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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

How many people are waiting on 1.2 to return to this game?


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I wish I disagreed with you.


There is so potential with this game. But it released in December, its now April and still we're waiting on the golden patch. I've defended BW along the way, but my server is dying. I don't care what their numbers say. There was 35 people on the fleet this pass Saturday.


Fleet. Weekend. 35 people. !!


I'm hoping that 1.2 works, that all the folks we've lost return and that it indeed revitalizes the game. Because, no matter how much I like it, an MMO without people to play with is not a product I'm paying for.


You do know not all mmos need to have 10 million players plus to stay alive. Standard servers are just that standard and fleet dos not have to have 500 plus players.

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I wish I disagreed with you.


There is so potential with this game. But it released in December, its now April and still we're waiting on the golden patch. I've defended BW along the way, but my server is dying. I don't care what their numbers say. There was 35 people on the fleet this pass Saturday.


Fleet. Weekend. 35 people. !!


I'm hoping that 1.2 works, that all the folks we've lost return and that it indeed revitalizes the game. Because, no matter how much I like it, an MMO without people to play with is not a product I'm pay for.


I just don't think there will be a revitalization. This isn't a complex game system. Its entertaining for what it is, but it doesn't have the raiding depth many users come to expect, nor the raiding utilities we would need.


As far as crating, Zoeller went into some depth in the community Q&A regarding end game items and the impact of reverse engineering, which is nice. But, there still isn't what I consider a complex crafting system. Where are the motivational factors to work towards rare schematics? I don't see them.


And as others have suggested, we need much more content than is available. So many of us have blown through to 50. The trooper class quest ends too early, imo. I don't see incentives for exploration, either. Are they offering new datacrons or drops? No. What 1.2 brings is an update of certain base systems, cosmetics to the UI, the famous Legacy update, which breaks the hell out of the lore, imo. But the base game systems are not improved upon.


I think its over. Its not going to attract the player attention they are anticipating. Its unfortunate, as I had such high hopes for this myself. BW is known for its complex game systems, at least where the BG games and KOTOR are concerned, so I'm not sure what went wrong here.

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I've resubscribed to see 1.2 arrive (it better before the 20th). I've been testing it on the PTS, and I like what I see, but it doesn't change the game in any significant way. As has been said many times in this thread already, it feels more like patching holes than adding anything new.


1.2 is still playing catch up.

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I haven't logged in for like three weeks, or however long enough it takes for them to send me an email about how Khem Val misses the adventures :|


1.2 will get me to play some more because I can finally create the race/class combo I've wanted since before launch. However, it will only keep me hooked until about two weeks after I hit 50 for the second time and realize the endgame is not enough to keep me paying.

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I haven't logged into this game for about a month and I am still paying my Subscription fees. I have been patiently waiting for 1.2 but tbh I am starting to get impatient.


The way I feel is 1.2 will either make or break this game for me, and if it flops I will unsubscribe, if it is good I will go back to playing this game 24/7.


How many people feel this way?


How many people are too busy playing the game to come to the forums and answer this question? Most of the people I talk to in game never come to the forums because all people do is whine.

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I don't see why people keep calling this the golden patch or what ever , if you don't like the game now your still not going to like it in 1.2. the Legacy system is very cool in all but it doesn't effect me that much i have 2 50's I don't think anything is going to get me to level another toon the side quests to level a toon is such a awful grind. I think they really blew it launching with out legacy system. With them showing off that in 1.3 you will be able to get increase exp in the legacy system. that's is like why the hell is that not coming in 1.2 who is really going to care by time 1.3 comes out. my sub ends in 2 weeks i keep going back n fourth if i want to keep playing , at this point i'm not planing to There is not a whole lot to do in this game, It really feels like another un finished game with a lot of broken promises.


If people have already quit the game with it being only what 4 months old now i don't see them returning.

Edited by xilbuster
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I don't see why people keep calling this the golden patch or what ever , if you don't like the game now your still not going to like it in 1.2. the Legacy system is very cool in all but it doesn't effect me that much i have 2 50's I don't think anything is going to get me to level another toon the side quests to level a toon is such a awful grind. I think they really blew it launching with out legacy system. With them showing off that in 1.3 you will be able to get increase exp in the legacy system. that's is like why the hell is that not coming in 1.2 who is really going to care by time 1.3 comes out. my sub ends in 2 weeks i keep going back n fourth if i want to keep playing , at this point i'm not planing to There is not a whole lot to do in this game, It really feels like another un finished game with a lot of broken promises.


If people have already quit the game with it being only what 4 months old now i don't see them returning.


I called it the golden patch because BW is selling it that way. I also said I love the game and want it to succeed, but my server is slow. Sometimes even what I'd call dead. As in there is no pvp or FPs runs to participate in.


It doesn't matter how much someone enjoys the game, an MMO without people isn't worth playing. Im hoping 1.2 brings the people back.

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Just unsubbed today waiting for D3. The new content looks like it will last all of half a week. I can't even get my agent to 50 I'm so bored of this game. Hopefully I can finish my class story before my game time runs out but I doubt it. Grouping is nonexistent, there is no world PvP while leveling because Bioware designed the game around care bears (if I choose a PvP server I want the *********** chance of world PvP going down). This game is like a single player game with chat and PvP tacked on. D3 will be that and more and will be free to play.
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Just unsubbed today waiting for D3. The new content looks like it will last all of half a week. I can't even get my agent to 50 I'm so bored of this game. Hopefully I can finish my class story before my game time runs out but I doubt it. Grouping is nonexistent, there is no world PvP while leveling because Bioware designed the game around care bears (if I choose a PvP server I want the *********** chance of world PvP going down). This game is like a single player game with chat and PvP tacked on. D3 will be that and more and will be free to play.

I'm with ya on that one.


Even though you did choose a PvP server (BW picked a random PvP server for me before the launch), killing players give NOTHING (not even Valor points unlike every other MMOs) unless you like killing players for fun (I don't give a crap about getting killed)


Can't wait for D3 man! Why can't they make most games free to play now, that's how the server population drops.

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This video pretty much says what is on my mind and I'm obviously not the only one that feels this way. This is the "General Discussion" forum and threads still get closed for people speaking their minds and it's pretty sad tbh.



:( That is what the pvp ranking system is?

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This video pretty much says what is on my mind and I'm obviously not the only one that feels this way. This is the "General Discussion" forum and threads still get closed for people speaking their minds and it's pretty sad tbh.



I posted vid in pvp forums

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There is no easy fix to population problem. BW screwed up when they opened up too many servers period. They need to merge some. Please do it. It does not kill a game it enhances it. As for the game dieing not really but people will return for 1. for new content and then leave when they beat it all. that is life of an mmo. Unless they can stay ahead they will always play catch up. Is there ever been an MMo with enough content so peoplealways had soemthing new to do? Edited by LordTie
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I've quit. Not going to pay any more money for this and I don't plan on returning. My server is dead and I don't want to relevel my 4 guys back to 50. Just hanging out in the forums occasionally now as my remaining subscription time ticks away, seeing if they can turn things around.
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Stopped playing just hanging out on the forums until my sub runs out :)


But basicly i did actually enjoy this game,

but they lost me when they just started out turning it into WoW 2.0 Wotlk mold instead, it just basicly quenched my lust to play.


I do understand alot of people do like those changes but when some dev interview started saying that X-server LFG was "worked" on and dual specc would come and that togheter with alot more i deceided i rather left the game early then play a few month and then get disapointed.


Very easy to see that Swtor is going the WoW Wotlk style with all what that means for some that is great and for others like me that is just our cup :D

Edited by Varghjerta
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