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Server que after disconnect- grace period plz?


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3) Macros & Mods: If you intend people to raid, this is a must. Try raiding with a hardcore WoW guild without mods and macros, and see if they let you stick around. Drop this "bad players need them" crap. Honestly, try that with a top raid guild and see if they don't laugh as they boot you from the guild.



This is not WoW. You dont need mods or macros if you know what you are doing and know how to play your class. Dont confuse this game with another. Along with mods and macros comes the bots and gold sellers. We really dont need them do we. If you cant do an instance in this game then you really need to rethink your choice of game. Maybe consider that other panda game.

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I have yet to see any good arguments for not moving servers, since you knew about the queues likely from level 15 and below, which is nothing. And if your guild is dumb and won't move, then how is that anyone else's problem?


I just don't get it.


What was the point of assigning guilds to servers and having them pick allies and adversaries then. What I don't get is your logic. Because you have none.


I highlighted the most relevant part of your post as well.

Edited by Tortoises
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i dont really mind the queus atm. Im on Legion of Terrow, and saterday i got a 3hour queu, but i know it will be less when the servers will opperate @ 100%.


i think it's a very smart move to let them funtion at like 60% now, so no-one is joining the full servers, and when the game fully releases, there is a better spread over the servers, and no-one will have long queu's anymore.


It's maybe frustrating for now, but it's the best decision they've made!

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This is not WoW. You dont need mods or macros if you know what you are doing and know how to play your class. Dont confuse this game with another. Along with mods and macros comes the bots and gold sellers. We really dont need them do we. If you cant do an instance in this game then you really need to rethink your choice of game. Maybe consider that other panda game.


Ok, I figured someone would respond with this. Let me reiterate since you are slow in comprehension. We don't NEED anything to play this game, but they make the game more bearable and more enjoyable. And making the assumption that bots and gold sellers comes from mods and macros is ridiculous. That is like saying if guns didn't exist, then people wouldn't get murdered.


Just because you don't like to use mods and macros, doesn't mean everyone else doesn't. It is an option to make the *GAME* more *ENJOYABLE*. Oh my God, what a concept! A game being more enjoyable?! Why would anyone want to get more enjoyment out of a GAME? That's preposterous! Inconceivable! Especially a game they pay for! <GASP>


See how little sense you make? Yeah, I know you see it but just won't admit it. If end game raiding has any bit of difficulty then these things will be required. If you don't think so, try going up against someone else who uses them and see who gets invited back to the next raid.


HINT: It won't be you.

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i would like a small 2 minute grace window to be able to log back into queue position or game if kicked from either.


please try keep it on this topic coz bioware might actually listen.




or maybe not lol


You know.. I see these threads almost constantly, and not once has someone actually sat down and thought about how this would all work??


First?? Anyone care to consider how the server is going to track when you are disconnected from the server.. In almost all cases, you are disconnected because of some internet issue and have to time out on the server in order for it to know that you left.. How is the server supposed to know if you have been disconnected or left of your own accord to go to bed or do something else?? Now you want the servers to track you and save you spots when the internet disconnects you.. This will most likely never happen..


If you have ever been disconnected before the queue issue and try to reconnect right a way.. You would get an error that you character is already on that server.. So you have to wait for your character to time out before you could log back in..


So in all honesty.. What you all are asking for is not fair to others, and should't be done.. No spots should be held for any amout of time on the off chance that you DC'ed.. The server has no way of knowing why you disconnected.. So holding a spot for you is wrong.. Nobody should have to wait for the server to decide if someone was disconnected by the internet, or disconnected on their own accord..


I am sure you all will continue to rant however.. But there is nothing here for Bioware to listen to nor are their any changes they can make..


Your best chances of accomplishing anything are simply to help them end the queue issue all together.. After all.. If they fix the queue issue, any money or effert put into holding spots in the queue is wasted and pointless..


