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Taugrim's Pro PVP Stream with *live* commentary


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I totally agree RB was OP in 1.0.


FWIW, I was one of the (only) RB Warriors who supported the 1.1 nerfs before they went live...




...and the day Patch 1.1 went live and the Warrior forums were full of RB QQ, I was one of the first to say RB was still viable:





I've played one very OP class - BW for 6 weeks at the start of WAR - but I shelved BW to play SM. Warrior was OP in 1.0 but not in the patches I actively played the class after 1.0.


Aside from BW, I've generally played classes that were under-represented or were considered underpowered in PVP:

  • LOTRO Captain in 2007-2008
  • LOTRO Orc Reaver in 2008 - when I started making videos of this class, all but 1 of the vet Creeps on Landroval had given up on as being "too squishy". I shared a different way of specing (high durability, lower damage) that made Reaver much more effective
  • WAR Swordmaster - became my main 6 weeks after launch, at the time was largely regarded as a craptastic class next to Ironbreaker and Black Orc. Later got buffed to parity, then nerfed again
  • Aion Chanter - not even gonna touch this one
  • WoW Cataclysm Prot Pally - Prot rocked in WotLK PVP, but most Prots gave it up for dead in Cata, which was motivation for me to play it




Some examples in RIFT of OP classes:

  • Warrior in 1.0, 1.3->1.4 (before Hot Fix 5/6)
  • Clerics from 1.0 -> 1.3
  • Pyro Mage 1.0->1.2
  • Nightblade / RS Rogue in 1.5
  • Pyro / Dom Mage in 1.6


I played Warrior during 1.1 -> 1.2, when post the 1.1 nerfs Warriors were balanced and in 1.2 with the 24-sec CC DR window, Warriors couldn't reliably snare/root or stun/silence opponents and had a rough time of it.


Warriors became OP in 1.3 with when CC DR window was fixed (reduced from 24 to 15 sec) and their damage talents stacked, but by the time 1.3 launched, we'd re-rolled factions and I went healer because our guild needed it.


I didn't ding 50 on my Cleric until 1.4, which was after the across-the-board nerfs to instant-cast healing in 1.4 finally brought Clerics into balance.




1-2 shot people? Never played a spec in any game that could 1-shot people. That's total cheese, not really appealing to me.


Sometimes I did come out on the winning side against players of my class who were higher level:

- note that the Pally full-heal wasn't needed, I was playing conservative because I wanted to deter higher-level players from (trying to) gank me



I think Taugrim just owned the trolls.

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SWTOR PVP | Bounty Hunter Powertech @ 13-14


Late night ad-hoc streaming session just finished.


We joined a Huttball in progress, lost that match, and then ran the table IIRC for the next 2 hours with an <Irony> premade with players between levels 12-20.


As always, the stream features live match commentary from me, you can hear our guildees talking on Vent, and I take questions from the Chat Room in between matches.




I think Taugrim just owned the trolls.


One of the two people I responded to re: RIFT was trolling, the other wasn't. The troll was trying to stick the OP label on me. My gaming history shows that the label doesn't fit.


I do understand why some people have an issue with this thread's title, and the feedback is good to hear.

Edited by taugrimtaugrim
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Someone needs to tell Faction that you don't need a phD in Mathematics to teach people calculus. Taugrim is a teacher, Faction.


Personally, I'd avoid using words like "pro" or "elite" since they are loaded words that are almost always going to bring flames and trolls. There are some things that just can't be taught via guides. Things such as reaction speed, field awareness, and intelligence.


What Taugrim does well is teach the things that can be taught. His guides are excellent for helping those who are transitioning towards proper keybinding and strafing. They are also good for people to start building a correct PvP acumen. His guides are targeted towards players wanting to do well in warzones (battlegrounds). They are not targeted for professional tournament players, obviously.

Edited by Raggok
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Hi im new to pvp and i really enjoy playing PvP in TOR. I think its better than in other MMOs, or maybe its just more fun for new people like me.


Im playing as a Commando and im finding I have a hard time accessing all of my abilities and getting them off quickly. I have a Zboard and a Razer mouse but I really only use the number keys on my keyboard and my right and left click, and occasionally cycle targets with tab.


