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Person pvp class favorite?


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Alright, so im just curious about everyones "person favorite" pvp class.. If you guys would leave that class and advanced class.. And say why you like it..


Im more looking to find a good class for pvp.. I just haven't found something yet so I am hoping this helps me decide.. im between OP.. and SA..

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I wouldn't go OP. You sound new to PVP and the OPs/scoundrel skill cap is VERY high.


Go caster....it's a begginers class for PVP and the skill cap is always lower.


THIS IS NOT an insult....there are no MAGES in Swtor!

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pretty much everything I've played has been fun in PVP. My personal favorite however, has got to be the hybrid tank/dps Jugg. Yeah, I know I'm new to the party. I can protect, damage, and have great utility.


Though I would wait to make one until after 1.2 comes. Changes to the skill trees will necessitate a different approach the the current one.

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In SWG I played commando until about the last month before it shut down, and then I went spy to troll everyone.. In WoW I played BM hunter.. FIRE mage.. not frost.. Death knight.. Range/melee.. Uhh it doesn't really bother me.. But it seems ive always played ranged classes.. I enjoyed the Jedi class pre NGE in SWG.. and TK/combat medic..
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I love my Powertech, I chose it because I was a fire mage and a Destro Lock in WoW, and a Pyro Mage in Rift. Nothing ever beats burning people ^.^


As all other games I love the Dot/Direct damage hybrid that fire classes usually are, which happen to be awesome in PvP too :p (any good PvP-er will tell you that do great PvP dps you need two things dots, AND great burst) as it happens PTs got both :) However it is indeed a significantly harder class to play than say a sorc, or a Merc, or a sniper, or actually anything but Maras and Tank spec juggs (Maybe throw in Operatives here too but really they don't seem that hard to play..)


I would really recommend Powertechs to any newbie and vet coming to this game, most fun class, AND you get to BURN EVERYTHING (The burning animation stays thru death :D)

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Best 1v1 class - tank hybrid Sin/Shadow, followed by Ops/Scoundrel, then Sent/Mara Anni/Watch spec.


Best group class dps - Gunslinger/Sniper or Hybrid Sorc (also does well in most 1v1 situations)


Best group healer - All three have their pros and cons, I would go with BH/Commando due to being more durable. But Best heals atm are Sage/sorc, and Op/Scoundrel healers are very crafty with stealth.

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My biggest thing is more having the "controlling pvp class" I like to Hit people like a truck.. But I don't like to die (commando in swg).. and I understand this game is overall balanced well :p




you die but you controll




you live but give up control

Edited by Swidgin
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My biggest thing is more having the "controlling pvp class" I like to Hit people like a truck.. But I don't like to die (commando in swg).. and I understand this game is overall balanced well :p


Well I mean... ehmm lol You can't have both xD Assassins tank spec Kinda are like that (on long fights) BUT again if you want to fight toe to toe and hit people with ROFL huge burst every 1.15% of the time go Powertech :)

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