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Just some facts about female gamers


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LOL. I'm sorry, but to me the original post seems like it was written by a guy who thinks he has a clue about women. I think a more appropriate title would have been "just some facts about one female gamer".


Lol, please tell me a man who even has a clue about a woman and what we want and think and a lot of times they would be entirely wrong. :D

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Lol, please tell me a man who even has a clue about a woman and what we want and think and a lot of times they would be entirely wrong. :D


This is true, no matter how our answer is, it was the wrong answer :D


However, you do learn to read the situation, call it a survival instinct. If you ask her what's wrong and the answer is something along the line of "Nothing" in a certain tone of voice ... well, you are going to react wrong anyways, but let's say you can try to delay it by quickly disappearing. On the other hand, don't listen to me, because you'll be in trouble when you're coming back. BUT! Flowers usually work to a degree. If they are the right ones, which you likely did not get. But every little bit helps!

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Also, it is exactly quantifiable, if you would look at my statement more objectively, and not get so tied up in getting your own message across. I said that I had not met any - nothing more.


Right. Heaven forfend I should speak while female, let alone disagree with anyone, find holes in their statements or have an opinion. What's not quantifiable is "good".


I hope you meet some soon. We are in fact all over the place. But if you don't, don't assume we aren't out here.

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My humble opinion is that women are like homosexuals:

In the last years (about half century) they've obtained lot of freedom and respect... now they're turning this freedom into power. We are different, this is a fact. This doesn't mean you don't deserve my respect. This means we have different roles. I'm ok with female players, as females in the army, but remember you are a female, we play the same way, we live different. Equals are equals, not "now you rule".


My girlfriend is a gamer too and this give us lot of discussions and I know lot of gals who plays, but on other topics we talk different.


I hope, again, I won't get banned for this "sexist" comment.

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My humble opinion is that women are like homosexuals:

In the last years (about half century) they've obtained lot of freedom and respect... now they're turning this freedom into power. We are different, this is a fact. This doesn't mean you don't deserve my respect. This means we have different roles. I'm ok with female players, as females in the army, but remember you are a female, we play the same way, we live different. Equals are equals, not "now you rule".


My girlfriend is a gamer too and this give us lot of discussions and I know lot of gals who plays, but on other topics we talk different.


I hope, again, I won't get banned for this "sexist" comment.


Lol. There are so many things wrong with this statement I'm not going to start. 'Remember you are female'? So...what is your point exactly?

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Lol. There are so many things wrong with this statement I'm not going to start. 'Remember you are female'? So...what is your point exactly?


You have start something, indeed.


The point is "we are different, so don't try to be a man, as I won't try to be a woman". There is good and bad in being a man as there are good and bad things in being a woman. Female players will be always an exception, even when the proportion will be 50:50. And you know why? There are statistically more women than men. This is yet a difference and it is made by nature. No matter what anyone will state, no matter what women will try, you can't change what is decidre by the laws of nature.


Told this, I won't do any discrimination or I won't insult a woman just because she is a woman. You can do it, you can try it, but there will be always something that's more good for me or for you.

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I have been married to a female gamer for a tad under 25 years now. Coleco console was our first shared system.

She is currently playing world of tanks rather than SWTOR.


I enjoy the sound of many of the worlds accents over vent/teamspeak/mumble but it has been many years since the sound of a female voice in guildspeak surprised me.


Enjoy the worlds you inhabit.

Edited by Elkirin
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You have start something, indeed.


The point is "we are different, so don't try to be a man, as I won't try to be a woman". There is good and bad in being a man as there are good and bad things in being a woman. Female players will be always an exception, even when the proportion will be 50:50. And you know why? There are statistically more women than men. This is yet a difference and it is made by nature. No matter what anyone will state, no matter what women will try, you can't change what is decidre by the laws of nature.


Told this, I won't do any discrimination or I won't insult a woman just because she is a woman. You can do it, you can try it, but there will be always something that's more good for me or for you.


Hmm and what is decided exactly by the laws of nature? I think you'll find there are very few women gaming who are trying to be men. Are you saying that gaming is 'more good' for men?

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You have start something, indeed.


Female players will be always an exception, even when the proportion will be 50:50. And you know why?


