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Just some facts about female gamers


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There seems to be a lot less gals in SWTOR then in WoW.. There are only two of us in our guild of 150 ppl. heh


See that to me is more surprising than anything else! I would have thought more like a 1 in 5 ratio, so maybe around 30 females out of 150.

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See that to me is more surprising than anything else! I would have thought more like a 1 in 5 ratio, so maybe around 30 females out of 150.


See there probably is but a lot don't go around saying they are a girl.

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1. Women game- we are into gaming some of us have been since we were kids, Atari was the first console my family owned and I have been playing since the days of Pack-man and Donkey Kong when they were barely decipherable due to the low graphics. I am a huge legend of Zelda fan and played games from first person shooters to Muds and now mmos.


Many think because dudes play chicks in games that that cute little assassin you see is Chuck from NJ who lives in his mother basement but you would be surprised how many of us like making cute yet deadly characters. Or how many big burly dudes may just be hiding a female who doesn't want to be hit on.


2. Female gamers are not easily offended- This one really stands out so many posts on our behalf so many people who assume that we need speak up for topics such as sexism and sexuality. I speak for myself of course but Ive lived far to long and seen far to many things to be offended by some half naked dancing girls. And I have worn armor and clothing in games that would be strategically stupid to utilize but it is kinda funny to watch my half naked mob beat down an enemy.


3. Female gamers not all of us but many are not life time watching drama queens who cry at the drop of a hat. Some of us are very vicious and like to play that way. One of my best made characters was a Drow warrior in another game who murdered just because she could. I obviously don't do such things in real life but its fantasy and being blood thirsty in fantasy is fun and gets to showcase a side to myself id never indulge in real life.


4. Some of us maybe tough girls but we do like style- whether its for decorating our personal spaces or getting good armor many of us do like to look nice when we are running around these vast worlds. When you give us clothing that looks good it adds to the persona even if its deadly spikes with crimson, deep lace black or skin tight leather suits. I know that some of the best games I played had a way for me to utilize fashion and still be deadly and effective.


5. Not all of us are nurturers and play healer types. Okay I like healing in games specially to save my own butt, but as a mommy in real life I tend to try to play roles in game where im not holding hands or patching up boo boos all the time. I do that enough as it is lol.


This is very true. I am a female and I started playing SWTOR after WoW screwed everything up with Cata...*shakes head*


Anywho, I have dealt with many instances in which my gender was called into question. Most female gamers have heard it, the whole, "Talk on vent or I won't believe it" crap. As if the way I type, using emotes and smileys, didn't give it away.


I don't care about seeing the scantily clad Twi'leks dance in cantinas, nor do I care if my armor barely covers my vital areas [which I haven't really seen that much in SWTOR] In fact, I like it when my character looks sexy..but maybe these things don't bother me because I'm bisexual. But hey, who doesn't want to look good?


My main, a Sith Assassin, is a cold, heartless, sarcastic, murderous ***** and I like it that way >;D It's fun to torture and slaughter on a whim because it so different from how I am IRL, sweet and caring and generous.


Right now I'm playing as a Male Sith Warrior, not because I don't want to be hit on, but because I want to be able to flirt too. It's upsetting that guys can go out ****ting around but girls can't even have a little fun by harmlessly flirting with random NPCs. It's quite unfair if you ask me. So is the fact that they still haven't included same gender flirting/romance...but that's a topic for another thread :p


Lastly, I absolutely hate playing healers. I get so bored with them, and I don't have the attention span to play as a tank either o.o It's DPS for me all the way!

Edited by RadikalK
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I agree that we are all gamers. Perhaps it is my own odd sense of humor but I don't think that she posted this just to get attention. Due to the topic and how many guys play this game, of course it will get attention, but I honestly don't think that was the sole purpose.


I can see why some have this opinion, but I could also say that every thread made is sort of a call for attention. Sure, that is a weak response, but it applies to my point.


I see a lot of funny things in here and given that these forums seem to be the Mos Eisley of scum and trolls, I got the humor in the thread overall. :D


See the reason I think this is just an attention seeking topic is because all those "facts" can be seen for males as well because men can bring the drama too and I have seen it. Men are just as bad as the women. Men can be very easily offended, they game, etc. Those facts are for gamers, not just "female gamers." To put them as saying "Well us 'female gamers' are different and this is why, here are the facts." Female gamers are different from gamers, they are females that say "OMG! Lyk I totally play games! See! I'm a female gamer! LOOK AT ME!"

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Absolutely, we can all get along. Lets all hold hands and sing the Barney theme song----wait too much? Okay, lets all have a group hug, no groping!---Wait no...too much again? Lets all sing an awesome song together! Who cares if we suck!


