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Just some facts about female gamers


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One complaint of female gamers is being referred to as "he" by default. This comes from still being considered an absolute minority in the gaming world.

It is normal that being considered "he" by default will provoke an answer from a girl gamer "I'm a she". And then all kind of answers like "Lol GIRL=guy in real life", "Girls can't tank" or some other sexist replicas. Even when one plays a female character, the player is considered "he" (is there a rule in English language saying that? like referring to a baby as "she" if the gender is unknown...).


Just refer to all female characters as "she", while male characters as "he", be they played by a guy or a girl. The character's gender by no means lets anyone assume a player's RL gender, but it certainly shows respect to the female gamer community. At least this acknowledges their (our) existence!


Probably because saying 'he' will be correct 90% of the time. I know that there are plenty of female gamers out there, but unless I know that you are a female, I'll always say he or, more likely, I'll just say the character's name.

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Probably because saying 'he' will be correct 90% of the time. I know that there are plenty of female gamers out there, but unless I know that you are a female, I'll always say he or, more likely, I'll just say the character's name.


Many guys play female characters. We have some in our guild right now. I've never run across a female playing a male (not that it does not exist). With that in mind, one ends up in a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" scenario. Call a guy that is playing a female character "she" and you may be corrected. Call a female player that is playing a female "he" and you may be corrected.


The only way to truly know how to address someone in a gaming environment is to hear them in vent.

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I play guy characters all the time and actually enjoy playing them more. No one treats me differently and I am sure no one knows that I am female. I don't think sex matters in an RPG system. I am on an RP server so no one asks if I am male or female because no one really cares.


I don't feel our sex needs to be defended or represented. We are all gamers, end of story.

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I've been playing online computer games since the early 1990s. In all that time I've never encountered a single guy being surprised about women who play video games. I think that this kind of reaction is just a myth.
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Probably because saying 'he' will be correct 90% of the time. I know that there are plenty of female gamers out there, but unless I know that you are a female, I'll always say he or, more likely, I'll just say the character's name.


Not to mention if all you have to go by is a character's name (like in Gen. Chat), sometimes it's obvious, and sometimes it's impossible to tell.

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Some people get all wound up in discussions about gender, and get their knickers/boxers in a twist, if you can't have a laugh and a bit of light-hearted piss-taking then you need to stay in the garage/kitchen and fix the car/make a sammich.


I could care less if a player is male or female, gamer is a gamer known loads of both genders and even dated a few women gamers over the years, if given the choice I'd rather date a gamer woman than a non-gamer as I find gamer women nag me less about my MMO gaming, and a lot of the non-gaming women I've dated can be a pretty bad drag, even though I'm up front about my "you need to share me with my family, my friends & my hobbies but I'll always make time for you" they just seem to have a really hard time being in the same room with me as I play if I'm not giving them my undivided attention, they'll talk about whatever tv show they are watching and expect me to engage in conversation about it, but if they are really watching the tv show & I ask "what's going on here" I get "shush"...


So yeah I prefer gamer women they tend to be less....insecure, needy & demanding in my experience and more grounded in reality even though they spend lots of time in a virtual reality.....funny how that works eh?

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I was really surprised when I saw the thread. SWTOR is the first gaming community where I haven't had to deal with crap over my sex. Maybe it's because of the lack of voice chat?


As for the healing thing, I love playing as a healer. Finding groups is waaaaaaaaaaaay easier when you play as one.


And as for the "it's 2012, we don't need to talk about this anymore". Short answer, yes we do. I'd bet all my credits that every female in this thread has had to deal with sexual harassment in gaming at some point or another. I'm sick of being treated as if I belong to a different species.

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I'd bet all my credits that every female in this thread has had to deal with sexual harassment in gaming at some point or another. I'm sick of being treated as if I belong to a different species.


I don't think gambling is your thing.


I game since 1997 and so far have never been treated as if I'm a total different species. The difference is, I don't act like a total different species.


Sure there might be some exceptions but I've seen loads of girls qq-ing that they are being harassed but it are the same girls making "smexy" pictures and link them ingame, the same girls going "I'm a girl, so men should treat me as one" and the same girls aiming for attention from men ingame and go mad when they meet a bad apple.


Not all females are like this but the woman who cry the hardest about being harassed are mostly the ones seeking the attention in the first place.

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I don't think gambling is your thing.


I game since 1997 and so far have never been treated as if I'm a total different species. The difference is, I don't act like a total different species.





How you gon' act like yo pink hurrr aint makin' you all different, naww mean?

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I don't think gambling is your thing.


I game since 1997 and so far have never been treated as if I'm a total different species. The difference is, I don't act like a total different species.


Sure there might be some exceptions but I've seen loads of girls qq-ing that they are being harassed but it are the same girls making "smexy" pictures and link them ingame, the same girls going "I'm a girl, so men should treat me as one" and the same girls aiming for attention from men ingame and go mad when they meet a bad apple.


Not all females are like this but the woman who cry the hardest about being harassed are mostly the ones seeking the attention in the first place.


Ding! Ding!. we have a winner folks:D S

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I treat females the same as males, in my groups may it be PvE or PvP, you get one chance. I do not care if you are black/white/male/Female/7 or 98. You play well you earn my respect, you play like a douche, you get banned.


In all honesty, I noticed maturity levels before I even notice if they are male or female.


However, I have known a few fellows that rolled female toons to get invited to more groups and (pretent to be female for free stuff) alot of guys will do anything for the small chance that a female is paying attention to them.

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I was really surprised when I saw the thread. SWTOR is the first gaming community where I haven't had to deal with crap over my sex. Maybe it's because of the lack of voice chat?.


^^^^ this , I used to use vent occasionally but after my experiences in DDO and EVE I out right refused to do anything other then listen and only then for those few guilds I have been in that require vent to raid.


