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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Pvp Triple teaming targets.


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If myself and a couple friends/or guildies make a group and queue up for some warzones, and then want to talk to each other in vent , because typing is lame. Then proceed to communicate with each other whilst in said warzones, and we end up all focusing dps on the same target then burn it down and move on to the next and so it continues, 3vs1 over and over. hell, we might even kill the same person a dozen times or more in a row if he/she is a good player. or the ball runner or a threat, or we just dont like your name....


how is it unfair or biowares fault? there is sooo much QQ about pvp and getting ganked, calls to nerf this, that, whatever, but at its core its about people who know how to play and people who dont know how to play.


People who know how to play will use every tool available to them.

People who dont know how to play, blame others. its that easy.


Those who complain pvp is unfair, what do you think pvp ranked system coming in 1.2 iis going to do? Solo ranked WZ are going to show who knows how to play their characters and group ranked WZ are going to show who knows how to play in a team effectively. where are you going to fit in?

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If myself and a couple friends/or guildies make a group and queue up for some warzones, and then want to talk to each other in vent , because typing is lame. Then proceed to communicate with each other whilst in said warzones, and we end up all focusing dps on the same target then burn it down and move on to the next and so it continues, 3vs1 over and over. hell, we might even kill the same person a dozen times or more in a row if he/she is a good player. or the ball runner or a threat, or we just dont like your name....


how is it unfair or biowares fault? there is sooo much QQ about pvp and getting ganked, calls to nerf this, that, whatever, but at its core its about people who know how to play and people who dont know how to play.


People who know how to play will use every tool available to them.

People who dont know how to play, blame others. its that easy.


Those who complain pvp is unfair, what do you think pvp ranked system coming in 1.2 iis going to do? Solo ranked WZ are going to show who knows how to play their characters and group ranked WZ are going to show who knows how to play in a team effectively. where are you going to fit in?


Who said it was unfair?

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Its unfair to have three such people on my team. They reduce the chance to win any objective based game massively :)


This is hardly the case. People fall back on this - You can't win objective based games if people are not killing things and controlling the map. Controlling mid in huttball is extremely vital to winning against good players in huttball. Me and another player will typically control mid majority of the game, and that may include me moving slightly out of mid to kill people who are setting up position for passes/pulls.


Same goes in alderaan - you can't take objectives without killing. you can't take doors without some killing, or people capable of killing. Obviously killing is not how you win, but killing =! not winning.


I see people QQ about losing all the time, and then I see that theyve done like 80k damage in a warzone as a DPS - or people point at me and say oh you do too much damage and have too many kills, you aren't contributing. Bologna. My premades know the contribution, and good players know the contribution. There is a big difference between just farming in warzones, and killing to win the game. But just because people are scoring kills does not mean they are not contributing, or being a detriment. I'd like to see people score in huttball with 8 of the enemy team on them constantly. it'd be pretty difficult, no?

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This is hardly the case. People fall back on this - You can't win objective based games if people are not killing things and controlling the map. Controlling mid in huttball is extremely vital to winning against good players in huttball. Me and another player will typically control mid majority of the game, and that may include me moving slightly out of mid to kill people who are setting up position for passes/pulls.


Same goes in alderaan - you can't take objectives without killing. you can't take doors without some killing, or people capable of killing. Obviously killing is not how you win, but killing =! not winning.


I see people QQ about losing all the time, and then I see that theyve done like 80k damage in a warzone as a DPS - or people point at me and say oh you do too much damage and have too many kills, you aren't contributing. Bologna. My premades know the contribution, and good players know the contribution. There is a big difference between just farming in warzones, and killing to win the game. But just because people are scoring kills does not mean they are not contributing, or being a detriment. I'd like to see people score in huttball with 8 of the enemy team on them constantly. it'd be pretty difficult, no?



http://www.swtor.com/community/forumdisplay.php?f=76 Great example in the screenshot of the first post. If I see a team where all the teamplay they bring to the table is focus fire. I'd rather have 3 randoms who position themself well apart from each other in hb or the single stealther who ninja plants a bomb or caps a node on alderaan. Than three people who always run in a zerg.

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http://www.swtor.com/community/forumdisplay.php?f=76 Great example in the screenshot of the first post. If I see a team where all the teamplay they bring to the table is focus fire. I'd rather have 3 randoms who position themself well apart from each other in hb or the single stealther who ninja plants a bomb or caps a node on alderaan. Than three people who always run in a zerg.


