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dark side corruption


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I can understand that the more dark side you are, theres more corruption (kinda comes with the territory) but what if you want to be dark side and not have the corruption? i personally think there should be an option to turn corruption off and on if thats at all possible.
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It's an honest mistake. I wish there were a way to set the appearance to a certain level. My red Twi'lek Assassin with Sith Corruption turned on looks a chalky-pale pinky-white color with the worst eyeshadow job ever extending to her mouth.


I wish I could just stay red and keep the menacing orange eyes rather than the somewhat shoddy starting colors.

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It's an honest mistake. I wish there were a way to set the appearance to a certain level. My red Twi'lek Assassin with Sith Corruption turned on looks a chalky-pale pinky-white color with the worst eyeshadow job ever extending to her mouth.


I wish I could just stay red and keep the menacing orange eyes rather than the somewhat shoddy starting colors.


Yes!! I totally agree being able to set a specific level of corruption would not only be a cool idea that wouldn't take much effort from bioware, but it would also help make characters more diverse. One of the things I don't like about this game right now is the absence of diversity. Everyone has the same armor, the same companions, etc. Although at least in 1.2 they are partially addressing this by being able to remove/ craft end game armor.

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this might not be the right thread or anything but its kinda the closest i could find but i found an odd thing with my dark side point after doing a dark side diplomacy quest i gained 1.3999023438 dark side points? whats up with that?
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this might not be the right thread or anything but its kinda the closest i could find but i found an odd thing with my dark side point after doing a dark side diplomacy quest i gained 1.3999023438 dark side points? whats up with that?


It's a known bug that works itself out when you get to 10k (LS or DS).

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It's an honest mistake. I wish there were a way to set the appearance to a certain level. My red Twi'lek Assassin with Sith Corruption turned on looks a chalky-pale pinky-white color with the worst eyeshadow job ever extending to her mouth.


I wish I could just stay red and keep the menacing orange eyes rather than the somewhat shoddy starting colors.


thats the exact reason i had it doesnt look as bad on white skin beacuse its not to big of a difference then any other color and it just looks wrong. first tier dark side is the best id say

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It's an honest mistake. I wish there were a way to set the appearance to a certain level. My red Twi'lek Assassin with Sith Corruption turned on looks a chalky-pale pinky-white color with the worst eyeshadow job ever extending to her mouth.


I wish I could just stay red and keep the menacing orange eyes rather than the somewhat shoddy starting colors.


There is a way to achieve this - stop making DS choices after you hit the level you want, but before you hit the next one :)

Yes, this means you miss out on a couple of pieces of gear that require you to be spectacularly evil, plus the titles, but Bioware will not allow you to have it all :)

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Because there never has been a change shown with LS, neither in the movies or any of the games.


I'm about 90% sure KOTOR had an appearance change associated with Light Side choices.


What would you like, to glow, or have a halo?


Well, I guess I don't know... And it would sort of depend on what the goal is.


I think the current model (Dark Side choices make you pale and give you spooky eyes) is a bit shallow. We've already got races that start out with spooky yellow or red eyes by default, which makes that particular DS visual change pointless on those races... And there's plenty of complaints that the paleness looks stupid unless you're a human.


Are DS choices supposed to make you look scary? Or sick?


If we're aiming for scary, maybe humans get red eyes and pale skin while True Sith turn darker and darker red? And maybe the horns on a Zabrak get pointier? And then LS choices could make you less scary... Maybe make Zabrak horns smaller, brighter-white, more like ornamentation.


If we're aiming for sick, we could incorporate the complexion slider. Start everyone out with at least a few freckles and blemishes... And then DS choices make your skin worse - more wrinkly and pited; while LS choices make your skin clearer and healthier.

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