So.. Choose your battles wisely.. The issue here is the queues and not holding spots when disconnected.. :cool:

Edited by MajikMyst
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How is the server supposed to know if you have been disconnected or left of your own accord to go to bed or do something else??


Hello, this is an MMO. You don't think the server is in constant communication with your client, even if your not doing anything? Here's how it would know. If it received a message that you were quitting/disconnecting....

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Hello, this is an MMO. You don't think the server is in constant communication with your client, even if your not doing anything? Here's how it would know. If it received a message that you were quitting/disconnecting....


HELLO!!! How is it supposed to know why you disconnected?? I am aware how all this works!! But the server does not disconnect you.. The internet does.. The only way the server knows you have been disconnected is when you time out which is what I said..


Thanks for not reading and have a nice day.. :rolleyes:

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UP we really need grace period, crashed with no reason to desktop after a 5h queue on tofn, this is a shame, all day long 6h+ queue, 1-2h at late night rofl. Gimme free xfer also


Ending the queues is the answer.. Not a grace period..


There should be no grace period.. Nothing that will make the queue lines any longer for others..


If you get DC'ed.. That is bum luck.. Get a better ISP or something... It isn't Bioware's fault or issue that you were DC'ed.. Their server is not DC'ing you.. The internet is..

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HELLO!!! How is it supposed to know why you disconnected?? I am aware how all this works!! But the server does not disconnect you.. The internet does.. The only way the server does is when you time out which is what I said..


Thanks for not reading and have a nice day.. :rolleyes:


You're being pretty thickheaded there. If you logoff and exit or afk for too long or manually quit the game then the server immediately should give up your spot to the next person in line. If you disconnect in any other way, shape or form then it should hold your spot for 5 minutes on the assumption that it wasn't your intention to stop playing. That's how it works for WoW and queues were not a big deal there even when they get to levels similar to the ones being seen now in SWTOR.

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Two full days and still no official response to this issue.


Not setting a good precident for service, bioware...


Try reading the sticky at the top of the page.. They are more concerned about queue times than they are holding spots for people that are QQ about getting disconnected.. You getting disconnected is not their problem and nothing for them to fix.. Their servers are not DC'ing you.. Your ISP is most likely the issue.. Either that or your location.. Whatever the issue, it is beyond Bioware's control..




There is there response..

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HELLO!!! How is it supposed to know why you disconnected?? I am aware how all this worked!! But the server does not disconnect you.. The internet does.. The only way the server does is when you time out which is what I said..


Thanks for not reading and have a nice day.. :rolleyes:




I really hope you arent this clueless.


The server doesnt NEED to know WHY you disconnected. It just needs to skip the queue if you reconnect within five minutes.


If you intentionally left then it doesnt matter. If you went afk for fourty five minutes and it booted you after ten then it doesnt matter. But if your isp cut out for thirty seconds, or your router got reset, or your game crashed to desktop then youll be able to get back in rather that completely destroying your group or operations chance to complete whaever you were doing.


This is a very simple solution that every top-shelf mmo i have ever played had in place.


Hell, i even had code similar to this on the old MUD i used to run, over a decade ago. If someone disconnected it would hold their character in a suspended state for a short period of time so that if they reconnected it would simply bind their socket back to the suspended character so they didnt have to start back at the normal login point. Same concept, slightly different scenario.

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Try reading the sticky at the top of the page.. They are more concerned about queue times than they are holding spots for people that are QQ about getting disconnected.. You getting disconnected is not their problem and nothing for them to fix.. Their servers are not DC'ing you.. Your ISP is most likely the issue.. Either that or your location.. Whatever the issue, it is beyond Bioware's control..




There is there response..


Ive read the stickies and they have NOT responded to this issue. This thread is not about there being queues. Queues are normal at this stage of the launch of a game, though these are definitely longer than they should be.


This thread is about a basic que function that every major mmo uses being missing from swtor, with players being punished for deficiencies in the game.