Problem for me is my voice is deep enough that over a mic you have to be really paying attention to know I am a girl (fact I am not gonna pay more the 10$'s or so for a mic does not help :p) . On the other hand I am very girlie when it comes to my typing that leads to some annoying convos when you have kids on vent >.<


As for the He/She I will correct once or twice after that I assume they are not paying attention or are just in the habit >.<

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its nice to see this thread is still going.


I will say this funny still see serious folks posting about how threads like this are "unnecessary" or that I am calling attention to myself. Id refer them to earlier post that basically say no duh about the attention thing but why bother. People are allowed their opinions.


Harassment haven't dealt with it in this game, dealt with it back in the day not worth reiterating this is a fun thread not really a therapy session. No I don't have any hawt pics floating around either im a pretty geeky person doubt i'll ever be anyones version of hot lol.


Seriously It was to poke fun at a series of other topics I read on the boards dealing with sexism, females rights and some insulting things about having a lifetime channel for men when some women wanted more flirting options for their characters. Decided to poke some fun. Some people have joined in and added funny stuff (some got deleted for no reason either). Others got on their soap boxes and defended their right not to care which is cool.


Others acted like this thread killed puppies being made which I honestly can't understand but maybe the upcoming nerfs have them on edge or something. Either way this thread was meant to be fun I said it a few times guess at this point does not really matter anymore it has been fun to read the responses.


signed attention seeking forum poster who can't game at times so uses the boards for entertainment.

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I think the popular thing I come across is married unhappy women gamers, can't say I've come across many 'hot'/single lady gamers, it sadly is just (from my perspective so far) unhappy lady gamers in unhappy relationships usually wanting to get some stuff off their chest because they have difficulty talking to their partners. (who most of the time are plugged in on the opposite side of the room chatting to some girldude ingame which they have known for a long time and want to run away with.


Alot of the time it's 'if you can't beat them, then join them' but sadly it doesn't wash away issues and most of the time snowballs into a relationship of fail and unhappyness which then makes people usually seek attention from elsewhere.


Only the people who feel the need to keep telling me they are female but with no way of me finding out due to the many popular excuses like I don't have a mic, my dog eat the mic, I live in a third world country and we don't have mic's, I just label those kind with tags i've learnt throughout my playing experience but hey... each and everyone is different.


Females are more rare than dude's wanting me to believe they are females sadly. but I couldn't care less, as long as your guy whos plugged in on the other side of the room has no issues then it's fine by me.


I forgot to add aswell which i thought might be rude of me, there are also alot of lonely unhappy guys in relationships which seek out the opposite sex and alot of the times will run into lonely unhappy girls in the same position which then sets up a foundation of having alot in common and a friendship progressing or maybe more.


Both side's have it and both side's will always have it. It is in essence part and parcel of the dirty underworld of online gaming which I like to call it.


The question I ask is not about who's female that I play along side and do I care?, it's more as the years progress and you see more of the same you start to ask yourself who's full of s**t and who isn't? Only you as a person who's built that friendship up can decide.

Edited by SirTanne
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I'm a doctor, I'm a mom, which, by kinda by default, makes me female. I game with my hubby and my kids. I've been gaming since my dad brought home the Magnavox Odyssey and taped the Haunted House overlay to our TV so we could game together.


1. I can be serious, I can get ticked off at stupidity, I can cry, and I can laugh. Mostly I enjoy laughing. I can stick lightsabers through your toon with my Shadow like no one's business, and I can fry you with my Inquisitor, and I'll enjoy it when you face plant on the ground in front of me. I will not taunt your dead body, however, because that's rude. I'm a polite toon killer.


2. I ignore idiots who hit on my female toons because it's just stupid. I don't care if the person behind the other toon is male or female, it's still silly. I play male and female toons because BioWare makes the dialog options different for each gender, and I want to see as many of the stories as possible.


3. I have seen some males say in chat that they don't think females game. They obviously have never been around female gamers. This is too bad for them.


4. I get annoyed at the one-sided semi-nakedness in game. If devs are going to make women half-naked in game, they should give us gals half-naked men to enjoy, too. I'd also appreciate full clothing for both genders. I don't like looking at T&A all the time.


5. Women have bewbies. We gals know this, generally having two of them. In some games, the devs make bewbies so big they need crutches to hold them up. We don't need bewbies that big. Regular sized works just fine. In real life most are not that big, and most of us still don't appreciate it if you stare at them impolitely hoping they'll wink at you or something.


6. I was playing a female toon in Star Trek Online, and she had a skirt on in a formal fleet outfit to celebrate a promotion of a fleet mate to Admiral. A guy laid his toon down in between the legs of my female toon to pretend to look up her skirt. I reported him for harassment, mostly because he was ruining the event for all of us by being stupid. Then I laughed because I knew there were no private part pixels for him to see. Just to be clear, laying down underneath a female toon a. looks really idiotic and b. really does not give you a view of private parts. Go look at an anatomy book instead if you really are dying to see what they look like.

Edited by JaeOnasi
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Nice additions JaeOnasi :) its good to see others perspectives and when I played DDO I had dudes stand underneath my mages on ladders in their mind I guess they could see updraft who knows? I laughed it off most times if thats what they need to get their boats floating whatever.


Not unhappy and not on the market though happily not married anymore. been there done that got a great son out of the ordeal but marriage and me are like oil and water. Seriously though a lot of the married women I was lucky to play with were happy. A couple I miss gaming with from some of the other mmo's I played even had their kids learning the game and worked well together. Whenever I joined up we laughed and had a great time and the female did not seem unhappy at all. But experiences vary Ive had plenty more good experiences gaming with both genders then bad and im glad for that.

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