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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Dailies too long and issues.


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I find I am spending to much time doing the pvp dailies. For example the PVP dailies take roughly 2 hrs to do.


15 mins a match u need 3 wins to get the daily that is 45 mins. If u win all of them. However if u go 50/50 u are looking at 1.5 hrs to complete the daily.


There is other things I would like to do but I am spending to much time doing these. Why not just do something else? Because I am trying to get BM gear which the drop rate is extremely low especially for the effort put into completing the daily.


Huttball Issue - Still falling through the floor at times. (Huttball is awesome btw please make more of these arena type matches.)


Voidstar- If the attacker is first and does not breakthrough any doors when defending the game should end as soon as the enemy has broken through the door. Why waste 6 mins etc on playing a match that is decided already.

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You're neglecting a lot of factors here.


I'm almost certain that the only warzone that will normally (barring a very, very erratic Civil War match) last 15 minutes is a full-duration game of Huttball, or perhaps a super-even game of Voidstar. Either way, it's a minority.


A) Fast Voidstar (Clearly-superior team.)

B) Three-cap Civil War.

C) Fast Huttball.


All examples of games that'll take anywhere between 5-10 minutes to finish. Sometimes even less, in the case of games with not enough players. Those only last two minutes.


I have never had three games in a row that lasted 15 minutes. Ever. And I've played a LOT of Warzones. My dailies all get done within an hour. (Depending on if I feel like doing them all at once, of course.

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I don't think 2 hours is unreasonable considering dailies are the only motivation to PvP past Valor 60.


But as someone said, the new system will make dailies much less important so there's no real reason to discuss it. Your Void Star complaint is being fixed, too.


So, we're really just down to a /bugreport at this point.

Edited by dougan
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I don't think 2 hours is unreasonable considering dailies are the only motivation to PvP past Valor 60.


Is it. from about 4-6 hours of free time you may get every day, 2 hours every day is between 33% and 50% of your free time. Every day. Unless of course you design the dailies based on the free time of people with no responsibilities.

Edited by sensiblepoast
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I fully agree that dailys take way too long. I gave up doing warzones when it took over 8 hours 3 days in a row to get the 3 wins. 50/50 is a pipe dream for queuing solo. Now I just do the hope there is some action on Ilum routine. Even worse I have 4 lvl 50's to do those dailys for.


A game that encourages alts makes it impossible to warzone for gear. At 15 minutes a match it would take 10 hours to get them done via warzones. Before you say matches don't take 15 minutes start adding in the wait in queue time, the time lost to disconnects, and the wait for match to begin and end.


Of course it's all meaningless in 1.2 since the only PvP I care about is open world. When that's gone so is my ability to get gear. I refuse to ever play another warzone until the bugs, hacks, and exploits are all fixed and I don't see that ever happening.

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I find I am spending to much time doing the pvp dailies. For example the PVP dailies take roughly 2 hrs to do.


15 mins a match u need 3 wins to get the daily that is 45 mins. If u win all of them. However if u go 50/50 u are looking at 1.5 hrs to complete the daily.


There is other things I would like to do but I am spending to much time doing these. Why not just do something else? Because I am trying to get BM gear which the drop rate is extremely low especially for the effort put into completing the daily.

Huttball Issue - Still falling through the floor at times. (Huttball is awesome btw please make more of these arena type matches.)


Voidstar- If the attacker is first and does not breakthrough any doors when defending the game should end as soon as the enemy has broken through the door. Why waste 6 mins etc on playing a match that is decided already.


It's nuts to take this long to do dailies I hope BW realize this is a huge mistake in the long run that will just kill the game if the thought process behind this is continued a complete daily should be 15 minutes max 30 total. These take far far to long on some servers.....

Edited by LordbishopX
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The ilum one really is meant to be completed on ilum. The fact that you even get some credit towards it at all by doing WZs is a boon honestly.


Anyway, changed in 1.2 so non issue.


The issue is the number 3 are you kidding me 3 and riding around the center of a empty planet with 20 other players trying to pick up the armaments is beyond stupid.... Before the change the daily could be done in a half an hour now 150 minutes if all matches go 15 minutes and ur queues are perfect its beyond stupid...

Edited by LordbishopX
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