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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

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I thought it was real, since it was so believable for me when I am looking for mini games in swtor expansions. This was a low blow for me... but still kinda funny.


Good one Bioware.


Anyhow, some feedback on future mini games, please make them multiplayer. That makes it much more enjoyable for me, and imo a better use of development in making mini games multiplayer instead of single player.

Edited by VegaPhone
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Ha, you actually had me going in the beginning :p. Don't pull a Blizzard though and actually end up adding a prior April Fool's joke into the game after it's been a long time hoping everyone will have forgotten. No one seems to remember that when The Burning Crusade was in development and they had already announced Blood Elves as the Horde's new race, but they hadn't revealed the Alliance's yet. Then came April Fool's Day and they announced the Pandaren as the Alliance's new race, but shortly after everyone learned that it was a joke and soon the Draenei were revealed. But now they're in the game for real...ridiculous.


Except the pandaren have a presence in WoW. It makes sense that they are released in the MMO.


Are Pandas worse than the other races all of a sudden? That is completely subjective, but if Pandas were horde side then that might seem a bit comical then.


Im not a WoW player, but I enjoyed playing dota.

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Booooo.. really?


I don't get to paint? Same color only fresher?

Or adjust the drives .008 percent?

Wondering when I'll be deactivated?


Man.. guess we'll have to wait till 2.2 patch next April 1st. :D

Edited by Only-a-Lad
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