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Live the Ship Droid Experience!


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The time spent on bogus articles and phony videos is time that could have been spent on bug fixes and patches.


devs and community managers are different teams. do you think that everyone that works for apple creates the code? does everyone that works in a building do the same thing? just because they are on company does not mean everyone does the same thing :rolleyes:

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Well, it will be interesting, not so sure I'm that excited about this part of legacy. I wonder if the droids can be part of a family tree since they can be the main hero.


You do know what today is right?

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I'll admit, this had me going. I thought it would be a mini-game and one of those things like Pirates of the Carribean repair-the-damaged-ship. I realized it was a joke when I saw the whole main-character-becomes-companion thing. Because I don't think anyone would want to be stuck playing as an annoying protocol droid.
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April fools or not. If this was implemented i would abuse the crap out of it. my droid always claims hes cleaned the ship from stem to stern but yet hes never found the dead fish i hid in the engine area. maybe u could control him now and find it. But all jokes aside. i would play this.
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This is what SWTOR is working on maybe should work on server transfers, so we can consolidate the ghost town server and ppl actually enjoy the game !


First of all, the developer is BioWare, not SWTOR.


Secondly, BioWare has many teams. No development time was taken from other teams that are working on the actual game to make this humorous update.


Thirdly, CHILLAX!

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As the mini games and extra story for the droid is cool. I think they are takeing it to far where the droid tells it master what to do. Dont fit in to Star Wars lure or swtor lure. Its a silly child like aspect. This would never happen in Star Wars anywhere. Iam ashamed that Bioware or Lucus arts would ever consiter this to take place. Lets face it they made Lord of the rings into crap. the relationship aspect of the droids are not thout out to will ether. a droid kissing another droid ???? what the heck? one there mouths dont opein..... to droids cant have emotions. Seems like this is just put in for some slap stick comedy. and has no real place in this game or any other Star Wars. but thats my lil rant on the idea. tho its probly just a april 1st joke...;)
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Instead fixing game and adding new content, they still have time to program and record stupid movies of robots washing windows.


Take this attitude back to WoW please, your not wanted here.

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As the mini games and extra story for the droid is cool. I think they are takeing it to far where the droid tells it master what to do. Dont fit in to Star Wars lure or swtor lure. Its a silly child like aspect. This would never happen in Star Wars anywhere. Iam ashamed that Bioware or Lucus arts would ever consiter this to take place. Lets face it they made Lord of the rings into crap. the relationship aspect of the droids are not thout out to will ether. a droid kissing another droid ???? what the heck? one there mouths dont opein..... to droids cant have emotions. Seems like this is just put in for some slap stick comedy. and has no real place in this game or any other Star Wars. but thats my lil rant on the idea. tho its probly just a april 1st joke...;)


Seeing as how this is the third year they've done a joke like this on April Fool's...yeah.

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