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Just some facts about female gamers


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I can understand it is hard for some to deal with females and I said it in another post there are some female and males who will take advantage of that. I honestly don't think its anything special to be a gamer though it seemed natural to me to enjoy such things. Its funny though because just a few years back a few of my friends who now are into those social Facebook games used to tease me about liking gaming. And while I wouldn't touch a Ville game (farm, fish or whatever) with a ten foot pole it does feel good to bring up that they are now geeky gamer like I am. :)


Its cool seeing different perspectives on this I just wanted to have a little fun say that yeah were out there gaming with you and just poke some fun at the stereotypes Ive read in other sections of the forums.

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Having learned the fact that female toons can (and are) played by males I no longer get lesbian images in my head when said toons says "My wife is telling me to log off".


So, now I assume nothing based on toon-gender. Toon-names OTOH.

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Unfortunately this post, while it has an intended purpose, wont have any effect on 99% of the community. I dont say this to be rude, but only a small handful of the forum community will ever see the post :(


hehe 77 post later :)

Edited by Drykaas
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This thread is not going to end well.


Mostly because the majority of the male population loses all sense and reason when confronted with interacting with a member of the opposite sex.


LMAO nice one.....

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Seriously? This is 2012, there is no longer a need for discussions of "female gamers".


I game, my daughters game, their friends game. Nobody things it's noteworthy anymore.


Now, if you'll excuse me I gotta go to the store wearing my Horde hoodie and buy some Tampax.

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Shocking facts about female gamers in SWTOR:


Almost all are oxygen breathers.


The majority are human.


They are mostly mammals.


Some are ninjas.


Some are more mammalian than others.


Some play their own sex.


Some play the opposite sex.


Many play alien races.


Some do not want romance in their games.


Some do want romance.


Some want Bad Romance.


If a woman ninja is playing the game, you will never know.

Edited by mousestalker
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I'm just going to throw this out there.....Does any of this really matter?


Personally I don't care if yur male, female, young, old, human or alien.


All that matters, or should matter, is that you be respectful and polite to your fellow gamers.


I do admit that I still get suprised when i see female gamers just because in all 20 years of my existence i've known MAYBE 3 female gamers, but it doesn't bother me in the least. Truthfully i think it's awesome that there are several female gamers out there.


But like i said, it doesn't matter one way or another to me, just be respectful.

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So do chicks prefer dudes with lightsabers or guns?


Cannons, preferably of the vibrating variety :cool:



Threads like this always make me laugh. The OP doesn't want our male co-gamers to generalize, while the very nature of her post is a gross generalization. Bah!

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I'm just going to throw this out there.....Does any of this really matter?


Personally I don't care if yur male, female, young, old, human or alien.


All that matters, or should matter, is that you be respectful and polite to your fellow gamers.


I do admit that I still get suprised when i see female gamers just because in all 20 years of my existence i've known MAYBE 3 female gamers, but it doesn't bother me in the least. Truthfully i think it's awesome that there are several female gamers out there.


But like i said, it doesn't matter one way or another to me, just be respectful.


Thank you for this!

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I'm just going to throw this out there.....Does any of this really matter?


Personally I don't care if yur male, female, young, old, human or alien.


All that matters, or should matter, is that you be respectful and polite to your fellow gamers.


I do admit that I still get suprised when i see female gamers just because in all 20 years of my existence i've known MAYBE 3 female gamers, but it doesn't bother me in the least. Truthfully i think it's awesome that there are several female gamers out there.


But like i said, it doesn't matter one way or another to me, just be respectful.


This. I'm a female gamer, and I could give less about what gender my fellow players are, it's the personality that counts.


I hate the fact that some like to put people into categories, male/female for example. Every one of us likes to play differently, there's no specific "role" for chicks, or guys. No one should base their assumptions to this. If someone lumps people like this, then clearly he/she hasn't thought this through.

