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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Server que after disconnect- grace period plz?


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Epic thanks.


This along with server cap raisage will alleviate most of the issues people are struggling with. (The latter already having some effect? Queue times are definitely shorter tonight.)


maybe the higer population cap is excatly what is causing SO many ppl to disconnect with a error 9000....

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I seem to only ever get disconnected when I'm with a group in content that isn't the most stable to begin with, e.g. Boarding Party, The Foundry, and the whole planet of Taris.


I'm on one of those very full servers so even at 10am cst there is a 10 minute queue. It completely destroys whatever group content was going on and I've been left out of numerous experiences now. It is single handedly my largest gripe about the playability of the game as a whole (next comes the bad Galactic Trade Network interface).

Edited by Sireene
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It is single handedly my largest gripe about the playability of the game as a whole (next comes the bad Galactic Trade Network interface).


Mine too. Queue times are down now though. Upping the player cap is definitely not a long term fix though.


Ugh, don't get me started on the GTN interface. Having required fields when I'm not even sure which field the item I'm looking for is in. That and having to retype what I'm searching for every time I switch fields...

Edited by Sireene
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****** riduculous you want us to pay to wait in queue?

**** lock server creation for fking god sake... Your in an instance, your client decides to close on you then you want to relogin real quick, what do you get 45min wait time and a screwed up instance for the rest of ur buddies who have to wait for your ars.




Server Lock with Exceptions: Guild Members or Personal Friend Invites, it will stop random idiot entering a full server.


Server Priority for people who have characters in the server, or above lvl 10 character(s).


Server wide LOCK: This would decrease the population, unlock it when the ratio of players that play every days do not get to "Heavy" / The Red Zone. Is as simple as that.


Grace Reloging Period due to Crash, abrupt close of the client.


On the long run, everything above would be beneficial.

Edited by Baruuki
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Yes. This has happened to me multiple times over the last few days. For whatever reason, my internet connection has been a little wonky and I get disconnected ~1 or 2 times/play session. In the middle of the day when there's no queue and I'm just solo questing, it's not really an issue, but in prime time when I'm grouped up this is a complete game breaker.


Honestly, from what I've seen a pretty big portion of the people complaining about the queues would vanish if they would institute a reasonable relog grace period.

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The reality is, there should be NO Queues. A grace period? You got to be kidding. Waiting for and hour to get in is down right inconsiderate. What I want to hear is:


1. We are going to improve the capacity of the existent server.


2. We will add more servers and provide free transfer to Guilds and/or individuals chrs to these new servers.


Then you would not need any grace period.

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I had made a post about this already but I guess it got buried.


Logged in today and waited 1 hr to get in. Played for 15 minutes before the game just closed for no apparent reason. Started up the game again and got slammed with a 30 minute queue.


I am now typing this because I got dc´d again and got slammed with another queue (going on 40 minutes now and still #100 in the queue). I hope they implement a grace period ASAP because this is getting so old.

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I experienced my first CTD, got right back in. *shrug*


Obviously you´re not on a high population server and are thus irrelevant.




As for me. 3rd time DC´d tonight. 3rd queue. At 600 full this one´s looking to be well over an hour. I´ve officially spent more time waiting in this queue than I have playing the game tonight.


I really love the game itself and don´t mind the occasional crash. But when you get slammed with queue after queue it starts to turn into a real buzzkill.


A 5 minute grace period would make this release experience a lot more enjoyable. Queues are to be expected for big releases, and I don´t mind the initial wait, but having to requeue for an hour or more every time the game crashes or you get dc´d is killing my ability to enjoy the game.

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Might as well post. Same here... very annoying.


I crash straight to desktop twice a night with absolutely no error message. 10% of the time I get sent to the front, the other 90% end of queue. My server has a 880queue right now........


Fix this fast.

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Could we please have some type of grace period to log back in after a disconnect?


Had issues both in guild and in groups, if someone would disconnect for a minute they'd have to sit in a 15-20 minute que to get back in and finish the flash point or whatever they're working on.


i would say give 5 minute grace as sometimes people don't notice until its too late and their game is either hanging or not responding, this just happened to me after i waited 822 in queu for the first time then i play for 20 minutes i got dsconnected for the first time since beta and i got to wait another 800 in queu to get back on...


not cool at all

Edited by Drurua
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