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Just some facts about female gamers


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One thing I've wondered is how many Women that are Gamers find Men who game "more interesting" than Men who don't game?


Last couple of Women I was involved with said they did prefer gamers so it got me curious if it factored into other Women's "date radar" much at all.


What say you Ladies?


If it was up to me, I'd rather date a gamer, mostly because we'd already have interests/other things in common.

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Not sure if this was mentioned but it is a fact that not all ladies wear panties when playing the game! ( I will leave this to your imagination now ) lol :D




It is also a fact that some men DO wear panties when playing the game.


I'm sexy and I know it

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If it was up to me, I'd rather date a gamer, mostly because we'd already have interests/other things in common.


Agreed. I've mostly dated non-gamers and it's a difficult balance between being with them and satisfying my desire to play. I always thought it would be great to have someone sitting behind me at the other computer and playing together.

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Its definately a bonus to date a gamer in my opinion, but only a bonus in the comfort zone area. for those subconciously crave more adventure outside of gaming, they would gravitate towards someone say ... really out doorsy? as an example offcourse.


Either way, a person can be great and fun and not game, it depends on how THEY view YOUR gaming habits.. and if it annoys them or not to determine a turn on or turn off in my opinion.


and keep in mind, gamers have a huge spectrum if you wanted to tie gamer personality to a standard. There could be the hardcore gamer nerd that is a perverted little basterd who'd stalk a girl if he saw an openning, to the gamer who enjoys playing the game lots or moderate or casual, and simply enjoy it as a leisure/hobby. Id say that person just has a taste for something else besides a social norm of sports or drinking/drugs for leisurely pleasure. A normal person who plays games

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In my experience female gamers try to hide - why? Because they usually get hit on by guys in one way or the other. I have seen it happening too many times that guys don't let go when they suspect a player to be female, even when the other person insists to be male.


Yes, there are the exceptions, but far and wide the rule still is that the average male gamer has troubles controlling his hormone levels and will react to a female no matter what he says.

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I actually only date gamers, so I won't be nagged about my playing time.


Oh, and Proksham, could you return my panties please, hun? They really look better on me!


I actually got very lucky and met my gf during TOR beta. Yes, it's awesome having a gamer for a significant other. :D

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Dont care what gender you are as long as you are not bothering me is all i care about girls in general give me the creeps how ever im not saying i hate girls my sisters are great but youd have to shoot me to make me be really happy to play with girls who are not my sisters :cool:
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Hello all Im relatively new to this community still but been playing long enough to know this is a fun game. These boards can be fun to full of so many opinions. Many of which make me scratch my head when it comes to females and gaming.


so I thought as a woman id address some of the myths that seem to go around about females in game. And use my own personal perspective to give some facts on how it feels to be a female that games. I am no authority on this an any fellow females can feel free to come in and correct me if I am wrong. But seriously some of the crazy things I've read lead me to wanting to bring up a topic on this.



1. Women game- we are into gaming some of us have been since we were kids, Atari was the first console my family owned and I have been playing since the days of Pack-man and Donkey Kong when they were barely decipherable due to the low graphics. I am a huge legend of Zelda fan and played games from first person shooters to Muds and now mmos.


Many think because dudes play chicks in games that that cute little assassin you see is Chuck from NJ who lives in his mother basement but you would be surprised how many of us like making cute yet deadly characters. Or how many big burly dudes may just be hiding a female who doesn't want to be hit on.


2. Female gamers are not easily offended- This one really stands out so many posts on our behalf so many people who assume that we need speak up for topics such as sexism and sexuality. I speak for myself of course but Ive lived far to long and seen far to many things to be offended by some half naked dancing girls. And I have worn armor and clothing in games that would be strategically stupid to utilize but it is kinda funny to watch my half naked mob beat down an enemy.


3. Female gamers not all of us but many are not life time watching drama queens who cry at the drop of a hat. Some of us are very vicious and like to play that way. One of my best made characters was a Drow warrior in another game who murdered just because she could. I obviously don't do such things in real life but its fantasy and being blood thirsty in fantasy is fun and gets to showcase a side to myself id never indulge in real life.


4. Some of us maybe tough girls but we do like style- whether its for decorating our personal spaces or getting good armor many of us do like to look nice when we are running around these vast worlds. When you give us clothing that looks good it adds to the persona even if its deadly spikes with crimson, deep lace black or skin tight leather suits. I know that some of the best games I played had a way for me to utilize fashion and still be deadly and effective.