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As a gamer, who happens to be female, I haven't come across any "OMG, are you rilly a gurl?" for a long time. I've gamed since I was knee-high to a grasshopper, but my first MMO was a bit of an eye-opener. The utter disbelief was rather confusing and slightly insulting. I joined a very good guild where any kind of harassment (sex or otherwise) was frowned upon, found other women there too and got on with things. Mostly I found men who didn't give a flying monkey spade, which has generally been the case ever since.


I've not had much of a problem since vanilla WoW and I don't think most people really care who's behind the character unless you get more friendly in a guild environment.


The "Dude, there's no women on the internet" is merely a meme, like "...then I took an arrow in the knee."


Women in general are gaming more overall though. My mum games more than me recently. Which is fab.

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I can understand it is hard for some to deal with females and I said it in another post there are some female and males who will take advantage of that. I honestly don't think its anything special to be a gamer though it seemed natural to me to enjoy such things. Its funny though because just a few years back a few of my friends who now are into those social Facebook games used to tease me about liking gaming. And while I wouldn't touch a Ville game (farm, fish or whatever) with a ten foot pole it does feel good to bring up that they are now geeky gamer like I am. :)


Its cool seeing different perspectives on this I just wanted to have a little fun say that yeah were out there gaming with you and just poke some fun at the stereotypes Ive read in other sections of the forums.


I actually played a Ville a bit ago on FB (I know, the shame!). It kept asking me for money and the cash to point ratio would leave most gamers aghast. I deleted my tentative walk into Villedom then.

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Female gamers have been around as long as games have been. Rarer, yes, but there are more of them then you think and some of them are really good. I once joined a pug raid in WoW (10-man) - as it turned out, it was 8 chicks and 2 guys, something I didn't realize until I joined vent.

ps. BTW: It was for Heroic Lich King and we killed it hehe.

pss. Yes, we pug'd heroic Lich King on Black Rock - sorry to all the baddies whose guild groups never downed it when the content was current.

Edited by vermura
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Cannons, preferably of the vibrating variety :cool:



Threads like this always make me laugh. The OP doesn't want our male co-gamers to generalize, while the very nature of her post is a gross generalization. Bah!


Sounds like I should name my cannon Bob

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This thread is not going to end well.


Mostly because the majority of the male population loses all sense and reason when confronted with interacting with a member of the opposite sex.


Or, it could be that most of us could care less, no more then we do regarding "guy gamers?" I've been guilded with, been raiding with, been playing with female gamers for over 15 years. They are just as good, bad, foolish, faithful, fun, annoying, pleasant as "male" gamers. In short, individuals.


Point is that there seems to be this idea, assumed by some people, that female gamers require special attention, special posts to explain themselves, special notice etc.


There is no such thing as "women" the entity. This poster is different then any other woman. Her opinions are her own, not the cumulative "women". Other women will feel differently. so the posting of an essay explaining, "what women want", seems a bit redundant beyond the assumption of special attention to one's personal needs based on their sex.

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This thread wasnt to complain but just get some open posting about the topic out and have some fun with it. Plenty of women game now some of us have been doing it for a long time so there is not much we haven't heard about "Female gamers" mostly from guys who think they know lol.


Its just nice to address some of the misconceptions I have seen on these boards about us and give my own perspective and nice to see others post to. My mom even games now which is something Id never thought Id see but she likes her little social games so one day maybe we will stop being considered the minority and become on equal terms.


One complaint of female gamers is being referred to as "he" by default. This comes from still being considered an absolute minority in the gaming world.

It is normal that being considered "he" by default will provoke an answer from a girl gamer "I'm a she". And then all kind of answers like "Lol GIRL=guy in real life", "Girls can't tank" or some other sexist replicas. Even when one plays a female character, the player is considered "he" (is there a rule in English language saying that? like referring to a baby as "she" if the gender is unknown...).


Just refer to all female characters as "she", while male characters as "he", be they played by a guy or a girl. The character's gender by no means lets anyone assume a player's RL gender, but it certainly shows respect to the female gamer community. At least this acknowledges their (our) existence!

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