50 or whatever. They are not going to go back and do a complete 1-50 story for new classes with all the new voice lines they would have to add to the planet and side missions as well. I wouldn't be opposed to this personally.


That being said, the obvious choice that comes to mind is SIS Agent with a possible mirror as Imperial Trooper or Imperial Guard. Or some type of Jedi/Sith duelist. Or maybe some type of unarmed force user or some type of beast tamer.

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As an old SWG refugee I have to say....Creature Handler, you can align to either Republic or Empire, but the profession will be the same regardless, I think that would be the best way off adding a new class, same profession, you choose the alignment.
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Whatever class they do, they would also have to d a mirror class for the other faction.


I would Like to see Noble for Republic and Officer for Imperials, but are mostly support, with plenty of buffs and debuffs. Maybe with Presence as class buff, and also an option to keep a companion even in an operation group, thus making it a pet class. Maybe with droid techician as Advanced class for the Noble and animal handler as Advanced class for the Officer, which would have the emphasis on being a pet class.

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We all knew they wont do any new classes. This thread is pointless.

Well ... atleas we can dream for free.


Some neutral class with lightsaber would be nice (or something similar to Bounty Hunter/Trooper). Your dark/light side choices should decite what side to join - Imp or Rep.

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We all knew they wont do any new classes. This thread is pointless.

Well ... atleas we can dream for free.


Some neutral class with lightsaber would be nice (or something similar to Bounty Hunter/Trooper). Your dark/light side choices should decite what side to join - Imp or Rep.


really they said that . makes me sad

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