Because statistics are a foreign country for some people, apparently. :p


You have some ideas I disagree with on the nature of biological difference vs sociological difference - you seem to think gender differences are innate; I think (and science is showing) a lot of them are learned - but it really doesn't matter, as long as you understand that on the server, we are equal. You've already said you treat women as equals, and that's pretty much all that most women gamers want.


That and a cooking mini-game :)

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lol i find people who think girls dont game quite hilarious then when they actually see a female in game they freak and i just laugh and then after all that they end up getting killed by the girl gamer and they rage:D funny fact is that majority of my friends game and majority of them are girls
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Because statistics are a foreign country for some people, apparently. :p


Firstly, lol :)



That and a cooking mini-game :)


Secondly, try the cooking in Aion. It's the only MMO I can think of that has a really detailed cooking skill!


Shame you can't make food in SWTOR, I'd be interested to see what food names BioWare would come up with!!

Edited by Amonette
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Secondly, try the cooking in Aion. It's the only MMO I can think of that has a really detailed cooking skill!


Shame you can't make food in SWTOR, I'd be interested to see what food names BioWare would come up with!!


Neat - I'll give it a try. Although, I've got a gunslinger to get to endgame first. :cool:

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I had never noticed this before. Now it seems so obvious. I reckon it's been mislabelled 'emergency exit'. And with 6 crew members and one toilet, no wonder you can never get in there.


On the other hand, if I had to share a bathroom with Khem Val I think I'd just hold it and get used to spaceport loos. I bet the Inquisitor facilities run out of bog roll first.


Are you kidding?? I make Khem go in the escape pod. But he has to take the droid with him if he ever has to eject. >.>

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Are you kidding?? I make Khem go in the escape pod. But he has to take the droid with him if he ever has to eject. >.>


One word: Airlock.


If he's lucky, I wait till he's back inboard before I cycle the hatches.

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OY vey. Really? That Mr. Black (or whatever). Yeah we're different all right. If you knew anything about women you would have stopped a long, long, long time ago. You're only safe because we are not in the same room. Either we'd laugh our butts off at you, or teach you what's what.


If I waited for some guy to come along every time I needed a "guy thing" done, I'd have a car that didnt' run, faucets that leak, etc. I can drive an 8 penny nail in 3 hits. Every time. All day. And still cook dinner for 10. Change a tire, drive an rv towing a vehicle (alone), hook up, unhook, fix nearly everything, take care of the bird, clean, cook and be sexy when I feel like it (but most guys get woozy around girls who can change tires...it's pretty funny).


We're different but we're not. We're human. Oh and one more thing. Now that there's cloning, we don't need you but you need us. See, nobody has ever figured out how to make a baby without a uterus. But Sperm is not necessary. Hah. You're obsolete.


We put up with you because it pleases us to. Its our form of entertainment. Enjoy your ideas.


Just saying.

Edited by PatT
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Finding this thread I remembered how I thought that only female gamers are really guys acting like females. I still remember the shock when I learned that my friends girlfriend is actually playing with us. That was quite a shock for me but it was more than 10 years ago. Thou I still find female gamers(do not mistake for female players) a rare find that I tend to avoid at all costs.
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Having forced my girlfriend to play SW:TOR and StarCraft II, I've found that at least one girl conforms to all the stereotypes (she struggled to not walk into walls after watching the opening cinematic, and was confused by the complex variety of 3 abilities at level 1- she was a bit better at SC...). Thing is, she's really quite intelligent.


It all comes down to your interest in it. She has never cared about games, has no background or context for them, and so is learning something entirely new. She isn't terribad because 'girls are bad', she's dreadful because she doesn't care and has never done anything similar... in the same way as I would probably blind myself if asked to apply mascara... or strangle myself trying to put on a bra.


I agree entirely with the belief expressed in this thread that people who say 'there are no female gamers' are about 14, and still stereotype all girls as 'things that should look good and only care about looking good'. People who don't think girls should or can be anything more than a pretty face are never going to believe that they often are.

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We're different but we're not. We're human. Oh and one more thing. Now that there's cloning, we don't need you but you need us. See, nobody has ever figured out how to make a baby without a uterus. But Sperm is not necessary. Hah. You're obsolete.



Damn, you figured it out............:eek: um, uh, do you still need someone to kill spiders? Mow the lawn? Clean a fish? Open a jar? install insulation? throw us a bone here........ We do have some uses that are not obsolete..........:D

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