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Just some facts about female gamers


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<=============== is a Twi'lek.


There should be no hostility in this thread, especially from the OP who posted ... some of her replies seem aggressive..


Girl gamers are girls, guy gamers are guys, gamers are gamers, we are all human, now **** and get along. In the end we all live on the same planet, for now ... >: )

emphasis added

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I don't think the OP was trying to make this thread a place where we, as ladies, can bash our male counterparts or get special kudos for being girls. I thought it was for allowing female gamers to express opinions about being a female gamer. I was surprised, although I shouldn't have been, to see so many people who are really angry about that. I know some gamers just want to be the same as everybody else and that's great, there are clearly methods and strategies to do that. But I appreciate hearing SWTOR ladies talking about their experiences as female gamers. It's nice...and entertaining. Some threads are for constructive criticism, feedback for BW, and many other in-game issues, but the "Community" ones should allow for a more laid back disscusions about whatever we in the SWTOR community feel like talking about, right?


In essence, female gamers should be able to share their experiences in this forum as freely as they like. Its a conversation and just like a conversation in RL, sometimes it might upset people who don't agree, but that doesn't mean that we shouldn't have a "safe" place to discuss relevant issues relating to our gender and gaming.


Thus, here are some of MY experiences as a female gamer (in UO, EQ2, and SWTOR):


1. I love looking pretty - I want lots of pretty dresses! Or at least an outfit that makes me look feminine!

2. The fact that I am obsessed with having a matching outfit drives my husband (who also games with me) INSANE! It also means that our guild-mates and RL friends who play are always sending me things they think might be pretty so I can build more complete outfits. Most of the people I play with are guys, so they don't always know what's pretty, but they try harder becuase they want to maintain our friendship and know that is something that matters to me.

3. I love playing a healer (read "nurturing" lol) class! I also like playing tanks and ranged dps, but heals will always be my favorite. I realize that this is a class preference which is not related to gender issues, but I wanted to share my personal gaming expereince, and that is part of it.

4. I love housing! I am excited for SWTOR to develop more housing type options so I can decorate my starship!

5. I hate running into IWK (someone mentioned earlier - Internet White Knights)! They ruin my playtime and are often creepy...always whispering...ick! Also, becuase I often play healing classes, it takes me some time to strategize and plan out my attacks. I love having Khem Val as my MT for solo content, so I definitly don't need an IWK stepping in and ruining my game!

6. Most of the people I play with are male identified players (some have female toons but still let me know they are guys at some point). Most of these guys are totally cool to play with and can be a lot of fun. I HAVE had a couple of really bad experiences with male players being really gross and innappropriate towards me though. Since I am concerned with looking nice, sexy or whatever and becuase I often play on a weekend with my husband during which time we are both pretty intoxicated, sometimes guys who find out I'm female will behave in a manner that is not cool. And then my husband and I have to explain that I'm not a female looking for ERP but would simply like to have fun with my friends and family on a weekend. But those experiences are few and far between and of course do not reflect the behavior of most male gamers. Like, I've said, just want to share my experiences :).


Well, I'm sure I could think up more experiences I've had as a female gamer, but these are the ones I wanted to share. In general though, most considerate gamers have the same concern; an excellent gaming experience. Hopefully this thread will allow for further disscussion concerning female gaming experiences.

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Well we still need you guys for one thing yet , but we got top scientists working on that problem :p , then "To The Moooon" with ya =^.^=


I am being constantly abused for the lack of a handy aluminum stepladder! While the solution is there I am way more practical it seems.




Not to mention snow shoveling, taking the garbage out ... all the good stuff :o


Did anyone say "massage"?

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I am being constantly abused for the lack of a handy aluminum stepladder! While the solution is there I am way more practical it seems.




Not to mention snow shoveling, taking the garbage out ... all the good stuff :o


Did anyone say "massage"?


Well, women can give each other.... massages..... ummm.... I'll be in my bunk. :D

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Just some facts about female gamers... hurmm.. There's a bunch of guys that fits exactly your points and etc. Seriously, whatever people are, it shouldn't matter who they are in real life.


If in real life, you're a freaky 600 pounds, 3 arms monster that drinks cow blood instead of coffee. What does it matter? In SWTOR or whatever game you play, you're X alias and either we get along or not. Games were never made to be a dating service so people shouldn't care about what a girl is or etc. I'm sorry to be cold like that but seriously...


I've been part of Quake 3/RTCW clans with some of the hottest ladies I've met in my life. On the arena, all that matters was their skills, teamwork and communication abilities and thank god they had it. So ok, in a game like SWG, they spent their time dancing and crafting cloths... whatever, when came the time to grab a gun and shoot someone, they did it with style. Boy or girl... doesn't matter.

