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focus pvp/pve 7/3/31 build


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I am thinking of going for this build once i hit 47 (43 atm)



Second wind or swift slash can be switched if needed ofc but I dont seem to use slash so much in pvp so a more pve based build would ofc exclude second wind.


To regen hp I am thinking of switching from shii-cho form on 30 centering to juyo form to get a cauterize in for regen to benefit from it fully (with mouse keybinds for forms)


I see alot of posts claiming watchman is the only "real" option but tbh if this works it would make all 3 specs pretty good for pvp and pve once you get close to 50 but it will make it more complex with form switching in combat(wich does not cause you to lose centering btw).


I wonder if anyone has tried this and how this works for them.

Edited by Jonvuu
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Watchman is the only good spec.


Care to elaborate ?


Because I am testing all specs atm and they all seem to work decent with focus and watchman having a shared first place and I cant see anyone giving a proper explanation about how watchman is better that doesnt end with : But I never played focus so I cant be sure.


So yeah... anyone actually tried anything else than watchman? anyone tried to play with 2% dot regen in watchman + focus and form switching?


If not I have rather have this thread die than getting some useless "watchman is better" comments.



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played all 3 to some extent, played combat the most due to enjoying it the most, fits my style , i like the burst, the movement speed increase and the overal control :)


All 3 work decently though and will be more balanced i think after 1.2 also

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Care to elaborate ?



So yeah... anyone actually tried anything else than watchman? anyone tried to play with 2% dot regen in watchman + focus and form switching?




Watchman relies on 3% cirt chance/juyo stack too much, you also need overload saber. If you get overload saber, you won't have any points left for force exhaustion and relying on stasis to build 4 stacks of singularity is a bad idea since it can be interrupted and has a 1m cd.


Combat is supposed to have a high burst, and it does...but watchman's merc slash deals same damage as stacked blade storm. Also, ataru sucks, not only because 220 energy damage is a massive lol, but it also makes proc relics useless (ataru and proc relics share the proc limit)


Focus is the OMGOMGOMG 4K CRIT AOE, and nothing else. Seeing that most people have over 16k hp, this is not enough, because even if u hit them twice for full dmg, that's only 50% of their health gone.


Did I mention self heals?

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Another noob saying Annihilation is the best ever and all other specs are noob.


However this spec will work just not the best focus build.


Don't try changing stances.


Right now I am testing a focus/watchman hybrid build and this one is working just like I anticipated in terms of dmg combined with survival, In pve it feels like the strongest spec ive played so far (questing) and I will have to test it in pvp later and will report back on it tho I was attacked on Voss by 2 players my own lvl and managed to kill one and get the other to 20%.




Its basicly a weaker focus aoe combined with the dot healing of watchman but you build centering very fast to keep it working and when you are low on focus you usually have dots running.


I know many people say hybrids dont work for a sentinel but that only taunts me into trying it :)




Tested it in wzs now and I have to say this build gives me about the same fun as full focus and i live longer due to the healing so its kinda the best of both worlds.

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I am a level 50 sentinel in full champion gear, and just switched to Watchman from Focus a little over a week ago. Watchmen gives the following:


Bigger hits more often

Healing from your crit burn attacks (this is huge)

Better force camo

Chance to reset your slash attack faster and more often

More chance at crit hits


I miss the 3k+ force sweeps, but I wish I had done watchman a looooong time ago!!!

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Right now I am testing a focus/watchman hybrid build and this one is working just like I anticipated in terms of dmg combined with survival, In pve it feels like the strongest spec ive played so far (questing) and I will have to test it in pvp later and will report back on it tho I was attacked on Voss by 2 players my own lvl and managed to kill one and get the other to 20%.




Its basicly a weaker focus aoe combined with the dot healing of watchman but you build centering very fast to keep it working and when you are low on focus you usually have dots running.


I know many people say hybrids dont work for a sentinel but that only taunts me into trying it :)




Tested it in wzs now and I have to say this build gives me about the same fun as full focus and i live longer due to the healing so its kinda the best of both worlds.


Like I said have fun with the specs and if you do relatively/really well you'll have good players scratching their heads as to what your doing. But hybrids aren't as viable currently. :(

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btw, second wind = waste of 2 points.

assuming you have 17k hp, it will heal you for 1,7k.

Not enough to make a difference, especially considering how situational the activation is.


hmm whats this? Someone obviously that hasn't played focus but downs the spec>? No Wai!


Its a force spell that can crit. For 3.4k+ which sure is a waste of points :p,

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Another noob saying Annihilation is the best ever and all other specs are noob.

Don't try changing stances.


That 'noob' is completely right nevertheless.


hmm whats this? Someone obviously that hasn't played focus but downs the spec>? No Wai!


Its a force spell that can crit. For 3.4k+ which sure is a waste of points :p,


It's a waste of points.

