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Most fun thing about being a Sentinel (PvE)?


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I am on the fence on Sent vs Guardian - what is the most fun thing about being a Sent? High DPS? Fun AOE? A specific attack that is just fun to see?


Once dual specs hit (eventually) with a Guard I could tank or DPS - with Sent I'll be loked into DPS. But if it is a lot of fun, I'm in.

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I have an Immortal 50 Jugg and I just made a Sentinel tonight. The Sentinel is as much fun at level 13 as my Juggernaut is at 50, if not more. Granted my experience is limited, maybe it sucks later, but I had a blast playing it tonight. I pvp'd for the first time and tore through people, pretty much a wrecking ball to every mob I've found too.


Dual wielding seemed gimmicky to me at first but after looking at the same animations for three months on my Jugg it actually looks pretty awesome.


Looking back on my SWTOR experience thus far I would change two things. I would have rolled on Fatman from the start and definitely would have made a Marauder instead of a Juggernaut!

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I have an Immortal 50 Jugg and I just made a Sentinel tonight. The Sentinel is as much fun at level 13 as my Juggernaut is at 50, if not more. Granted my experience is limited, maybe it sucks later, but I had a blast playing it tonight. I pvp'd for the first time and tore through people, pretty much a wrecking ball to every mob I've found too.


Dual wielding seemed gimmicky to me at first but after looking at the same animations for three months on my Jugg it actually looks pretty awesome.


Looking back on my SWTOR experience thus far I would change two things. I would have rolled on Fatman from the start and definitely would have made a Marauder instead of a Juggernaut!


Pretty much agree with everything here :) I leveled a Defense Guardian to 50, and it was fun, but i'm having a blast with my Sentinel. The party buffs are great, and you're tough enough that your healer doesn't really need to give you constant attention.

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I have an Immortal 50 Jugg and I just made a Sentinel tonight. The Sentinel is as much fun at level 13 as my Juggernaut is at 50, if not more. Granted my experience is limited, maybe it sucks later, but I had a blast playing it tonight. I pvp'd for the first time and tore through people, pretty much a wrecking ball to every mob I've found too.


Dual wielding seemed gimmicky to me at first but after looking at the same animations for three months on my Jugg it actually looks pretty awesome.


Looking back on my SWTOR experience thus far I would change two things. I would have rolled on Fatman from the start and definitely would have made a Marauder instead of a Juggernaut!


I played a Scoundrel in the start of the game cause my friends did not have room for another sentinel... now they quit the game and I finally started my sentinel from lvl 12 last monday and now its lvl 42 as of yesterday, I dont think i have had this much fun lvling a class since my warrior in wow.


All i can say to you is prepare for alot of keybinds once you hit higher lvl's but seeying you have a juggernaut you allready know this :p


As for the most fun thing... I am not sure yet cause everything is fun but merciless slash at lvl 40 definitely is mindblowing once you get it, the dmg you do after getting it feels like you were trowing rocks at lvl 39 and now have a machine gun.

Edited by Jonvuu
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All i can say to you is prepare for alot of keybinds once you hit higher lvl's but seeying you have a juggernaut you allready know this :p


There have been a few times where I would kill to have an extra finger for all these damn keybinds, lol

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There have been a few times where I would kill to have an extra finger for all these damn keybinds, lol


You can use macros to alleviate that a bit if you have something like a razer or logitech g13/15. And no, it's not against the rules. SWTOR's macro rules allow for exceptions.

Edited by Caelrie
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favourite thing about Sentinel (combat spec specific really) is the pace of play, it feels very very fast, you move faster in combat than everyone else really, you even swing faster (under zen) ive had so many people in HM flashpoints and such comment 'thats the fastest ive ever seen that boss killed' when ive been there, its nice :p
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I have a Shadow and a Scoundrel and started leveling my 2nd alt Sent a few days ago. Just found that THE Leap followed by various of speedy combos are soooo freakin fun and cool. I am LOVING it!


Eventhouh I was 10ish or 20ish, I can crush those people higher level than me. Who needs Force Speed when you can just leap? :p

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The most fun thing about having your main as a sentinel is simply this:


By the time your main is in his late forties, all your alts feel like you've unlocked God-mode when you get to play them instead.


You're doing it wrong.

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My gaming rig is old enough to be marginal at best. Either the last patch swapped some settings for me, or Belsavis has a boatload of background animations that tax it, but everything from Belsavis on has borderline unplayable lag for me. In a class that depends on interrupts, multi-second lag spikes suck the fun out pretty quick.


How well I hit unresponsive buttons is not relevant to how much fun it is. The alts are still playable, so I play them. When one gets to Belsavis, I'll see if the whole game is broken for me, or just my main.

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I have both a Shadow and a Sentinel. For me, Sentinel PvE is fun because:


- the animations are fantastic compared to a Shadow tank. Shadow tank = swing up, swing down, swing up, swing down, throw a rock, throw many small pebbles, etc. The only interesting animations for Shadows *imho* are Slow Time (mainly due to the audio resembling a sonic boom or something) and Infil's Clairvoyant Strike (which isn't all *that* spectactular, to be honest).


