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Just some facts about female gamers


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a woman with allergies (did I mention im a nerd?) avoids the hassle of finding make up that wont make her face look like road rash after taking it off anyway. Not really worth the hassle of putting it on when I have someone who thinks I am beautiful without it to.



Clinique is a good brand if you ever decide to make a hassle to put some make-up on. They have bodycare/facecare and a make-up line.

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I don't really have anything cool to add to this thread except I always find it funny my guy friends roll females, and I'm the female rolling a guy character.


Anyways, in the end gender doesn't really matter so I keep mine vague and respond to both he or she ingame. Past few years though, more females have been open about gaming so its not as surprising females play -- so yay!

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Hey there, folks. A quick reminder to keep real life politics/morality/social commentary out of this thread. This does include talking about real life race and societal standards/classes. We will have to close this thread if these inappropriate topics continue to be discussed in here. Thanks!


Hey there


No need to close the thread, we know how good you mods are at snipping out the offensive bits. This thread is serving quite well to bring part of the community together so please don't close it just because of a few trolls.

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Ahh, I wish I knew how to multiquote. It's hard keeping track of all the facts!


Tidbid on the fries pulp fiction - they did talk about Europe, yes. Which brings up interesting questions. Basements are not the same in Europe - are the male gamers different? Where do they go? But more importantly (since this is not about the boys here) - what do the european girls do?!


I just had a duh moment, of course you gamergirlz would go with the times and not use a mundane mirror, you know how to take advantage of the latest technical achievements, webcams ftw!


Finally we found the real reason of weekly operation lockouts. You can only file your nails so often, right? Is that also why they invented superfast drying nail polish?


Which ties into the next mystery. The womens handbag. I stay away from my wife's handbag. Everytime she reaches in there something else is coming out of it. Do you keep a second gaming handbag? Is it styled according to the game genre or other desk accessories?


Oh, word of caution, I removed the microwave again. Somehow the monitor got all fuzzy. I got my face burned and the cheese ran into my keyboard. Keep it cold, keep it manageable.

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No mirrors on my pc but definitely catch myself using the dark screen between loads sometimes lol. I worry more about my characters appearance when I am gaming I save my preening for when I need to.


I hope this thread doesnt close despite what some have tried to do this discussion is still a fun tongue in cheek poke us gals who like to game. Despite the whole "you dont need to speak up for your gender" posters those who had to turn it into their own personal soap boxes there has been some really fun responses. And getting to see there are others in this game gives me hope I used to run all ladies raids in another mmo so thanks to whoever made that suggestion to. Once a month meeting up for some fun grouping was nice even had to roll up alts on other servers but it was worth it.



To those who took this thread really seriously I honestly am sorry you thought this was a serious discussion now that I have said it well over ten times that its not maybe relax have some fun and add your own "facts" or not but please dont stress out im not trying to start a new feminist movement if I was youd all know about it by now :D



And thanks for the tip Kirameki i'll have to check that brand out I had a bad incident with Mary Kay once and since then I really avoid make up.

Edited by kalarigamerchic
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Ahh, I wish I knew how to multiquote. It's hard keeping track of all the facts!


Tidbid on the fries pulp fiction - they did talk about Europe, yes. Which brings up interesting questions. Basements are not the same in Europe - are the male gamers different? Where do they go? But more importantly (since this is not about the boys here) - what do the european girls do?!


I just had a duh moment, of course you gamergirlz would go with the times and not use a mundane mirror, you know how to take advantage of the latest technical achievements, webcams ftw!


Finally we found the real reason of weekly operation lockouts. You can only file your nails so often, right? Is that also why they invented superfast drying nail polish?


Which ties into the next mystery. The womens handbag. I stay away from my wife's handbag. Everytime she reaches in there something else is coming out of it. Do you keep a second gaming handbag? Is it styled according to the game genre or other desk accessories?


Oh, word of caution, I removed the microwave again. Somehow the monitor got all fuzzy. I got my face burned and the cheese ran into my keyboard. Keep it cold, keep it manageable.