Do you guys have any tips on using the UI better?

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Some points that should be made. Taugrim is not the best mmo player in the world, nor claims to be as such. He seems to be an experienced player who offers guidance for those who are new/not sure what to do in pvp etc. His videos arn't intended to cover advanced play and guild vs guild tactics. They seem to me to be a relatively experienced player discussing their thought process. Do I agree with everything that Taugrim says or does? Not really, but I do think he teaches some basics well, even if more advanced 'tricks' are not discussed (advanced play would require analysis by more than one player, because its team based).


One reason I like Taugrim's videos is that I can make my own more advanced concept videos with my class (Jedi Sentinel) and refer new players to his videos so I don't need to discuss the basics. I can say from the outset that I assume you know the basics and have a good non-default hot key setup. I don't like making videos for new players, and that's where Taugrim excels. However, I don't think he is the most 'elite' player ever but really there arn't elite players but elite groups because even an exceptional DPS cannot function without their group beside them.

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Heh, his guides aren't that good and honostly he's not very good...Was watching him last night and he constantly was getting wrecked 1vs1...


He is playing in PUGs most of the time.


Most so-called good player would avoid that and boast themself in Premade settings.

Easy to shine there.


He is mature, a very decent player, not perfect and he has a very nice way in pointing out his mistakes.

Edited by Sabredance
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Was watching him last night and he constantly was getting wrecked 1vs1...


Sounds like you were watching someone else's stream.


Here for reference were the streams from yesterday afternoon / late night:

SWTOR PVP | Bounty Hunter Powertech @ 13-14

SWTOR PVP | Bounty Hunter Powertech @ 12-13

Edited by taugrimtaugrim
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I'm surprised Taugrim even bothers to respond to these guys. He doesn't claim to be the best in the world at what he does. Considering how bad most self-claimed pvpers actually are, he's probably more skilled than 95% of the playerbase. I believe that fits the definition of "elite."
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I totally agree RB was OP in 1.0.


FWIW, I was one of the (only) RB Warriors who supported the 1.1 nerfs before they went live...




...and the day Patch 1.1 went live and the Warrior forums were full of RB QQ, I was one of the first to say RB was still viable:





I've played one very OP class - BW for 6 weeks at the start of WAR - but I shelved BW to play SM. Warrior was OP in 1.0 but not in the patches I actively played the class after 1.0.


Aside from BW, I've generally played classes that were under-represented or were considered underpowered in PVP:

  • LOTRO Captain in 2007-2008
  • LOTRO Orc Reaver in 2008 - when I started making videos of this class, all but 1 of the vet Creeps on Landroval had given up on as being "too squishy". I shared a different way of specing (high durability, lower damage) that made Reaver much more effective
  • WAR Swordmaster - became my main 6 weeks after launch, at the time was largely regarded as a craptastic class next to Ironbreaker and Black Orc. Later got buffed to parity, then nerfed again
  • Aion Chanter - not even gonna touch this one
  • WoW Cataclysm Prot Pally - Prot rocked in WotLK PVP, but most Prots gave it up for dead in Cata, which was motivation for me to play it




Some examples in RIFT of OP classes:

  • Warrior in 1.0, 1.3->1.4 (before Hot Fix 5/6)
  • Clerics from 1.0 -> 1.3
  • Pyro Mage 1.0->1.2
  • Nightblade / RS Rogue in 1.5
  • Pyro / Dom Mage in 1.6


I played Warrior during 1.1 -> 1.2, when post the 1.1 nerfs Warriors were balanced and in 1.2 with the 24-sec CC DR window, Warriors couldn't reliably snare/root or stun/silence opponents and had a rough time of it.


Warriors became OP in 1.3 with when CC DR window was fixed (reduced from 24 to 15 sec) and their damage talents stacked, but by the time 1.3 launched, we'd re-rolled factions and I went healer because our guild needed it.


I didn't ding 50 on my Cleric until 1.4, which was after the across-the-board nerfs to instant-cast healing in 1.4 finally brought Clerics into balance.




