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Just some facts about female gamers


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Both my sisters play SWTOR. One of them is much better at me and she is deadly in PVP. She doesn't like playing healer... That they both only play female and appearance is very important to them (but isn't it important to everyone?).
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I like the intent of the thread; but the male population is too ignorant to recognise females on the internet.

I haven't read through 61 pages; but I imagine it has been.. colourful..


TOR, where the men are men, the women are men, and the kids are all SIS agents! :eek::p

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Hilarious read, but way too serious :D


Honestly, too boring if we'd all just act ... normal or something. :)


To summarize what I've learned, all the girls here have a rather small breast size since there are not very many typos to be found. Veni, vidi, vici.*


(*just to show my suberior intlect)

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Interesting article. I think on some level I have acted in strange ways while interacting online. I will admit that I have tried hard to fit in and have injected myself in topics that I otherwise would of never of touched. I have learned a lot from those days.


I know that today I speak up, not because I am in some way sticking up for all us ladies, or trying to prove that we belong here, but because I have learned a lot, seen a lot, and feel I can offer a fair opinion. I speak up today because in some ways I don't care what people think and feel that I have every right to comment. I do try to make sure that I represent myself, my guild, and my friends in a positive light because that is who I am. I am a positive, upbeat person. I love to laugh and joke. I love to listen to others. You can learn a lot about people when listening.


This thread proves so much in the world of acceptance, understanding, and even closed minds. What I saw as a fun, goofing around thread, others saw the complete opposite. Even after the OP mentioned it was just for giggles, it still carried labeling responses.


Some have the same opinions, others don't. To each their own. Let's just enjoy the privilege of games and each others company. :D:wea_03:

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Hilarious read, but way too serious :D


Honestly, too boring if we'd all just act ... normal or something. :)


To summarize what I've learned, all the girls here have a rather small breast size since there are not very many typos to be found. Veni, vidi, vici.*


(*just to show my suberior intlect)


lol :D

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I actually grouped with 2 females the other day. Asked if someone could help me with a boss and she showed up with her friend. Very helpful, they even swept my ship after (JK)


I offered to pay them for their time after and they declined and said they were happy to help.


So to the nice female gamers who are conrtibuting to the positive community, -tips hat-

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Interesting thread, I like seeing opinions about this kind of stuff.


I can relate to the original post - I too have been gaming since the Atari, which was actually my mother's who is a gamer too. I played EQ1, then FFXI, then WoW (with other mmo's during breaks - Aion, Conan, Rift etc). I was thinking the other day if I had a gaming resume it was be awesome, over 10 years of gaming experince specializing in mmo healing. I suppose that would include me in the generalization that girls mostly play healing classes but honestly I think I enjoy healing type classes because that's my personality type, not because I'm a female. I'm a nurturer and always have been, I work in the medical field and nothing makes me more happier then taking care of someone. So I think that just carries over into my gaming.


Also sterotypes about the physical apperence of female gamers in RL - I'm sure someone has said this already, but like everything else we are all different. Most people are shocked when they find out I'm a gamer and that reaction confuses me. Just because I wear dresses and heels doesn't mean I can't kick your butt at pvp. Hell, I'll kick your butt at pvp while wearing heels. So really, we are all different, just like male gamers. And I totally agree with the comment that most of us are not easily offended, that's very true from my experience.


Anyways though, great thread. On a totally unrelated note, I'm at work right now (shhh) and the dr wrote an order for the drug Decadron and when I read it I swear it said Datacron.../sigh LOL.

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2. Female gamers are not easily offended- This one really stands out so many posts on our behalf so many people who assume that we need speak up for topics such as sexism and sexuality. I speak for myself of course but Ive lived far to long and seen far to many things to be offended by some half naked dancing girls. And I have worn armor and clothing in games that would be strategically stupid to utilize but it is kinda funny to watch my half naked mob beat down an enemy.