I can't speak for anyone else, but my handbag has a gamer's pouch in it where I keep my rpg dice and good mechanical pencils and many colors of gelpens. Which leads me to my next rule of girl gamers.


1. If you've met one girl gamer, you've met one girl gamer. We are all unique; all we share is our lack of a Y chromosome and our passion for gaming.

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No mirrors on my pc but definitely catch myself using the dark screen between loads sometimes lol. I worry more about my characters appearance when I am gaming I save my preening for when I need to.



Ok, so the mirror myth is busted. Although I could swear I've seen that in offices ...


Maybe I'll try to clean my screen and see if that really works :D


I'm beginning to think I'm really on to something about the handbags. Yes, star wars handbags in general are a dime a dozen ... BUT SWTOR handbags ... see?


On character appearance, my Bounty Hunter (yes, female char) sports a white stripe on the helmet that matches nicely with the stripes on the speeder. In general I believe we are all on the same page there.

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I farmed the Athiss gear set for my sniper, because it looks lethal and still sexy as hell. Took some time to find matching shiny boots and gloves, but I managed, of course. Being cybertech I opted for modable gear, as it's easy and cheap, for me, to upgrade. Needless to say I then started a search for the perfect speeder to match my gorgeous outfit (in WoW I always matched my mount with the hair color of my trolls), and ended up buying the Aratech Scythe. Now I'm working on matching outfits for my sniper's companions, lol.


Oh, and I'm not an expert on handbags, I'm afraid. I tend to just stuff my phone, wallet, cigarettes and key ring in one of my pockets.

Edited by Sauska
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I can't speak for anyone else, but my handbag has a gamer's pouch in it where I keep my rpg dice and good mechanical pencils and many colors of gelpens.


This possibly makes you the most attractive woman alive:D


but anywho, the gamer's pouch is the most awsomest (yes, i said awsomest) idea for the gamer on the move...:)

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This possibly makes you the most attractive woman alive:D


but anywho, the gamer's pouch is the most awsomest (yes, i said awsomest) idea for the gamer on the move...:)


I am such a mechanical pencil snob too. I only use .5mm leads with pencils bought from art supply shops. The gel pens are also useful for math tests, when you outline certain parts to show which work goes with which final part of the solution. And I also have a business card from my local game store in my gamer's pouch.


If that's not nerdy enough for you, my grown-up wallet has an un-peeled Meowth Pokemon sticker next to the receipts and debit cards. I got it when I was 9, 13 years ago.

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I myself have been gaming since I was a kid. My first system was an Atari 2600 and just continued from there. I am also a mom. Every one of my toons are 1)girls and 2) DPS because that is what I feel the most comfortable playing. I have had guys hit on me and I laugh it off. When other players still think I'm a guy and talk trash and such, I join in. I think a big part of believing in equality for men and women, part of it is to not let yourself get offended by locker room talk. I can have a mind that is just as dirty (if not more so) than the other guys and if them thinking I'm a guy makes them feel more at ease, then who am I to burst their buibble. But you are right. We are out there, we are numerous, and many of us are not healer motherly types.


Heck even my 63 yr old mom is a gamer (and has been for a very long time). She doesnt do MMOs but she is still a gamer.


I think Age, gender, sexual orientation, race, none of that has anything to do with gaming. But people still act like it does. I have seen people get treated like **** for being over 35 and playing games like this. It's not right but it happens.


What works for me is to just let people go with their pre-concieved nothions of who they think I am and let my words and actions in game be what they really judge me by.:D

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I am such a mechanical pencil snob too. I only use .5mm leads with pencils bought from art supply shops. The gel pens are also useful for math tests, when you outline certain parts to show which work goes with which final part of the solution. And I also have a business card from my local game store in my gamer's pouch.


If that's not nerdy enough for you, my grown-up wallet has an un-peeled Meowth Pokemon sticker next to the receipts and debit cards. I got it when I was 9, 13 years ago.


