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Losing Hope...Fast...


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Ive tried 2 servers now...


First server we played Imperial, and it was nothing but Huttball, Huttball, Huttball...


Mostly vs Imperial...


Ilum was a nightmare...


Nothing but Imperials doing the circle jerk box looting, because there were no Republic players to kill...


So we decided to switch...


Roll Republic...


Was great, until these past 2 weeks...


Now it seems there is no imperials to fight...


Ilum is dead...


Warzones are Huttball, Huttball, Huttball...


And this time, its mostly against other Republics...


Please tell me, things are going to get better...


Otherwise, i will not be re-subbing come next month...

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You are not alone, I now have no doubt that I will not re-sub at all.


I have too many other games and expansions coming out for me to wait around here for months. It sucks to have to admit defeat but this game has turned out worse than AION.


My server is labeled "Standard" in population, pffft 30 people in the fleet is standard? I guess it's great for a single player mentality.

Edited by Quintan
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Way ahead of you guys. Unsubbed last night. I have 2 50's on the Crucible Pit, both War hero and full BM. Can't force myself to play anymore. Was excited for 1.2 until I saw the patch notes. My server is completely dead and Ranked warzones will be a joke on a dead server. No thanks. Edited by Theology
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It sucks when your trying for the interactive experience


I gave up about 6 weeks ago and been playing game as a single player game. Its actually quite satisfying as a single player RPG.


But that doesnt help you with your issues.


As stated, people are leaving. EA may have signed 1 million new people up but what they not telling us is how many of the previous 1.7 left. I think it was allot.


Im on my 3rd server now, my first 2 RP servers were into single number fleet and planet figures when I left for this server 7 weeks ago. When I got here it was 100+ on every planet and 150+ on fleet during prime time hours.


Now its also single digit numbers at prime time.


Merging will not help either because the problem isnt to many servers, the problem is you cruise through everything so fast your done in a month,maybe 2. Most players are not hardcore raiders or hardcore pvpers so they need more then just that to hold them to games.


And TOR simply doesnt have the social elements required.


Last I hear they now talking EXPANSION for some of the social elements that should have been in at launch.


As we all can see (even the fanbois, though they refuse to admit it) the population decline is not waiting for a yearly expansionthats still 8-9 months away.


So hate to say it but if your looking for the active social experience, I dont think this game will ever deliver that. Or by the time it does, it will be to late.


But as I said, if you approach it as a single player game with limited multiplayer. Its actually quite well made. I personally single play it with a audio book playing in back group 5 days a week and then 2 days a week play with a buddy doing heroics and flashpoints togather. Fairly good experience doing it that way!


As for PVP, yeah no interest in what they offering.


If they ever put in pre RA DAoC RVR with relics and controlable bases/keeps and a reason for the entire faction to come togather as a unit. Then I might check it out. Not before.

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It sucks when your trying for the interactive experience


I gave up about 6 weeks ago and been playing game as a single player game. Its actually quite satisfying as a single player RPG.


But that doesnt help you with your issues.


And TOR simply doesnt have the social elements required.


So hate to say it but if your looking for the active social experience, I dont think this game will ever deliver that. Or by the time it does, it will be to late.


But as I said, if you approach it as a single player game with limited multiplayer. Its actually quite well made. I personally single play it with a audio book playing in back group 5 days a week and then 2 days a week play with a buddy doing heroics and flashpoints togather. Fairly good experience doing it that way!


As for PVP, yeah no interest in what they offering.



This game has social features just because you don't use them does not mean they don't exist, not everything is spoon feed to you. The people make a game social, the game can't be social for you.



If you want a social element in a game you can make it happen, if you don't that's not the games fault.

Edited by Jaymanus
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i agree with u 100% hopefully 1.2 will help out with this a bit but if not, then people are gonna be unsubbing.



I got news for you, nothing short of a complete engine overhaul and the addition of a player based economy will save this game.


1.2? 1.2 adds almost nothing.


I can write down on a piece of paper that my 2 alts are brother and sister. That will not make abilities fire off on time or stop the game from turning into a comic book when more that 10 people are on screen.