Watching my Sentinel force leap in, throw a number of moves in including master strike, zealous strike, and merciless slash, and then turn to the add my companion has been working down and finish it off by hurling my lightsaber at it, is just pure win. Love it.


- Force Leap. Nuff said.


- it's not 100% easy-mode in PvE. My Shadow could stealth past numerous targets, mez others, and reduce a 3 v 1 into a 1 v 1 fight with ease. My Sentinel can't do that, and has to work just a little bit harder to get the same quests done. I can't speak for everyone, but for me that extra work translates into a sense of accomplishment.


- I enjoy the companions better. As a Shadow, only Nadia is interesting for me. As a Sentinel, I enjoyed T7, Kira, and Scourge immensely.


- better PvE storyline. Sentinel's just felt more epic, for lack of a better term.

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The most fun thing about having your main as a sentinel is simply this:


By the time your main is in his late forties, all your alts feel like you've unlocked God-mode when you get to play them instead.


Nope, you're just a shitty sentinel. Don't feel bad, there's a lot of them out there. ;)

Edited by witelightnin
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Hard to pick a single most fun thing about Sentinel. I will make a short list:


First, the animations. I absolutely love many of our combat animations, especially Master Strike. They could nerf that down to 0 damage and I would still do it because of how awesome it looks doing that move with twin purple sabers.


Second, how powerful it makes me feel. Contrary to other people who have said here and elsewhere that it makes playing the other classes feel powerful, my Sentinel makes all the others feel gimped. My Merc's DPS, despite a pure DPS spec, feels anemic. He can't deal with elites because he has no real interrupts to stop them getting their uber powers out. Two strongs vs. my Sent? Never been a problem since the early teens. Vs. my BH? He's probably dead, certainly he's in a fight for his life. If one of them can heal the other or itself, he's toast. For my Sent this is no problem... she just interrupts and kills them dead.


Third, twin lightsabers. Nuff said.


Fourth, and perhaps the best thing about it, is that playing a Sentinel is a lot like playing a COH scrapper... and for whatever reason the COH scrapper was just MADE for me. It's not quite the same here, but close enough, and no other class is anything like the scrapper. I am a COH scrapper at heart, and so I love the Sentinel because it's more or less like that class.

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The damage output is awesome, the animations are really great and it is a fast paced and exciting AC to play.


I'm leveling a trooper, consular and smuggler for the legacy stuff in 1.2 and not having anywhere near as much fun.

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I'm gonna parrot in:


The pace. You're fast at taking down those boring trash mobs. Too many of those around IMO.


The role. This is my first DD (and MMO). It's great fun learning the spatial awareness needed when grouping and just taking down mobs. "Who do I kill next in this engagement?"


The strategy. You gotta learn when and how to use your abilities. It's fun when having to learn how to best use a new ability.


Animations are cool, agreed. Already having leveled a guardian they are not overwhelming to me though. Visual cue for Centering and Zen's blazing hands is nifty though.

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I've played a lot of Melee DPS classes, and this is the most fun i've had in one. Between Merciless Slash, Master Strike (which will become even better in 1.2), and even just plain old Slash and Cauterize, and all the great defensive powers like Force Camo (Managed to escape from 5 Sith Lords in Alderaan by using it) and Pacify (and Awe though I haven't trained it) there is only one problem with Sentinel: Choosing which ability to vaporize your opponent with.
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My favorite things about being a Sentinel? Here is a brief list.


1. The gear. For example, I got this bad ***** Vibroblade on Balmora that looks like a giant meat cleaver, it is completely modable and therefore does as much damage as my lightsaber and... I dual wield those bad boys. I'll post a pic when I can.


2. The strategy. This is no hack an slash class. You have to eval and execute your abilities per encounter. You have to be on top of your game.


3. That little grin I get when it becomes obvious that an Elite or even a Champ is going to need to be burned down fast. It's dinner time and... who's your daddy?!

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The most fun I have with Sent doing PVE, with a CD being able to stand in some boss fights during their AoE spam and keep on DPSing.


Least favorite times, taking on near level champion mobs without Doc. I can do it on my mid level guardian without too much effort, but it was way harder on my sent.


For the post earlier about playing sent to 50 then playing other classes make them feel godly, in a way I agree with this.


Leveling as a sentinel I had to be picky and smart about which mobs to take out first and I had to be all over the interrupting attacks or be killed. All these problems is prior to having Doc, or when you decide not to use him. I mean, yeah if you're 2-4 levels higher than the mobs its all easy but when they're about your level, even with fully modded orange gear with up to date mods, it wasn't the easiest. Leveling my Vanguard and Guardian has been like easy mode. Scoundrel wasn't bad because you could simply bypass mobs. (Although a few boss fights were hard)


So the argument would be, play smart. But on my vanguard i can launch mortar volley and kill a whole group of mobs and move on to the next group, and then the class still has other area type attacks to kill other groups.


My point to it is, I actually found it harder to level sentinel than the other classes. This might be due to its harder learning curve but for new sentinels this is obviously the biggest hurdle.


Don't get me wrong, Sentinel is my first and favorite class. I just wanted to point out that it makes the other classes seem easier to play, at least from my experience.


I have no experience with sages or shadows so I can't speak about those.


PS. I think we have the ugliest PVP gear in the game, lol why the heck do we have backpack is beyond me.

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