Edited by Zag_Stratos
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If in real life, you're a freaky 600 pounds, 3 arms monster that drinks cow blood instead of coffee. What does it matter?


Yay!!! Acceptance at last!!! :D


J/k, but I just had to say it. :p


Also, as to hot ladies playing games... Frag Dolls FTW! :D

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Okay i'll bite where in that quote was the words I am sorry? I thought it was more of a snarky reply to those who decided "well enough people have called this a cry for attention so I'll attack her grammar or other things instead."


I do not apologize for this thread, don't need to resort to saying bite me to the super serious people who came into this thread and had to say "oh this is so pointless." Though it does make me wonder why they feel the need to give it so much attention if that is the case? I honestly wonder if it some how makes them feel better to post how "cool" they are by saying it doesnt matter when it must have slightly or they would have left this topic alone. I have avoided many on these very boards when I know its something I don't care about. But maybe my definition of cool is different some peoples defenses crack me up though.


I am not sorry I made this thread definitely not sorry some people get butt hurt because another wants to poke fun at sterotypes am not a snowflake sufferer but do like to have fun conversations in a forums and to me this is still better then nerf whining, rage quit threads or asking for things that will probably never be implemented.


Reow? ;p

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I don't think the OP was trying to make this thread a place where we, as ladies, can bash our male counterparts or get special kudos for being girls. I thought it was for allowing female gamers to express opinions about being a female gamer.


That is the "special snowflake" mentality that I've spoken about, that allows for women to believe that somehow they are "special" or that anyone actually cares. I'm Italian. I game. Do we need a thread about how Italian gamers feel? Do we need an Italian male gamer over the height of 6' website? I was a Sgt. in the Marine Corps. Do we need one for them? How about people with an extra toe? ;p


Yes, by posting continual threads like this, creating websites for "girl gamers" you are, in fact, seeking special attention based on little more then sex, not individuality or accomplishment. In short, continuing the very sexism that women spent decades attempting to eradicate, and blaming men for establishing.


Its the same ole, same ole, double standard, but approved when in your favor, "I have the right to earn equal pay, but you pay for dates", "I can enjoy all the rights of this country, but you go die protecting them while I stay home and advance my career", treat me the same when I want, but special when I want, based on my sex thank you very much. LOL


The OP questioned why I participated in this thread when I feel its unnecessary. Well, for a chuckle, just like every other thread, just like everyone else. This one mostly due to the overabundance of hypocrisy that everyone is pretending does not exist. Normally I could care less, but when its stuffed in my face, even in a silly video game with flashing neon lights "I'm a girl gamer, give me attention, give me attention", then yeah, I will say a few words about it.


Now I don't know if women want to be truly equally or not. I don't know if they want to be treated like women or "persons", and quite frankly I don't think that most guys care at this point. What I do know is that there are two certainties here. First, is that if you are going to open that can called, "social issues" in an inappropriate venue, be prepared for what comes out. Second, if you want to be taken seriously, as an equal, by men,this is not the way to do so.


Just saying.


Ok, the bad man is going to move on so as to not injure anyone else's tender feelings ;p

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How about people with an extra toe? ;p

Personally, I think a website for people with an extra toe is a lovely idea. I, for one, am dying to know how that extra toe affects your balance. Or whether it's easier or harder to run a marathon with an extra toe?

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Personally, I think a website for people with an extra toe is a lovely idea. I, for one, am dying to know how that extra toe affects your balance. Or whether it's easier or harder to run a marathon with an extra toe?


Wise ***. ;p


Oh, wait, I'm not listening anymore! LOL

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i read the first 17 pages of this a couple nights ago and laughed when i read the first post.


this is equivalent to the whole "X" pride stuff that goes around. and all of them talk about "equality". except the whole issue is people who constantly bring it up for one reason or another.


morgan freeman said it best when asked about black history month , (google morgan freeman and black history month quote).


just the fact that you would want to list off a bunch of things that you think people think about you shows that the only person who is really still not seeing things equal, is you.


i play with girls who play this game and others, who cares, they are just another player. and as far as im concerned every single person in this game is a person, not a girl or guy.






this brings me to an lol i had not too long ago, where there was an extremely horrible player in my WZ. im talking 30k damage, no objectives, level 30ish, and no healing. but running around the whole time. i sent a whisper afterwards telling him (had a female toon, who cares) that he should spend more time solo learning his class before he queues for warzones if he was playing seriously, because he cost us all lost time and effort.