I once had a shirt that a friend made for me when I used to play the MUD Gemstone, it had my petite sylvan character hefting a big double bladed axe (her weapon of choice) and it said MMO's . . . the only place i can go to battle in thigh-high boots and a bustier.


I loved that shirt and found it terrifically funny! So I can relate to the OP. I tend to break from the mold though and I usually roll a warrior archtype of some sort or a scout because I like to mix it up with the mobs. Perhaps that's a hold over from my military days, who knows! I just know I've been having fun since the days of Pong myself!

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TOR, where the men are men, the women are men, and the kids are all SIS agents! :eek::p


Not offended by the post, but I think it brings up an interesting issue. As a woman who plays video games, I don't identity as a "man", nor do I consider myself as not feminine. However, I often run into this sentiment and a lot of people assume that my hobbies and interests (video games, computers, sci fi, science, and mathematics) means I am masculine and/or gay. :rolleyes:


I have a blog post from a year abroad discussing gender identity and sexual orientation issues I faced that some here may find interesting. http://www.travelblog.org/Oceania/Australia/Queensland/blog-547149.html

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Not offended by the post, but I think it brings up an interesting issue. As a woman who plays video games, I don't identity as a "man", nor do I consider myself as not feminine. However, I often run into this sentiment and a lot of people assume that my hobbies and interests (video games, computers, sci fi, science, and mathematics) means I am masculine and/or gay. :rolleyes:


I have a blog post from a year abroad discussing gender identity and sexual orientation issues I faced that some here may find interesting. http://www.travelblog.org/Oceania/Australia/Queensland/blog-547149.html

Loved the write up. Interesting in how you are perceived over there. A lot of what you wrote seems common sense to me but perhaps that was due to my own up bringing. People can't help but judge each other before getting to know the real person. Unfortunately this is usually based on looks or something written/said. :D:wea_03:

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Not offended by the post, but I think it brings up an interesting issue. As a woman who plays video games, I don't identity as a "man", nor do I consider myself as not feminine. However, I often run into this sentiment and a lot of people assume that my hobbies and interests (video games, computers, sci fi, science, and mathematics) means I am masculine and/or gay. :rolleyes:


I have a blog post from a year abroad discussing gender identity and sexual orientation issues I faced that some here may find interesting. http://www.travelblog.org/Oceania/Australia/Queensland/blog-547149.html


That is a really interesting blog - it's true that we Australians are not known as subtle, but you seem to have copped it rather more than most! I could say it's a Queensland thing, but I suspect it's not :). I hope you still enjoyed (are enjoying?) your time here - marine biology sounds like a great career.


I'm sporadically annoyed that, like with you, my interest in science and technology, and video-gaming, and so forth, is identified as male/unfeminine/queer. No one says that about my cooking, or embroidery, or my ability to read Anglo-Saxon. My interest in ecology and love of dogs seem to confirm everyone's prejudices, whatever they have already decided:).


And one of the more dissonant things as a gamer is sections of the population simultaneously assuming I'm gay/unfeminine/whatever while telling me I'm only in it for the male attention and assuming I'll use my gender to get what I want. Make up your minds, you silly noisy minority! :rolleyes:

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Not offended by the post, but I think it brings up an interesting issue. As a woman who plays video games, I don't identity as a "man", nor do I consider myself as not feminine. However, I often run into this sentiment and a lot of people assume that my hobbies and interests (video games, computers, sci fi, science, and mathematics) means I am masculine and/or gay. :rolleyes:


I have a blog post from a year abroad discussing gender identity and sexual orientation issues I faced that some here may find interesting. http://www.travelblog.org/Oceania/Australia/Queensland/blog-547149.html


It was a joke, and not to be taken seriously. Variation of a joke in EVE, since the real female population in that game is maybe in the triple digits on a server of over 50,000 people. lol


The original is: New Eden, where the men are men, the women are men, and the kids are all DED Agents. :)

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I'm sporadically annoyed that, like with you, my interest in science and technology, and video-gaming, and so forth, is identified as male/unfeminine/queer. No one says that about my cooking, or embroidery, or my ability to read Anglo-Saxon. My interest in ecology and love of dogs seem to confirm everyone's prejudices, whatever they have already decided:).