1-2 shot people? Never played a spec in any game that could 1-shot people. That's total cheese, not really appealing to me.


Sometimes I did come out on the winning side against players of my class who were higher level:

- note that the Pally full-heal wasn't needed, I was playing conservative because I wanted to deter higher-level players from (trying to) gank me


mark of a true professional, agrees on points that are obvious, gives empircal data when needed, and makes sure to not put down the nay sayers. Ontop of all of that he tries to help the community grow and get better sharing tricks and tips for general purpose.

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I'm surprised Taugrim even bothers to respond to these guys. He doesn't claim to be the best in the world at what he does. Considering how bad most self-claimed pvpers actually are, he's probably more skilled than 95% of the playerbase. I believe that fits the definition of "elite."


The problem is that a lot of PvPers have extremely high standards for themselves. It's how we get better. For example, I consider myself to be a mediocre PvPer. However, after watching Taugrim's videos, I realized that I'm actually better than he is. Therefore, his claim of being "elite" is specious. Did I enjoy his videos? Sure. Do I think he's a great guy for helping the community? Sure. I still think he's just an average player masquerading as an "elite."


Obviously, this is just my opinion. Whether or not the rest of you agree that he's "elite" is not up to me. However, I suggest that you raise your standards. Just because someone understands the basics of a game, and actually actively thinks about his play, doesn't mean that he's "elite." That just means he's average.

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The problem is that a lot of PvPers have extremely high standards for themselves. It's how we get better. For example, I consider myself to be a mediocre PvPer. However, after watching Taugrim's videos, I realized that I'm actually better than he is. Therefore, his claim of being "elite" is specious. Did I enjoy his videos? Sure. Do I think he's a great guy for helping the community? Sure. I still think he's just an average player masquerading as an "elite."


Obviously, this is just my opinion. Whether or not the rest of you agree that he's "elite" is not up to me. However, I suggest that you raise your standards. Just because someone understands the basics of a game, and actually actively thinks about his play, doesn't mean that he's "elite." That just means he's average.


I don't think the word average means what you think it means. Based on the opponents I face daily, if you're better than Taugrim, you're better than the great majority of players. That doesn't shout 'average' to me.

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I don't think the word average means what you think it means. Based on the opponents I face daily, if you're better than Taugrim, you're better than the great majority of players. That doesn't shout 'average' to me.


You compare yourself to serious pvpers who are actually self aware and trying to be good, not random people who queue one Warzone and then never play again or whatever.

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About Taugrim I would like to say this.



He helped me improve my gameplay, no doubt.

Gave me new things to think about, small things, here and there.


But the most valuable lesson I got from watching his videos/streams is that you can actually PvP with PUG's without acting like a total D-bag.


I try to help out more, give better feedback, and generally be a nicer person to PvP with.


It's still annoying as hell sometimes when running with a bunch of "headless chickens", but my QQ'ing has evolved into a more helpful, positiv thing.

Most of the time.

I too have bad days ofc, and sadly some ppl may sometimes get caught on the other end of that barrel.


But I'm working on it. And Taugrim should definetly be the one to thank for that.


So, Thank You!




Edited by Birdflew
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About Taugrim I would like to say this.



He helped me improve my gameplay, no doubt.

Gave me new things to think about, small things, here and there.


But the most valuable lesson I got from watching his videos/streams is that you can actually PvP with PUG's without acting like a total D-bag.


I try to help out more, give better feedback, and generally be a nicer person to PvP with.


It's still annoying as hell sometimes when running with a bunch of "headless chickens", but my QQ'ing has evolved into a helpful, positiv thing.

Most of the time.

I too have bad days ofc, and sadly some ppl may sometimes get caught on the other end of that barrel.


But I'm working on it. And Taugrim should definetly be the one to thank for that.


So, Thank You!




same here

and honesly bird im starting to like seeing you post on here, alwase informative when needed, but willing to put people in their place when they need it.

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same here

and honesly bird im starting to like seeing you post on here, alwase informative when needed, but willing to put people in their place when they need it.




Feels good to know I'm doing something right. That was the plan all along.

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