5. Not all of us are nurturers and play healer types. Okay I like healing in games specially to save my own butt, but as a mommy in real life I tend to try to play roles in game where im not holding hands or patching up boo boos all the time. I do that enough as it is lol.


There are many others but I hope this gets a good conversation going because I see so many things about sexism or female wants and it seems there are many misconceptions about female gamers (Specially that we do not exist) But we do and our ranks are growing every day. I hope if I ever have a little girl (currently have a little boy) that she grows up in a world where a girl gaming is not a big deal it honestly shouldn't be.


I am all for female gamers. Hell I am trying to find a woman in RL who can put up with MY gaming... I dont role play or HIT on female toons cause of the whole gender bender thing goin on.. I got a female toon so i am guilty of it. For me though just knowing its POSSIBLE that the chick could be a dude even if they say there not i dont role play and try to romance them.


If i could find a female gamer who can handle the George Carlin 7 Words Ide be ok hehehe..

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Dont care what gender you are as long as you are not bothering me is all i care about girls in general give me the creeps how ever im not saying i hate girls my sisters are great but youd have to shoot me to make me be really happy to play with girls who are not my sisters :cool:


You'll feel different once you're ten.

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Let's get this out of the way. I was born a male and am still, currently and to the best of my knowledge, a male.


So here's another perspective on this:


-I've encountered female gamers quite often in MMOs. As an RPer, there tends to be a bit more females around but, even in general gameplay, I encounter probably a 1 - 4 ratio of girls to guys in MMOs.


-In other games (Fighters, RTS, etc.) the ratio seems to be way higher. 1 - 10 would be generous. MMOs seem to attract females more, in my experiences.


-Whether or not your female or not is irrelevant to me. What matters is if you're good at what you do (game-play and RP-wise) and not a bad person. What body parts you were born with shouldn't affect this. I'm not a Miraluka in real-life, so I don't care if you're a female in real-life. Get it?


-Why are 75% of girl-gamers I encounter healers? Just an observation...


-I probably wouldn't want to date a "gamer-girl." I'm a gamer, and I wouldn't want to date someone like myself. This is probably because I'm more of "dating someone whose your opposite" type of guy, though. ;)


That's about it. Just my experiences, not concrete facts.

Edited by Nyjin
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I actually only date gamers, so I won't be nagged about my playing time.


Oh, and Proksham, could you return my panties please, hun? They really look better on me!


Oh silly, trust me....you'd look better with them off *wink*

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I am a female. I am almost 53 years old. I have played games all my life, with much zeal, in all forms they have ever existed. Here are my observations:


It shouldn't freakin' matter and for the most part, it doesn't really. There are jerks (male and female) there are great people (male and female) and both play games.


I mostly make female characters because male avatars tend to be ugly. However I *can* sadly report the males I make have been treated differently. Weirdly they get MORE attention of the casual sort. This kinda surprised me w/ my first male. Guys (or at least guy characters, who knows) seem to be more relaxed, approach more readily, have more fun. They're *twitchy* , for lack of a better word, around "girls". These are just the people you bump into I'm talking about. Once relationships are established w/ game friends I've never seen it matter.


BUT when I played male characters I also sensed a strange sort of shift in myself and my behavior. Granted I am an RP (casual) person. I build back stories in my head and believe in my little creations. So a certain ease occurred when in my boy suit. A confidence, and surprisingly, a need to help the females around me! I ended up in an awkward situation with a woman (we assume) who, even though I religiously stayed in character, kept trying to pull RL into it and she fell for "me" creepy fast. I've never had that happen w/ girl characters. Maybe I make a better guy. Luckily she left the RP server once I explained the difference. :rolleyes:


I'm falling prey to the ramble here. So to sum up - NO you can't define "Female Gamer" nor state what that means. I fervently wish for a day we stop "genderizing" statements of self in a forum (online worlds) where it absolutely doesn't matter but by responding to this thread I've propagated this very thing. *sigh*

Edited by Nissalla
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Oh, and here's the thing, that whole "girls don't like to make female toons cuz they get hit on" deal? Nonsense. Guess what? You get hit on in RL your whole freakin' life. You learn to deal with it. At least in a game it's rarely actually threatening. The women gamers I've known almost always play female characters as their Mains. Actually, I will amend that. ALL the female players I've know (and could verify were actually female) had Female Mains.
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female gamer, single, cute, happy with life, but gamed all my life and will continue to do so since i prefer to actively participate in my entertainment than just watch it.


No special attention needed, just be a good group player, play hard, have fun and let the gender bs die and be taken on who you are, how you play and the fun you have and can share with others.





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