after that i had an IWK message me from some other name that was in the WZ saying "leave her alone dude! shes still learning how to play the game!". my only thought was... at level 30???? really?



after that the first message i got back from her was along the same lines and a little extra thrown in saying "and im a girl!"....... took about 10 minutes to convince IT that i didn't care what gender they were, we are playing a game, and im only concerned with how you play, and that she wasn't going to win some sort of affection with me for mentioning she was a girl.











these are the people that cause the whole "girl" problem in the games. when they themselves can't get over it that no one really cares until they bring it up. i have never once had someone ask me what gender i was, even on a female character. and im finding out more often that the girls are the ones who make it known they are girls as opposed to guys asking them.




honestly, it is tougher to be a young white male nowadays than anything else. no scholarships, no support services, no leg up anywhere. there is no equality and it can be seen from many different angles.







i guess the TLDR of this is.... "get over yourselves and play the game, ignore stupid people and be your character, and if you just have to let it be known that you are packin 2 x chromosomes. then prepare for the best and the worst"

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That is the "special snowflake" mentality that I've spoken about, that allows for women to believe that somehow they are "special" or that anyone actually cares. I'm Italian. I game. Do we need a thread about how Italian gamers feel? Do we need an Italian male gamer over the height of 6' website? I was a Sgt. in the Marine Corps. Do we need one for them? How about people with an extra toe? ;p


Yes, by posting continual threads like this, creating websites for "girl gamers" you are, in fact, seeking special attention based on little more then sex, not individuality or accomplishment. In short, continuing the very sexism that women spent decades attempting to eradicate, and blaming men for establishing.


Its the same ole, same ole, double standard, but approved when in your favor, "I have the right to earn equal pay, but you pay for dates", "I can enjoy all the rights of this country, but you go die protecting them while I stay home and advance my career", treat me the same when I want, but special when I want, based on my sex thank you very much. LOL


The OP questioned why I participated in this thread when I feel its unnecessary. Well, for a chuckle, just like every other thread, just like everyone else. This one mostly due to the overabundance of hypocrisy that everyone is pretending does not exist. Normally I could care less, but when its stuffed in my face, even in a silly video game with flashing neon lights "I'm a girl gamer, give me attention, give me attention", then yeah, I will say a few words about it.


Now I don't know if women want to be truly equally or not. I don't know if they want to be treated like women or "persons", and quite frankly I don't think that most guys care at this point. What I do know is that there are two certainties here. First, is that if you are going to open that can called, "social issues" in an inappropriate venue, be prepared for what comes out. Second, if you want to be taken seriously, as an equal, by men,this is not the way to do so.


Just saying.


Ok, the bad man is going to move on so as to not injure anyone else's tender feelings ;p



i would make a website dedicated purely to male gamers in the age rage 20-30 who are white.


but that would make me sexist, agist, and racist. unlike the other "sites" out there

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honestly, it is tougher to be a young white male nowadays than anything else. no scholarships, no support services, no leg up anywhere. there is no equality and it can be seen from many different angles.


Yeah, any lingering credibility you may have had just ended there.

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Personally, I think a website for people with an extra toe is a lovely idea. I, for one, am dying to know how that extra toe affects your balance. Or whether it's easier or harder to run a marathon with an extra toe?


I guess it would depend on where the extra toe was located. or the size of the feet (look at Beast in X-Men: First Class). I guess if the extra toe was on the outside of the normal 5, it would help balance. maybe?:D

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*Note to self: NEVER PISS OFF FYVES!*


Hehe, that would be very hard to do.


FYI, I don't think the OP meant any harm. Perhaps she just had a bad day or bad week and felt frustrated, leading to a mini-soap box post.


We all get treated badly in our lives. We all have the choice to realize that or stumble over our own butthurt. How we react is just as important as how something is presented to us. It only takes a second to make the conscious choice to clamp our lips together (or lift our fingers from the keyboard).


I hope the OP and every other angry poster in this thread gets the pat on the back or hug that they need. There's too many real serious issues in life to stress out about the occasional butthurt and certainly not over a game.

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Quite frankly I think it would be super boring if we were all the same.


Not sure about the toes, might be an x-men thing (you know, evolutionary leap forward) but it's definitely not an extra finger thing. Now that would be imba!


I wish for everyone to be able to laugh about himself, there are two words that I like very much:


Don't take life too serious, you're not getting away with it.


(This one is translated)


Happy is, who hasn't lost, in the struggle of life, his humor.



Now, I do wonder, if supposedly all the male (young) gamers are in the basement ... where do the female gamers game? More importantly - do you eat your pizza cold as well??

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