And im pretty sure error in which the game crashes to desktop are not isp errors, when no other internet service disruption is present. Its a new game. Bugs happen. That is also a normal part of a new launch. But punishing entire groups because one member had a crash to desktop is bad game design, and is completely fixable just by adding a grace period.

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You're being pretty thickheaded there. If you logoff and exit or afk for too long or manually quit the game then the server immediately should give up your spot to the next person in line. If you disconnect in any other way, shape or form then it should hold your spot for 5 minutes on the assumption that it wasn't your intention to stop playing. That's how it works for WoW and queues were not a big deal there even when they get to levels similar to the ones being seen now in SWTOR.


I am not thick headed.. You are just not thinking..


If you disconnect or whatever.. The server sees you as diconnected.. But if you are DC'ed and you character times out, the server still sees you as disconnected.. To the server there is no difference.. You are no longer connected to the server.. The server doesn't care why or how.. It just knows that you are no longer connected to the server..


So now you are asking the server to determine how or why you were disconnected so it knows to hold a spot for you or allow someone else to join.. That is simply unrealistic and stupid in my view.. The answer here is to get rid of the queues.. Not make them longer for everyone to hold spots for people as they get disconnected, or degrade performance as the server tries to determine how and why you were disconnected..


This is all pretty simple here.. The problem is the queues, not the debate as to whether spots should be held.. Holding spots is a null issue and completely pointless.. Fixing the queues fixes both problems does it not?? If there are no queues then there is no need to hold spots is there??


I am just trying to get everyone back on track.. Help fix the real issue and not make new ones that are pointless..



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I really hope you arent this clueless.


The server doesnt NEED to know WHY you disconnected. It just needs to skip the queue if you reconnect within five minutes.


So?? Now it is supposed to track when everyone disconnects and hold spots??


Give me a break?? I really hope you aren't that clueless..


No thought to the poor people waiting in the queue that now have to wait an extra 5 minutes to use your spot.. How kind of you..


How about we just fix the queues and be done with it?? That would be the smart move if you ask me.. :rolleyes:

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I found a great, great fix for this!!


Whenever I get dc'd, or I get home from work and want to play, I log in and get in queue. Step one now complete.


Next, I boot up World of Warcraft. Then I get in the queue for the Looking for Raid. Two queue's? No problem. I can handle it.


The queue for Looking for Raid pops, I squeal with joy and remember that I still have hours of waiting to do in order to get into SWTOR. This makes me vomit in my mouth.


I then wipe my chin clean of any remaining throw up and get into the raid. A player tells me how good I look in my transmog set. I feel b a l l i n. As opposed to ballin.


My group kills the first boss, I alt tab to check queue and become mesmerized from watching the queue numbers drop. When I awake, boss number two is dead.


This continues, at some point my group wipes but I don't care, I'm just passing time and getting loot. Do I play this game anymore? Nah, I play Star Wars: the Queue and don't have time for childish **** like this.


I flex my epeen and talk about my gear score, using the words "bro" and "brah" intermittently to fit in. No one suspects I am an impostor.


Before I know it, Deathwing is defeated. I've only wiped on him 8 times tonight, being afk for almost all of those attempts. I am so good at /follow.


People cheer my prowess in the streets, ooh and aww at my large sword and glowing spectral kitty that I charged to my mom's credit card but I don't care. I'm better than this. I know I'm about to turn to the dark side, but there's a queue for that too, and I'm just not high enough to navigate it safely.


SW:tQ pops and dings, signaling that my time has finally come, I am now entering the game. I rejoice, let out a howl, and begin to play. I check my mailbox. And I yawn. I think to myself, that was fantastic, shame I don't have time for another Q before bed, I think I'll just tuck in early for the night.


I head to bed, but my wife asks me to take a number, I turn and look longingly at the computer, surely there must be some quick queue and I can idle in before sleep...

Edited by Eohnavi
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