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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Server que after disconnect- grace period plz?


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D-d-did they just fix it?! I dc'd and got back on right away. :eek:


Nope. Nevermind. Dc'ed AGAIN and got put in the queue. Guess I got lucky.


Why is it I'm having an unusual amount of DC's when this queue problem is happening? What an awful coincidence. That's at least 10 times today.


Well - screw it. I'm going to play Skyrim. Not even touching this until they fix it.

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I'd recommend a three minute grace for dc'es. It allows the game client time to re-establish connection with the server and covers for small ISP mishaps. Five at the max. Anything else really taxes the system too much.


Also, why can;t you guys apply the queuing system from the game to your phoneline? That way we know how many people are in front of us while waiting for you to answer!

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Last 2 days I have been getting random CTDs up until then its been fine but I'm now having to wait in a Q for 4hrs each time.


Take today for instance I logged in at 4:30pm in position 1600'ish and finally got to play at 8:20pm where after 30mins I crashed to desk top bang back at position 1600'ish that was my Tor play done for the day.


A grace period would really help ! :eek:

Edited by nkitch
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I love this game, It's the BEST MMO I have played, except for this having to wait X Minutes or longer to log in and play. Bioware better come up with something quick to fix this or they are going to start losing people like crazy. I am not going to pay $15 bucks a month to sit and wait to play. I should be able to log in and play without waiting.
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Last 2 days I have been getting random CTDs up until then its been fine but I'm now having to wait in a Q for 4hrs each time.


Take today for instance I logged in at 4:30pm in postion 1600'ish and finally got to play at 8:20pm where after 30mins I crashed to desk top, that was my Tor play done for the day.


A grace period would really help ! :eek:


The funny thing is early game access was enabled to fix this very problem, to make it so que times weren't so big, but like i said i honestly dont mind the wait if i didnt have to wait it 8 -12 times a day to actually get in because i dc every 40-60 minutes and there is nothing i can do about it

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2 nights in a row, DC zoning into a WZ, game restarted in under 3 minutes,


Oh, how you doin' 1200 Q . . .


this is how you are treating your most loyal customers . . . .


Last 2 nights ? and was it crash to desktop or lost connection ? was it running ok before that I only ask as its in the last 2 days I started getting crashs

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Was 700 in queue, waiting about 50 minutes finally got in. Played about an hour-ish got DC'd and I'm now 1023 in queue. I'll come back in an hour and a half. But this is nuts, if this wasn't a grace period I would discontinue my account until this is addressed. I like the game but I don't think I should need to plan to login an hour and a half before I feel like playing.
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Last 2 nights ? and was it crash to desktop or lost connection ? was it running ok before that I only ask as its in the last 2 days I started getting crashs


other than DC's zoning into WZ's the game had been running fine.


Both times relogged within 3 min, both times placed in a 1 hr / 1000+ Queue.


WTB transfer off the Fatman, my chubby chasing days are over.

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This needs to happen. It's inexcusable that this isn't already a part of the system.


Iron Citadel has 1 hour + queues at any given time. That, paired with the fact that my laptop is overheating semi frequently, is making playing the game VERY frustrating.


I don't mind queues...I get the need for them. But there's no reason to have to wait in an hour-long queue twice (for a total of 2 hours) for as little as 15 minutes of game time sometimes.

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I was real busy today. When I finished doing a bunch of stuff that was really tiring I logged on to SWTOR to have a good time and relax. 30 Min queue, cool no problem. I waited 30 mins, did something while time passed and got in.


I did 2 quests in the city and went to follow my story and ... disconnected ERROR 9000


Client didn't even quit, I just got d/c from the server. Next thing I know? Queued again, and it was a longer queue.



So, am I angry? No, I am too tired to be angry... But seriously, 3 mins of reserved time to log back in when these errors occur would solve a problem for us customers.

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Crashed on Taris, no biggie, hour long queue.


Get on, fly to Republic Fleet, start crafting and get disconnected from server for some reason. Reload the game within 90 seconds, right back to the end of the queue.


Unacceptable and irritating that Bioware has overlooked this, since their game is essentially still a beta.

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Crashed on Taris, no biggie, hour long queue.


Get on, fly to Republic Fleet, start crafting and get disconnected from server for some reason. Reload the game within 90 seconds, right back to the end of the queue.


Unacceptable and irritating that Bioware has overlooked this, since their game is essentially still a beta.


would also be nice if they would at least let us know if this is a possibility instead of letting this thread just stretch on with no response

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