Edited by nanohana
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To answer the OPs question about switching to juyo form for the self heals, I'd rather take Focused leap from combat. The extra focus makes setting up your force sweep much easier.


Anyhow for focus, I personally think it's fun to play every so often for pvp. It's fun to watch 3-4 ppl around you die at the same time in the right circumstances. It's fun for voidstar. The few talents I avoid is focused Slash, (because I usually don't bother slashing ppl), and unwavering focus (I just don't hardly ever masterstrike when in this spec). That also means not taking focused slash from the watchman tree. Those are my preferences when playing focus spec.


The downside to this spec in my opinion is it's hard to try to solo kill a healer. So I don't even bother. So it doesn't matter who I am attacking, hopefully there's a lot of them to get force swept.

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To answer the OPs question about switching to juyo form for the self heals, I'd rather take Focused leap from combat. The extra focus makes setting up your force sweep much easier.


Anyhow for focus, I personally think it's fun to play every so often for pvp. It's fun to watch 3-4 ppl around you die at the same time in the right circumstances. It's fun for voidstar. The few talents I avoid is focused Slash, (because I usually don't bother slashing ppl), and unwavering focus (I just don't hardly ever masterstrike when in this spec). That also means not taking focused slash from the watchman tree. Those are my preferences when playing focus spec.


The downside to this spec in my opinion is it's hard to try to solo kill a healer. So I don't even bother. So it doesn't matter who I am attacking, hopefully there's a lot of them to get force swept.


You should be slashing a lot! Probably why healers are giving you more problems. Also masterstrike is sexy when conditions are right (i.e. exaustion is ticking on that healer :p)

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You should be slashing a lot! Probably why healers are giving you more problems. Also masterstrike is sexy when conditions are right (i.e. exaustion is ticking on that healer :p)


Yeah, I agree with the 2 things you are saying. I used to play focus that way, but then, I figured, if I want to kill healers I go back to watchman spec. I know, I know, it's a cop out. To be honest, when I am in focus spec I don't go chasing healers or enemies by themselves. If they're alone, yeah I'll do the above after force sweep bomb and a blade force. I admit to playing Watchman more and knowing that spec better but from my experience playing focus, I need to position myself and I ain't skilled enough to swing and move into position at the same time lol. Plus it happened a lot where when I was doing that the animations have to do their thing and then when my force sweep went off it wasn't optimal anymore.


I'll have to respec and try using MS on those ppl who have been hit with force exhaustion to squeeze out more damage.

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Plz go back to guardian forums :p Even for guardians it will be good talent points.


Not quite sure why you bring up Guardians here.

Anyway let's just take a look at Second Wind, however.

As someone mentioned let's assume we got 17k HP total, so the heal would be 1.7k, which is close to nothing. Depending on your choices of gear your base crit will be around 25%. Considering it's a force skill you can add another 6% from 3/3 Insight (In fact I am not 100% sure it's being affected by it, but in your favour let's just assume so.), resulting in roughly a critical heal in one out of three cases. So even if you would use Resolute on CD (which for obvious reasons you are not going to), you would get a critical effect around once every six minutes.

Now take into cinsideration that this heal isn't even on demand, but will often happen when you don't really need it. Eg. when you are sapped at full HP and need to get out of it to interrupt a cap, when you are being healed anyway,...

So not only is the heal itself very low, but it is also wasted in many cases.

While I cannot deny that in 1-1 situations or the like it *might* have occasional uses, it simply isn't worth the skill points. There simply are too many other things you should get rather than Second Wind.


On a sidenote: The only reason ever to get this skill was for the 2.5k healing medal, which has become obsolete now with a maximum cap for four medals per game.

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Not quite sure why you bring up Guardians here.

Anyway let's just take a look at Second Wind, however.

As someone mentioned let's assume we got 17k HP total, so the heal would be 1.7k, which is close to nothing. Depending on your choices of gear your base crit will be around 25%. Considering it's a force skill you can add another 6% from 3/3 Insight (In fact I am not 100% sure it's being affected by it, but in your favour let's just assume so.), resulting in roughly a critical heal in one out of three cases. So even if you would use Resolute on CD (which for obvious reasons you are not going to), you would get a critical effect around once every six minutes.

Now take into cinsideration that this heal isn't even on demand, but will often happen when you don't really need it. Eg. when you are sapped at full HP and need to get out of it to interrupt a cap, when you are being healed anyway,...

So not only is the heal itself very low, but it is also wasted in many cases.

While I cannot deny that in 1-1 situations or the like it *might* have occasional uses, it simply isn't worth the skill points. There simply are too many other things you should get rather than Second Wind.


On a sidenote: The only reason ever to get this skill was for the 2.5k healing medal, which has become obsolete now with a maximum cap for four medals per game.


Sorry you can't make this work situationally and your math/theory crafting is flawed. By saying "too many other things" you just showed your lack of knowledge of the spec. Y

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