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Just some facts about female gamers


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The women in the military take advantage of the fact that they are women surrounded by men. Equal opportunity is only equal if everyone is completely honest.


I think you meant to say SOME women in the military take advantage. The same as some women in games take advantage. Unfortunately since the population is small you are more likely to be judged by the behavior of other women... I've even found myself doing it because so many women in SWG were drama queen attention wh*res.

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I think you meant to say MOST women in the military take advantage. The same as some women in games take advantage. Unfortunately since the population is small you are more likely to be judged by the behavior of other women... I've even found myself doing it because so many women in SWG were drama queen attention wh*res.

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Based on what? Your own personal experience? You talking to someone else? You hearing about it 4th or 5th hand? How can you say most? I ask because we can easily decide our view off something that in the grand scheme of things is VERY small overall.


I could say in all honesty that once a man knows you are a female in game they get all crazy with "give me your number" and all that, but I don't because I know that is not MOST men. :D:wea_03:

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Based on what? Your own personal experience? You talking to someone else? You hearing about it 4th or 5th hand? How can you say most? I ask because we can easily decide our view off something that in the grand scheme of things is VERY small overall.


I could say in all honesty that once a man knows you are a female in game they get all crazy with "give me your number" and all that, but I don't because I know that is not MOST men. :D:wea_03:


"give me your number" is so 90's. Now we want your twitter, facebook, myspace (lul) so we can swoon over your pictures as we dream about you actually liking our nerdy anti-social selves.


added for relevancy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kb42A5m-lw4


I fully admit that I myself am one of the mmo creepers that will try to get to know a lady i meet in game a little better. I've dated a lovely girl I met in WoW for a few months (yes meeting in RL and such), and even though things didn't work out she was most definitely the first girl i found with a large amount of common interests.


So yes, I'll be continuing to hit on you ladies, and yes...most of you are going to be a little creeped out by it. But what if you're not creeped out? What if one of you actually shares my sense of humor and we get along? I'm willing to take that chance at the risk of being dubbed a creep.

Edited by Proksham
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"give me your number" is so 90's. Now we want your twitter, facebook, myspace (lul) so we can swoon over your pictures as we dream about you actually liking our nerdy anti-social selves.


added for relevancy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kb42A5m-lw4


I fully admit that I myself am one of the mmo creepers that will try to get to know a lady i meet in game a little better. I've dated a lovely girl I met in WoW for a few months (yes meeting in RL and such), and even though things didn't work out she was most definitely the first girl i found with a large amount of common interests.


So yes, I'll be continuing to hit on you ladies, and yes...most of you are going to be a little creeped out by it. But what if you're not creeped out? What if one of you actually shares my sense of humor and we get along? I'm willing to take that chance at the risk of being dubbed a creep.

From reading a lot of your comments, I can see us getting along but that does not mean I want to be pressured for information. I am the kinda gal who will tell ya when you have crossed a line and I do like to joke around about most things. With that said, I am not looking to hook up with anyone as I am very happy in my own relationship. Why would you want to pressure a possibly good gaming friendship asking for twitter names, facebook, and bra size? lol :D

Edited by Cynomen
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From reading a lot of your comments, I can see us getting along but that does not mean I want to be pressured for information. I am the kinda gal who will tell ya when you have crossed a line and I do like to joke around about most things. With that said, I am not looking to hook up with anyone as I am very happy in my own relationship. Why would you want to pressure a possibly good gaming friendship asking for twitter names, facebook, and bra size? lol :D


The facebook and such comments were more of a joke, to be honest I usually prefer a lady ask if she wants to share first so she doesn't feel too much "pressure" on my end. But yeah, I get very flirty, and yeah sometimes I will ask raunchy questions partially in jest.....but hell, if I ask your bra size then I'm always serious about wanting to know that one :p


I think I have a habit of wanting to push for and find "That line" for a persons comfort zone, because frankly...I do have a pretty borked/perverted/just plain wrong sense of humor. But not a constant a-hole around friends

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The facebook and such comments were more of a joke, to be honest I usually prefer a lady ask if she wants to share first so she doesn't feel too much "pressure" on my end. But yeah, I get very flirty, and yeah sometimes I will ask raunchy questions partially in jest.....but hell, if I ask your bra size then I'm always serious about wanting to know that one :p


I think I have a habit of wanting to push for and find "That line" for a persons comfort zone, because frankly...I do have a pretty borked/perverted/just plain wrong sense of humor. But not a constant a-hole around friends


You are not on Tarro Blood by chance are you? lol :D

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I could say in all honesty that once a man knows you are a female in game they get all crazy with "give me your number


How is this different from RL.....:D


You want to see any guy to drop about 50 IQ points, put a pretty girl infront of him, they will go from holding a lecture on Particle Physics to.."uh, ur purdy......":D


That's how wel roll because we are,,,,,well,.,,,,,guys.:D


Why would you want to pressure a possibly good gaming friendship asking for twitter names, facebook, and bra size? lol :D


I know you are probably takin the piss, but i still have to ask. Has someone actually asked you your bra size in game????? if so, that's.....wierd and a whole new different level of sad.

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I know you are probably takin the piss, but i still have to ask. Has someone actually asked you your bra size in game????? if so, that's.....wierd and a whole new different level of sad.


No, nobody has asked me my bra size, nor would I tell them.


Of course, I'm a somewhat overweight 57 year old man... be careful what you ask for, that which is thought cannot be unthought...

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No, nobody has asked me my bra size, nor would I tell them.


Of course, I'm a somewhat overweight 57 year old man... be careful what you ask for, that which is thought cannot be unthought...


LOL....just about spit water all over my keyboard. You sir, are awesome.


"are you excited by that side bewb? well you shouldn't be. Because that's my side bewb.":D

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Damn, you figured it out............:eek: um, uh, do you still need someone to kill spiders? Mow the lawn? Clean a fish? Open a jar? install insulation? throw us a bone here........ We do have some uses that are not obsolete..........:D


Heh. I put spiders outside. (no they don't scare me). I clean my own fish thankyou. Opening jars, yeah, somtimes. I can install insulation (my dad taught me when I was the only one small enough to get into the rafters) ... you can be cute and I'll let you grill so long as you don't burn my meat.


:) can you clean? hehe (Oh I rent so I don't mow. Got tired of that when I was still a kid.

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Firstly, lol :)




Secondly, try the cooking in Aion. It's the only MMO I can think of that has a really detailed cooking skill!


Shame you can't make food in SWTOR, I'd be interested to see what food names BioWare would come up with!!


I actually enjoyed the cooking minigame in EQ II quite a bit. Unfortunately, it was pretty much the ONLY good thing about that game after a while. :p

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Which is so very silly. Female gamers exist, we don't bite, some of us are damn good gamers (I can't lay claim to that, heh) and there's no reason to lose all sense and reason, well, unless yer a 12 year old kid who just gets like that around females anyway. :)



Many Men Online Role Play Girls. Case closed.

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