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Server que after disconnect- grace period plz?


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It sure would be nice. Just as I group up with a friend, I get kicked out and have to wait yet another 30 min. But I know, I know, the game has barely launched and there are issues, even obvious ones that could be averted.


I wish I knew if the disconnects are because of something at my end or theirs.

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I'm no developer but this doesn't seem like a reasonable request from a resource perspective. If you connect to the game, it has to connect to an IP address and a port on their end. Once the game launches, your connection is maintained by the client to their server. If you check a netstat on your Windows install you'll see this connection. If you disconnect and expect their servers to "let you back in with a grace period" the server software will have to maintain or be aware of your previous session state in order to "remember" you and let you back in. Think of this on a thousand or more connection basis and you have an absurd amount of resource usage to maintain at the server level. In short, you may sacrifice total server capacity for some of these perks. Is it BioWare's problem that people have terrible internet connections? I think people need to place blame where it's deserved. No MMO ever to be released has had the capability to remember your session, and every MMO ever to be released has had queues. It's just the nature of the thing. No amount of complaining is going to get this done.
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Dear Bioware,


We have all spent $50 - $150 on this game. It's an amazing game and possibly the best game your company has ever released. I love it as do many other people.


What is not loved are the ancient queues.


I would like to see some response from your Community Leaders and some assurances that something will be done about these issues. It's very frustrating for people to wait hours in queue only to be disconnected and placed back at the start.


It's even worse, when you wait in that queue, get into the game and it crashes or d/c and you're put back into the queue. I heard there was a grace period for disconnections, from experience, it places be back at spot 1 in queue and never lets me back on the server unless I cancel.


This has been a major issue both in flashpoints and grouping with guildmates in pvp and the world. People end up disconnected and wait hours to get back on the server.


Personally, I purchased a Collector's Edition. A lot of newer games have rewarded the players who spent roughly three times the money on the game with an advanced place in queue (DCU is one). This would be nice as well, but right now...


You guys need to fix these queues. It's not the fact that we have to queue. Queues/Lines/waiting are a part of life. It's losing our spot in line constantly and having to get back in line overand over.


I am also not a network programmer but even at full capacity, the servers seem very stable and not all that full....


Regards and happy holidays,


Captain Will Solo

Guild Leader of Saviour

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+1 . My connection tends to drop every 4 hours or so on average and sitting on a 1500-2500 people queue all over, while already having waited it out once is simply absurd. Best part is when the disconnect happens after waiting in queue already for 1,5+ hour..
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I'm no developer but this doesn't seem like a reasonable request from a resource perspective. If you connect to the game, it has to connect to an IP address and a port on their end. Once the game launches, your connection is maintained by the client to their server. If you check a netstat on your Windows install you'll see this connection. If you disconnect and expect their servers to "let you back in with a grace period" the server software will have to maintain or be aware of your previous session state in order to "remember" you and let you back in. Think of this on a thousand or more connection basis and you have an absurd amount of resource usage to maintain at the server level. In short, you may sacrifice total server capacity for some of these perks. Is it BioWare's problem that people have terrible internet connections? I think people need to place blame where it's deserved. No MMO ever to be released has had the capability to remember your session, and every MMO ever to be released has had queues. It's just the nature of the thing. No amount of complaining is going to get this done.


Is it BioWare's problem that people have terrible internet connections?


What about just client crashes/errors etc that have nothing to do with ure internet connection.

Edited by Vlammenzee
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I had to wait in a que only to be told that I was disconected from the server when I got to the front. Now....you guessed it...back in que. I'll have this happen a few times when there is no wait. I'll be damned if I get put in a que 2 or 3 times before I can get on.


As stated earlier in this thread. I'm paying for the game (in my case CE version) and a monthly fee. At this point I can only see this getting worse when the 20th hits unless they move people around and/or open a lot more servers.


Maybe I'm off base here since I just worked 13 hours and am tired and want to relaxe with with a few hours of ToR. Err wait scratch that ToR part....I can't get on...

Same thing just happened to me :(

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it was just unfortunate that they did not think about DC/crashes.. I bet it's so simple to check the login and the time it was last seen ingame and how it left the game.


10 mins check should do the trick as 5min can be a little short and 15min is just over the top;-)


hope they will propose a solution in the nearest future

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BW still has not taken this seriously? Omg...


I guess they have decided to lose a bunch of customers due to their inability to copy an easy feature from almost all recent MMO launches.


Or they might think this discourages people from rolling on super populated servers...

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YES! This drives me F-ing mad. Just got and disconect from server and back into the que again! I never had any problems until server got fulll. I just changed server to one with light load to get away from ques and now this ones got ques now! Eather CAP so ques cant happen or get better servers. Edited by fleischer
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Just happened to me a few hours ago (still in queue cause of it) when playing my internet connection went down for like 10ish minutes. I logged back on in hope that I was still able to get in instantly - but no. Ended up on spot 1745 and a huge /sigh on my part.


This is a serious issue that needs to be overlooked asap. Atleast a 10-15-min period after getting disconnected (not when quitting the game manually on purpose with the ingame quit function).

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god dammit, i dissconnected during the last boss on Cademimu, and got put in an hour logn queue again, this game is really pissing me off now, i spent £130 on CE, bought the 6 month payment package, but its all pointless if I cant get into game, specially when ive been playing fine.


Ive also just learnt from some guild mates that taris has a memory leak problem, so im not looking forward to goign there, since everytiem the game crashes, i'll be bumped back into a queue

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Could we please have some type of grace period to log back in after a disconnect?


Had issues both in guild and in groups, if someone would disconnect for a minute they'd have to sit in a 15-20 minute que to get back in and finish the flash point or whatever they're working on.


Vaeli for president! ...of Bioware, cus the support sucks balls.

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They probably aren't prioritizing fixing this because it makes the queues move faster. Screws over people with crappy connections though. It just takes this happening once to get the blood boiling. Edited by ZtruK
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