.5mm is the way to go, makes drawing dungeons on graph paper easier to read..:)


Awsome on the sticker, i still have an un-peeled Starscream sticker in my wallet:D

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One thing I've wondered is how many Women that are Gamers find Men who game "more interesting" than Men who don't game?


Last couple of Women I was involved with said they did prefer gamers so it got me curious if it factored into other Women's "date radar" much at all.


What say you Ladies?

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One thing I've wondered is how many Women that are Gamers find Men who game "more interesting" than Men who don't game?


Last couple of Women I was involved with said they did prefer gamers so it got me curious if it factored into other Women's "date radar" much at all.


What say you Ladies?


chicks dig dudes who game? You must tell me where this Shangri-la is.:D

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Oh man, where do I start?


Okay, I've been sitting infront of a computer screen since I was around three years old. I grew up with video games, playing the SEGA genesis, moving onto nintendo, etc. I really started to get into MMORPG's around 12 or 13 years old (after I got super mad playing wolfenstein once) and have been playing MMOs on and off since then, balancing it with competitive L4D. I'm 20 now. Video games for me are just a part of my life. A very welcome and fun part :p


Now, the issue with ME is that for some god awful reason, about 60% of the male gamers I interact with become the creepiest people I've ever met. I've had three male gamers that harrassed me in games (I'm not sure why I'm a target!). It had gotten to the point with one where I had to change my phone number and alert the police. I've also had many male gamers say very inappropriate things to me (too vulgar to put on a public forum I'll wager); behavior which continues to this day.


However, despite the creepy side of the videogame loving society that can sometimes spring out, I love what I do and I wouldn't change anything for the world. Gaming also made me discover what I really want to do, which is write and maybe publish my own concepts for video games (as if that would ever happen:rolleyes: )

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Here is MY experience as a female going on 9 years of MMO gaming


- Only been hit on ONE time. By a gay guy who assumed I was another guy.

- So far the majority of people I've encountered in-game have been respectful and open minded, especially in EQ2 and SWTOR. The few bad experiences were mostly in WoW.


I'm kinda feelin' left out here. So many females speak of these issues they have had, but my experience related to being a woman gamer has been pretty boring. I've been in a hard-core raid guild but have never done PvP, maybe that's why I've dodged the bullet?


Surely there are others out there like me, maybe they're just the silent majority. Regardless, I do love these kind of threads. The Sociological aspect of gaming is interesting.

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One thing I've wondered is how many Women that are Gamers find Men who game "more interesting" than Men who don't game?


Last couple of Women I was involved with said they did prefer gamers so it got me curious if it factored into other Women's "date radar" much at all.


What say you Ladies?


A friend of mine met someone who games when she was playing SWG and to her he's her best friend and now they live in the same city. She thinks the world of him so yea some ladies like men who game.

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- Only been hit on ONE time. By a gay guy who assumed I was another guy.

- So far the majority of people I've encountered in-game have been respectful and open minded, especially in EQ2 and SWTOR. The few bad experiences were mostly in WoW.


I'm kinda feelin' left out here. So many females speak of these issues they have had, but my experience related to being a woman gamer has been pretty boring. I've been in a hard-core raid guild but have never done PvP, maybe that's why I've dodged the bullet?



How you doin':cool: there, now you have been hit on by a strait guy:D


If you want me to be direspectful and closed-minded, let me know. I just don't want you to feel left out:D


I'm trying to be as respectful about being disrespectful as i can....:confused:

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I'm trying to be as respectful about being disrespectful as i can....:confused:


Doing good there buddy.


I would have went with something classic ... like, let me think ...


"Do you come often to this thread or are you only here because of me?"


I know, my skills are rusty. Not sure what I did right with my wife back in the day. :o


I like this thread btw.

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How you doin':cool: there, now you have been hit on by a strait guy:D


If you want me to be direspectful and closed-minded, let me know. I just don't want you to feel left out:D


I'm trying to be as respectful about being disrespectful as i can....:confused:


LOL thank you for your efforts :D

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