1.2 does nothing to make the story not be the exact same in act one as it is in all the other acts.


"I've been waiting for someone like you to stop by, we sure could use some help here. I've sent in 3 of my best units and they all died."


^ gets real old after the 15th or 20th time.

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This is where anything you say stopped mattering.


Yet you offer nothing to the contrary.




Legacy-Who cares, most people have already rolled multiple 50s and aren't likely to roll more so they can use some stupid PvE ability every 30 minutes.


Ranked WZs-My favorite thing, but again, my server is dead and my guild already is the best at PVP. Nothing will change except we can queue as 8. But alas, most of my guild has quit, so we won't muster up 8 people anyways.


The fact is, 1.2 is too late. All of this stuff should have been released with the game. It's a 2011 MMO and is already way behind MMOs from a decade ago.

Edited by Theology
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This game has social features just because you don't use them does not mean they don't exist, not everything is spoon feed to you. The people make a game social, the game can't be social for you.



If you want a social element in a game you can make it happen, if you don't that's not the games fault.



Just wait I am sure Blizzard is thinking of a way to make an add-on for lazy people that want to be social.


I hear these same QQ from all the MMOs I have played. It seems people forget the concept of a MMO. People burn content and get to end game and find out that there's "nothing" to do. When people play MMOs with a burn through content ASAP mentaity they are the ones who gladly MMO hop from one to another.

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I agree, this game lost it's appeal very early. Especally when you go back to other games that had a ton of features at launch that this game might never see.


The core problem with SWTOR is the game is lazy.


It's like Bioware took all the lessons that other MMOs have learned in the last 5 years and completely ignored them. Bioware was so busy trying to be different that no body asked if what the were doing was better.

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Yet you offer nothing to the contrary.




Legacy-Who cares, most people have already rolled multiple 50s and aren't likely to roll more so they can use some stupid PvE ability every 30 minutes.


Ranked WZs-My favorite thing, but again, my server is dead and my guild already is the best at PVP. Nothing will change except we can queue as 8. But alas, most of my guild has quit, so we won't muster up 8 people anyways.


The fact is, 1.2 is too late. All of this stuff should have been released with the game. It's a 2011 MMO and is already way behind MMOs from a decade ago.


Honestly, whatever he would say would not matter to you anyway so why bother lol?

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I agree, this game lost it's appeal very early. Especally when you go back to other games that had a ton of features at launch that this game might never see.


The core problem with SWTOR is the game is lazy.


It's like Bioware took all the lessons that other MMOs have learned in the last 5 years and completely ignored them. Bioware was so busy trying to be different that no body asked if what the were doing was better.


Yet you are here and not playing those other MMOs you brag about.

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Yet you are here and not playing those other MMOs you brag about.


Whos says I dont play those games. I just finished quite an entertaining day of Rift after a morning session of Star Trek Online. Both games are 10 times as entertaining as the mess that Bioware is passing off as an MMO.


I just come here to see the sinking ship slip under the waves.


This game is a car wreck in slow motion.

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Whos says I dont play those games. I just finished quite an entertaining day of Rift after a morning session of Star Trek Online. Both games are 10 times as entertaining as the mess that Bioware is passing off as an MMO.


I just come here to see the sinking ship slip under the waves.


This game is a car wreck in slow motion.

He plays Rift and STO and thinks SWTOR is "sinking." Classic.
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Just wait I am sure Blizzard is thinking of a way to make an add-on for lazy people that want to be social.


I hear these same QQ from all the MMOs I have played. It seems people forget the concept of a MMO. People burn content and get to end game and find out that there's "nothing" to do. When people play MMOs with a burn through content ASAP mentaity they are the ones who gladly MMO hop from one to another.


This could very well be the most brilliant way to illistrate exactly how i feel about the *** hats who burn through a game and then complain about lack of end game. Bravo sir, bravo.

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Hello everyone,


We do appreciate when anyone has taken the time to express their thoughts and concerns. We will be closing this thread, as there is little room for constructive discussion and it is mostly a discussion of other games. We ask that feedback focus on Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ itself, and that it is constructive and as detailed as possible.


We thank you for your time and your understanding that we've closed this thread.

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