I'm up for a group hug, i may protest about the no groping rule though....:D

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There is no such thing as a female gamer. You are a GAMER, that is all. Stop trying to separate us as male and female. I am a girl who happens to play games, I am a gamer. Nothing more, nothing less. Gamers who run around saying "I'm a female gamer" or make a topic are looking for attention. So, stop. You are a gamer. Want me to repeat it again? You. Are. A. Gamer.


There are female Gamers and there are male Gamers. We are ALL GAMERS!

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this thread has way too many replies. i blame Server-Downtime-Psychosis Syndrome or SDPS.


Millions of Americans suffer from SDPS each year as MMO companies take it upon themselves to deprive their customers of valuable gaming time as they roll out patches and perform server maintenance.


Symptoms include:


1. Irritability.

2. abnormally high interest in forum activity.

2. Dry Mouth.

3. Compulsion to reply to pointless posts.

4. Anxiety.

5. Diarrhea of the keyboard.

6. Obsessive compulsive log-in attempts

7. Trolololism*

8. hypertension



Don't worry because help is on the way. If you or one of your loved ones is showing these symptoms seek immediate sunlight (a.k.a. get your *** outside and do something productive!)


People getting their asses outside and doing something productive have shown significant decreases in SDPS symptoms and some have experienced complete remission of SDPS.


Side effects of getting your *** outside and doing something productive include:

1. Sunburns

2. Malignant Melanoma

3. Diarrhea

4. Upset stomach

5. Schizophrenia

6. Diabetes

7. Prostate Cancer

8. Breast Cancer

9. Explosive Diarrhea

10. Vomiting

11. Awkward Social Interaction

12. Leprosy

13. and Death


You should consult your doctor before getting your *** outside and doing something productive.


Do not get your *** outside and do something productive if: you are currently pregnant or breastfeeding; If you suffer from albinism or other forms of skin sensitivity; if you have not taken getting your *** outside and doing something in over a year; or if you show signs or symptoms of Consolitis**.


It is strongly encouraged that you take getting your *** outside and doing something with alcohol or other mood altering drugs.



*Trolololism: (Tro-lol-ol-ism) An uncommon uncontrollable urge to troll someone

** Consolitis: (Consol-itis) An uncontrollable urge to switch between computer and console gaming at random intervals.

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Girls play games,no way,awesome.Will you make me a sandwich now,please.I know what your thinkin ladies and its not true Im just hungry and woman know how to make sandwiches extra delicious.


Of course, just as soon as you take out the garbage and mow the lawn. :)

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lo que nos pidan podemos....

si no podemos no existe....

y si no existe lo inventamos....

por ustedes mujeres....




This translates to:


Women... What ask we are able us. ... If we do not be able does not exist. ... And if does not him exist we invent. ... By you women. ...


something about birth or creating a robotic sex slave?

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lo que nos pidan podemos....

si no podemos no existe....

y si no existe lo inventamos....

por ustedes mujeres....




"I am Locutus... of Borg.

Resistance... is futile.

Your life as it has been... is over.

From this time forward... you will service... us."

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Girls play games,no way,awesome.Will you make me a sandwich now,please.I know what your thinkin ladies and its not true Im just hungry and woman know how to make sandwiches extra delicious.


You are in luck....I'm a professional!

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MMhhmmm.I want ham and cheese please.Ill do the lawn after.I swear.........Im glad there are some ladies who have a sense of humor.:D


I don't have a sense of humor, but I do have a whip, I am of German descent after all ;)


so, do the lawn, now!

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Y'all do realize its correct to reference and unknown gender as he until the gender becomes known right? and honestly my guild thought i was a guy until i started complaining about the color contrast of a particularly ugly set of gloves with my nice purple warlock get up one time
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This translates to:


Women... What ask we are able us. ... If we do not be able does not exist. ... And if does not him exist we invent. ... By you women. ...


something about birth or creating a robotic sex slave?




what you ask, we can

if we can't, it doesn't exist

and if it doesn't exist, we invent it

for you, women



It's from a terrible song about how women are great.

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Y'all do realize its correct to reference and unknown gender as he until the gender becomes known right? and honestly my guild thought i was a guy until i started complaining about the color contrast of a particularly ugly set of gloves with my nice purple warlock get up one time


You have a great point.In fact that makes me think a bit. I personal use what toon they have to establish what gender they are.If you have a girl toon and your a guy,not my fault for calling you her,and vice versa.Im in a guild and I have been learning whos what so i dont mean to offend anyone its just more about your toon....;)mmm this sandwhich is so good

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