Nowhere did I say all the teamplay that is brought is focus fire - nor did I say people "run in a zerg"


nor do those people doing well have to have bad position, or not able to ninja cap. And the three people playing together (in this hypothetical situation) can position themselves apart and play together.


you're putting restraints to support your argument that do not exist =/


I am in no way denying that playing with the intent of objectives is not the way to win games - I'm pointing out that there's a lot more to scoring a ball then just grabbing a pall and running, or just passing. shrug. and even more simply, getting a door or holding a node

Edited by Kiyoma
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This is why solo rated warzones are a good idea. Granted, the system can be abused by people on vent queuing up at the same time but, all things considered, it puts every player on the same equal footing.


For me, games that are lopsided are neither fun nor a good opportunity to learn. This includes being on the premade.

Edited by irdc
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Those who complain pvp is unfair, what do you think pvp ranked system coming in 1.2 iis going to do? Solo ranked WZ are going to show who knows how to play their characters and group ranked WZ are going to show who knows how to play in a team effectively. where are you going to fit in?


You answered your self indulgent circle jerk for yourself.


You and your buddies will be in the group WZ, solo players will be in the solo queue.


Can't group gank bads anymore, u mad?

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All the premade QQs.


I'm sorry, if you are really a competitive PvPer or a hardcore PvPer then more than likely you are not a loner and you do premade. It's how it works. PuGs are like herding cats. Why put yourself through the stress when you can run a premade with like minded and skillful individuals?


I'm personally looking forward to rated group matchs. I know my group is good and there are better groups that will challenge us. Smashing PuGs isn't fun long and you learn very little in the process to make your team better.


1.2 can't get here fast enough for me.

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Wow are you dilusional op

You run with 3 people and focus fire on people and you think thats skill? Thats just sad

Premades are no skill games

It doesnt take a genius to put together 8 players throw them on vent and dominate


Winning when you dont know what the other 7 people can even do and adjusting your game to be successful with what you have is skill


rolling pugs in a premade is laughable


3 people on vent coordinating in a pug match is just really really sad


But hey you get your wish in 1.2 you can hide behind your guild and succeed

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This should change things (hopefully for the better..) when it comes to premades vs the nons. Especially when cross server queuing starts for season 1.


From Gabe Amatangelo Principal Lead PvP & Endgame Designer in 1.2-


The Ranked Warzone matchmaking system will match full groups of eight against one another, solo players against one another

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Wow are you dilusional op

You run with 3 people and focus fire on people and you think thats skill? Thats just sad

Premades are no skill games

It doesnt take a genius to put together 8 players throw them on vent and dominate


Winning when you dont know what the other 7 people can even do and adjusting your game to be successful with what you have is skill


rolling pugs in a premade is laughable


3 people on vent coordinating in a pug match is just really really sad


But hey you get your wish in 1.2 you can hide behind your guild and succeed


I'm sorry. You just said lone wolfing in a PuG is skill. What skill is that? A test in mental endurance?


1.2 brings premade vs premade. If you don't think that is skill based then I don't know what to tell you. If you could do a death match free for all in SWTOR then you would be right that 1 person being successful is skill.

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I've experience a lot of those 3 vs 1's lately, to the point where I'm starting to think that I've made a name for myself and people are focusing me on purpose. Yes, I might have shouted "I'm not the healer, you bastards" out loud while playing. Hell, earlier today I was constantly focused by two operatives and a tracer spammer, I'm not kidding when I say that I died in less than one second one of those times.


It is frustrating but at the same time I'm occupying three enemy players, assuming that I don't instantly die, which is good for my team. The problem with it is that in a crowd or with other enemies semi-close it's impossible to control the attackers in the current tab-system. Often times when I'm trying to CC one and stun another before I run off I will end up targeting a player 30 ft away instead and by the time I've found the right player I'm dead.

Edited by MidichIorian
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This should change things (hopefully for the better..) when it comes to premades vs the nons. Especially when cross server queuing starts for season 1.


From Gabe Amatangelo Principal Lead PvP & Endgame Designer in 1.2-


The Ranked Warzone matchmaking system will match full groups of eight against one another, solo players against one another


As long as that system doesn't give up trying to find another premade when it can't find one in a relatively short amount of time will it be a worthwhile system.


It should put premade vs premade no matter how long it takes. The crying will be fierce because of long queue times (most people play solo), but I'm okay with that.

Edited by Jederix
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I'm sorry. You just said lone wolfing in a PuG is skill. What skill is that? A test in mental endurance?


1.2 brings premade vs premade. If you don't think that is skill based then I don't know what to tell you. If you could do a death match free for all in SWTOR then you would be right that 1 person being successful is skill.


No question more skill (as much as can be used in MMO PvP) is involved with premade vs premade. I don't think anyone is denying that. But 3 coordinated people zerging down random pugs is about as far from skill as you can get.

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