And one of the more dissonant things as a gamer is sections of the population simultaneously assuming I'm gay/unfeminine/whatever while telling me I'm only in it for the male attention and assuming I'll use my gender to get what I want. Make up your minds, you silly noisy minority! :rolleyes:


Let's see. I'm into science, history of medicine, being a doctor, love tornadoes,religion, anything French, and chocolate, do history re-enactment, love dogs AND cats, am not afraid of frogs (had a tree frog jump on me once--I only worried about its sticky feet getting stuck in my hair and me hurting it accidentally), enjoy cooking, reading, singing, acting, birdwatching, gardening, writing, raising my kids, music that ranges from medieval motets to symphonic hard metal, will study and plant flowers that attract birds and butterflies to my yard, can drive a stick or an automatic, have a first Dan in Tae Kwon Do (before the knee replacement killed continuing that), wear dresses to church and then can change into a Lacuna Coil t-shirt, love watching baseball and football while my homemade cheesecake is baking (recipe in my blog), AND I game with my dad, hubby, and kids, sometimes all at the same time (TOR, Beatles Rock Band). I'm not gay, unfeminine, or overly feminine, neither ugly nor pretty (although hubby thinks I'm gorgeous and says his opinion is the only one that counts) and I don't need any guy's attention accept hubby's.


I don't fit into any of the stereotypical female 'boxes'--gamer, mom, professional, femiinist, conservative, religious, or otherwise. I'm just _me_, and I live the way _I_ want to according to my faith, my ethics, treating people the way I'd like to be treated, my unique interests, the needs and likes of my family, and mainly, to 'suck the marrow out of life', because whether or not you believe in an afterlife, we only have one shot at making a positive impact here in this life in the lives of those around us, and enjoying all the amazing things the universe has to offer, whatever our interests and desires are.


When I show up at the pearly gates, I want the good Lord to take a look at me and say "Geez, you really wore yourself out enjoying life and loving the people around you! That's awesome!"


If some group happens to think that's anti-liberal, anti-conservative, anti-feminine, anti-feminist, or anti-anything else, that's their problem. I can't and won't try to conform to all those confining boxes. I'll just make my own and be a gamer who happens to have 2 X chromosomes instead of XY. The rest is all commentary.

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and to go back ontopic :


a fact about female gamers, we dont all play like this :




I sometimes think that's how some of our male healers are playing, judging from their performance.


And now I have a very unpleasant mental image in my head. O.o


Anyway ... not surprised that this thread has over 60 pages by now.


I learned few 'facts' about girl gamers in my career:


* they're more helpful than others in 3 out of 5 cases

* usually (~80%) healers

* and usually movement isn't their strong suit

* sill most of the time not distinguishable from playstyle alone

* always improve the social aspect of a guild

* until now the biggest drama queens in the guilds I've been in weren't any women

* less present in SW:ToR than in WoW ... but that might just be my server

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This thread wasnt to complain but just get some open posting about the topic out and have some fun with it. Plenty of women game now some of us have been doing it for a long time so there is not much we haven't heard about "Female gamers" mostly from guys who think they know lol.


Its just nice to address some of the misconceptions I have seen on these boards about us and give my own perspective and nice to see others post to. My mom even games now which is something Id never thought Id see but she likes her little social games so one day maybe we will stop being considered the minority and become on equal terms.




Id love to have some female gamers in my guild( all the males are married with children in my guild) they bring an insight and humor rarely found and its just so much fun to raid and PVP( a blast with females they get HYPE) anyway Insightful post!


PM me if any intrests are piqued

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Even if someone answers yes when asked if they're a girl, there's still no guarantee they truly are. Funny if you think about that, I've never met a girl yet who pretends to be a guy ingame...


