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Server que after disconnect- grace period plz?


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Meh... The wors thing is that I and probaby more people on popular server start getting heart attacks every time the game lagg or freez for few seconds, becasue of the fear of 2k long ques while you are in the middle of the flashpoint.


This is not what is was expecting for a game that would "Blow my mind" ;p


its blowing my mind, but it aint the Gameplay, its the lack of game time:o

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Could we please have some type of grace period to log back in after a disconnect?


Had issues both in guild and in groups, if someone would disconnect for a minute they'd have to sit in a 15-20 minute que to get back in and finish the flash point or whatever they're working on.



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Just adding my voice to this request.


Just spent about an hour recruiting a group for a mission, then had a brief powercut. Took less than 5 minutes to get my PC restarted and the game loaded back up. But now I'm waiting in a half hour queue to get back in and will have to start over trying to form a group. Most of all I feel guilty for dropping out on the people I had recruited in the first place.

Edited by Torikae
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Just adding my experience here as well.


Waited 2 hours on red eclipse, got disconnected as the counter hit 0, and am now starting the 2 hour queue again.


Seems a bit over the top doesnt it?


And it happened again :)


This time I only had to wait 1 hour before the disconnect though. And there were only 561 people ahead of me in the queue.

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Since they closed my thread ( I didn't see this other one ) I'll just post what I said on it, here.




Longer "Grace Period" when logging back in after a disconnect. | Today , 09:05 PM



Hey, yes we all hate these queues. I know you are working on it as well. But here is a description of the problem and suggestion:


Today I have been able to play the game for a decent amount of time, except when my internet decided to drop during the dialogue at "The Forge" on Tython, and when I logged back in I was placed in a queue of 100 people.


I finally was able to log back in. Anyway long story short, I finally get to Coruscant and my internet drops again. I go to rejoin the server and now im in a 345 person queue.



I think that there should be a longer "Grace Period" tied to your account in the event of a disconnect. This grace period would allow you to skip the queue time and simply log straight back into the game in the event you have an internet disconnect. It completely breaks the flow of the game to have to log back in to a long queue and a long wait time.


When it comes to raiding and PvP, instances like this will be the deciding factor between winning and losing, as you essentially will be losing a raid or pvp member for an unknown period of time.


Usually this generates animosity towards the person who dropped, even though his internet dropping out is beyond his control.


So anyway I think about 5 minutes would do perfectly to amend this problem. Other MMO's have already implemented this and it works fine.


Other than that, thanks for an excellent Star Wars game!



Edited by Tortoises
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Bioware really needs to do something about this... I waited 2 hours to get in... played for 3 hours and was having a blast but then the game crashed to the desktop. Now I'm on queue again for more than 2 hours... and still my position is 365...


This is EGA and we have to be comprehensive... but I think people will not accept this after the 20th. This a major issue and will make costumers rage. This game is a big thing, sure, but Bioware should have been prepared for this and they are showing us that they weren't.


Lost a full Sunday for 3 hours of play... not acceptable.

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well, i managed to watch an entire soccer game thanks to a disconnect that happened 20m before the game started., now the game is over and im still in queue.


i took 30 seconds to reconnect, i just changed from cable to wireless and relogged. 1550 queue..


now im at 150

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I have waited in queue for 2 hour just to get to log in and play.

If I am going to PAY to play this game I am here to tell you Bioware I will not do so.

Unless you increase the population size of your servers .

A person should not have to wait in line in a queue 1100 people deep just to play a game any game for that matter.

This is the first time I have ever had to wait to play a MMO of any kind.


At the very least give people a chance to move to a less populated server for free if they already have a 20 lvl charecter in a over booked serve I hate to see what it's going to be like when this game goes live.

Edited by Razztrax
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Crashed to desktop, in the queue so far over 3 hours and in position 272 at the moment, simply amazing!


Bioware not being able to implement what all recent popular MMOs have = total fail!


And ignoring this issue altogether and not acknowledging our complaints is really lame...

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This is ridiculous. I'm losing interest fast. If there is one thing that really turns me off in life, it's having to wait for something I have spent money on. If it was free, I wouldn't complain. But if I pay to play, I pay to PLAY, not pay to wait in the queue.


This is another reason why I don't go to theme parks anymore. 8 hours at Disney World and get to go on 4 rides. F THAT RIGHT IN THE B!


Bioware, wake up. You have some major issues that are going to kill this game:


1) Queues: We need a grace period to log back in after disconnect, but we also need priority log ins for Collectors Edition players and Digital Upgrade players. DC Universe did this after it went free to play, and they mentioned that even more people paid to upgrade to premium and legendary status because of this. IT WILL MAKE YOU MORE MONEY.


2) Customization: Let us move the damn windows on the screens. Not everyone likes stuff in the same place. Not everyone uses a single monitor. Not every monitor is the same size and resolution.


3) Macros & Mods: If you intend people to raid, this is a must. Try raiding with a hardcore WoW guild without mods and macros, and see if they let you stick around. Drop this "bad players need them" crap. Honestly, try that with a top raid guild and see if they don't laugh as they boot you from the guild.

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I have yet to see any good arguments for not moving servers, since you knew about the queues likely from level 15 and below, which is nothing. And if your guild is dumb and won't move, then how is that anyone else's problem?


I just don't get it.

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Today i been able to play for 10 minutes.


First time i got in, I had to leave direcly. (i know bad planning, i didn't expect the queue to be 2 hours).


Then I got back 4 hours ago.


Was in queue for a bit more then 2 hours and computer restarted itself.


Now again in queue for more then 1 hour.



Comeone bioware please let me play more then I queue at least.

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