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Anyone Else NOT Care About Legacy?


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To me the legacy system is mostly fluff and things that should have been available at launch. I mean....this game has so many other issues, missing features, and most importantly population problems that I'd like to see resources devoted elsewhere.


My entire guild had 3 operation groups two months ago, now nobody logs in anymore to do anything...

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To me the legacy system is mostly fluff and things that should have been available at launch. I mean....this game has so many other issues, missing features, and most importantly population problems that I'd like to see resources devoted elsewhere.


My entire guild had 3 operation groups two months ago, now nobody logs in anymore to do anything...


As long as it doesnt effect anything in PVE or PVP. If it does, BW can **** themsleves and I will not give them another dime.

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As long as it doesnt effect anything in PVE or PVP. If it does, BW can **** themsleves and I will not give them another dime.


oh but it will, it so will, if you want some crack vanillia game that does nothing.......don't know what to tell you. What they're doing with the legacy system is pretty awesome.

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To me the legacy system is mostly fluff and things that should have been available at launch. I mean....this game has so many other issues, missing features, and most importantly population problems that I'd like to see resources devoted elsewhere.


My entire guild had 3 operation groups two months ago, now nobody logs in anymore to do anything...



I don't dislike the legacy system, but yeah it should have been in at launch. All my alts were already made and named and started leveled before I quit, I wouldn't want to restart any.


My main gripe with the legacy system is that I don't see it adding anything meaningful to the game.If you were going to play alts you already knew you were going to play alts.


I see it as something people will spend 10-20 minutes looking at and playing with it when it first drops, then it will be largely forgotten.


Nothing huge or groundbreaking to see here folks.... move along....

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Fluff is good. Very good. Not everything in the game needs to be so serious.





However, at such an early stage in release, extra little features like this that will not add much to gameplay but will still require a large amount of resources are unneccessary.


I would rather have them simply add more operations, flashpoints, and more MMO features in general rather than in essence expand on the single player experience, which they in no way need to do. It's the multiplayer they need to focus on, whether it's the lack of endgame or the population problems, and I think pretty much the whole TOR community speaks in unison on this.

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My main gripe with the legacy system is that I don't see it adding anything meaningful to the game. If you were going to play alts you already knew you were going to play alts..


Well, kinda. For those alt people its probably pretty cool.


I am not an alt person, so it wont be a big deal to me.

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To me the legacy system is mostly fluff and things that should have been available at launch. I mean....this game has so many other issues, missing features, and most importantly population problems that I'd like to see resources devoted elsewhere.


My entire guild had 3 operation groups two months ago, now nobody logs in anymore to do anything...


that isn't biowares fault at all, the guild you're in refuses to play..........that's a choice players in your guild made, not a choice bioware made for them.

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Well, kinda. For those alt people its probably pretty cool.


I am not an alt person, so it wont be a big deal to me.



Well, I'm sure I'll get to read about it on Massively or something.


From the notes I've already read though, they said that bounty hunters can learn force attacks, but they won't be "full strength" attacks and will be "more for fun".


So to me it does all sound like fluff. I'm sure some min/maxer's are drooling about adding sith sorceror attacks to their agent, but its not gonna be a full power attack.So its gonna suck :) So it won't get used.


Linking your toons with lines on a family tree sounds like fun, for 10 minutes like I said before.

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I think the legacy system is awesome and cant think why no other mmo has thought about this before, even if you dont alt now some time in the future you might want to, by the fact that its mixed in with social, valor and alot able to pay with cash you dont even need to make alts as the main thing with alts is presence buffs due to companion maxing.


What this can bring in the future to be added to it when you look in the soon to come part of it on the pts shows that they arnt stopping at what comes in at 1.2.


And think about this for a twist, what happens when an expantion comes out and ow look, a new race for us to play, people will want to try it and look whats in the lgeacy system, an xp bonus for space, pvp and pve. so ye you might not like building alts because you dont like the grind but they have noticed this and taken events to make it better.


Whats not to like. you get it automatically cos you kill something and you get legacy xp. its not like its being forced on you.

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Sounds like you're hoping that they'll fix one issue before another. I hope they work on all the issue, suggestions, implementations. Seriously doubt that it's just this one guy that has a list in front of him of "things that need changing in swtor" and picks on the list based on forums posts or thread counts.


Legacy isn't even in the game atm, it's just a test/bugcheck on ptr atm. So I can't make a solid conclusion weather I think it's good or not, not yet anyway. Also I think devs said that legacy is far far from finished, could be wrong though.

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Sounds like you're hoping that they'll fix one issue before another. I hope they work on all the issue, suggestions, implementations. Seriously doubt that it's just this one guy that has a list in front of him of "things that need changing in swtor" and picks on the list based on forums posts or thread counts.


Legacy isn't even in the game atm, it's just a test/bugcheck on ptr atm. So I can't make a solid conclusion weather I think it's good or not, not yet anyway. Also I think devs said that legacy is far far from finished, could be wrong though.



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Nope not even a little bit. Not a fan of alts and even less of a fan of allowing people to just buy legacy with credits, takes away the server loyalty hence why you got tons of ghost town servers. Only thing worth a damn in this game is pvp personally. Who would have thought that the best part of a story game is pvp?
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My entire guild had 3 operation groups two months ago, now nobody logs in anymore to do anything...


Sounds like a guild issue. Maybe you should look into joining a different one.


Where some guilds are falling, others are rising.

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To me the legacy system is mostly fluff and things that should have been available at launch. I mean....this game has so many other issues, missing features, and most importantly population problems that I'd like to see resources devoted elsewhere.


My entire guild had 3 operation groups two months ago, now nobody logs in anymore to do anything...


Let's get up to 1.3 and see if it's ready for "launch"


Love my fluff, but I'm still not seeing interesting and appealing fluff. sorry. If I can't do HM's or Op's I need my fluff. 1.2 isn't my kind of fluff

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only one thing makes legacy worth anything well 2 things...


1: can unlock ANY species for ANY class for some people is way more vital then gear, or items or leveling or perks... is just plain important! example i wanted a chiss SI since day 1 but couldnt do one, but legacy allows it which is just huge!


2: can access various class buffs while solo, might sound worthless BUT really pretty useful... consider this if you have 1 of each class at chapter 2 can now apply each buff from every class at all times while on say illum while solo questing or what not, or even doing dailys thats pretty useful if you ask me.

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Sounds like a guild issue. Maybe you should look into joining a different one.


Where some guilds are falling, others are rising.


Its my entire server. We used to have over 250 people on the fleet every night during primetime....now we barely crack above 50.....


Last night was the worst ive ever seen....30 people on Saturday evening.

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As a person that considers alts nothing more than extra storage space I don't really care about legacy. I am happy for the alt lovers out there though, it sounds like a great feature for them.


Although I fear it will push the game towards an even more "single player MMO" direction making it harder to find groups than it is now, if that's even possible.

Edited by Destronicus
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Its my entire server. We used to have over 250 people on the fleet every night during primetime....now we barely crack above 50.....


Last night was the worst ive ever seen....30 people on Saturday evening.


This always happens and will always happen. People risk the $60 for the game, try it, and quit after a month, or maybe two. Massive MMOs launch with lots of bugs, imbalances, and all the other fun stuff that drive people nuts. Lesson to learn: don't buy into the hype and play at launch. Wait a few months for the game to be finished.

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