Why would someone come up with that question? I always found this very odd. Really ... how does it make a difference?


Maybe it's because for years I have been in guilds who use voice chat exclusivly for communication and we invite randoms to join us so we don't have to type everything just for them ... and obviously the gender question (if it's even there) resolves itself by this practice.


Or maybe it's because if I'm not small talked to I don't start any conversation in-game that doesn't have to do with whatever's happening on the screen, unless of course with people I know for a while and that are in my teamspeak channel ... but then we're back at the point above.


This really riddles me a bit ... to what gain does one want to ask if your fellow gamer is a girl?

They can't be of sexual interest, usually far away and just virtually present ... but now I'm writing in circles this really is a huge ? for me.


And now I have to apologize ... I was kind of bored and could not help myself from digging up and commenting some of the previous posts. There really are some gems hidden in this thread. ;>


For the record, I'm not a girl, I'm a woman :cool:


Don't kid yourself ... for the most part I'm a man, but there are times where I mentally revert to a little boy. May 15 might be such a moment to give an example.


Dont care what gender you are as long as you are not bothering me is all i care about girls in general give me the creeps how ever im not saying i hate girls my sisters are great but youd have to shoot me to make me be really happy to play with girls who are not my sisters


Well nice to see Bioware has fitted starships with custom interior, because it seems there's a big closet on yours.


seriously, why do all girls want to talk about stereotypes, beg guys not to judge them, etc etc. but always call attention to the subject.


It's called vanity. ;>


My humble opinion is that women are like homosexuals.


You mean ... they're usually attracted to men? Kind of obvious don't you think?



My favorite were these two posts in close succession:


You are in luck....I'm a professional!

Alright haha, you want it gourmet or just a normal sandwich?? My lawn is kinda big.


Not sure if that's the usual personality of a female gamer... a professional with a pretty big lawn to be mawed.

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2. Female gamers are not easily offended- This one really stands out so many posts on our behalf so many people who assume that we need speak up for topics such as sexism and sexuality. I speak for myself of course but Ive lived far to long and seen far to many things to be offended by some half naked dancing girls. And I have worn armor and clothing in games that would be strategically stupid to utilize but it is kinda funny to watch my half naked mob beat down an enemy.


Truth. Gaming community for a female is so much nicer these days when everybody and their grandma plays games.

*puts on glasses and starts rocking wheelchair* Now when I was a young little gal a million years ago, THAT was something else. I was very active on forums back then, and the word 'troll' had not yet been coined. But we had them. Oh yes, we had them. The real kind, not the weaksauce ones we have these days. I got so exposed I was immune within a month. That's when the real fun started. :D


I am a bit puzzled about the huge amount of female PvE healers though.

With that said, I am a healer myself, but started as a dps. Went heals when I discovered PvP and saw the impact it had on the outcome of a game, fell inlove and have been failthful to PvP healing since. I prefer a support/heal class though rather than a full heal. And I like to be up and close; in the heat of battle. AoC did heals so well it brings tears to my eyes. *nostalgia*


Need more women PvPers.




Oh.. intended to write something about skimpy armor (which I personally don't like AT ALL) in the first section. I hate it, not because of some sexist ********, but because it doesn't make sense to fight stuff in a chain mail bra and thong. The protection it'd offer would be.. minimal, but more importantly imagine the PINCHES! Ow!

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I got so exposed I was immune within a month. That's when the real fun started. :D


I'm sorry, but I have to think about the troll under the bridge in some Hellboy movie right now. ;>


Oh.. intended to write something about skimpy armor (which I personally don't like AT ALL) in the first section. I hate it, not because of some sexist ********, but because it doesn't make sense to fight stuff in a chain mail bra and thong. The protection it'd offer would be.. minimal, but more importantly imagine the PINCHES! Ow!


Ever took a look at Tera? Seems like totally not your kind of game.

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