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Being Canadian doesn't mean being French...


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I notice now that everytime I go to the Swtor website, it automatically takes me to the french version of the site. I am assuming that the server is somehow detecting my location, either by ip or other means, and directing me to the french site based on the fact that I am in canada.


According to Statstics Canada's census 2006...the only really reliable source for this type of data:


6.8 million (21.5%) people learned french as their mother tongue and 98 thousand (0.3%) learned french and english.


6.6 million (20.8%) of people speak french as their lanaguage most often used at home, while (0.5%) of people speak french and another language as their languages most often used at home.


So, simply put, slightly more than 20% of Canadians speak french.


The fact is, that it is a common misconception and a biased stereotype that Canadians all speak french. I personally dont speak a word of it and find it rather annoying that I have to choose english everytime I visit the forums or community pages.


Also, I find it semi-offensive that a multi-million dollar company would build a site that prescribes to such stereotypes and hope that it is a fault with my browser or something else, rather than the fault of bioware or its partners.


I am Austrian, born in Vienna, and immigrated to Canada when I was 3 months old with my parents. I speak very little german, no french, and my language of chioice is English, just like the majority of Canadians (78%+).


Now, having said that, I am not pointing the finger at anyone, and Ive already said that it could be my browser or my computer. I just find it weird that it only happens on this site and not many others, but I have no ill will towards the creators of SWTOR at all.


I love the game, and I play whenever I can. I am very happy with the games progress and look forward to a long stay here at SWTOR. Ive played almost every MMO out there, some for a short time (WoW ugh), some for a very long time (EQ, EQ2, AoC etc.) and I know I will be here for a very long time.


Enlightenment through education, education through discussion.


Just thought I would throw that out there, do with it what you will. :D

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I'm Canadian, in Canada. I've logged into this site from two different provinces at two ends of the country.


Never seen the french site.


So it's something about your computer, most likely a setting in languages somewhere. Stop trying to find fault in others before solving the problem.

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I'm Canadian, in Canada. I've logged into this site from two different provinces at two ends of the country.


Never seen the french site.


So it's something about your computer, most likely a setting in languages somewhere. Stop trying to find fault in others before solving the problem.


try reading my post again there tips. you may notice this next time.


Now, having said that, I am not pointing the finger at anyone, and Ive already said that it could be my browser or my computer. I just find it weird that it only happens on this site and not many others, but I have no ill will towards the creators of SWTOR at all.


perhaps you should take your own advice hmm?

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Also, I find it semi-offensive that a multi-million dollar company would build a site that prescribes to such stereotypes and hope that it is a fault with my browser or something else, rather than the fault of bioware or its partners.



Seems to me you were blaming someone other than yourself. Just saying. Try not to get too upset, we all make that mistake from time to time.


If you truly just wanted help and not wanted to belittle others (including me I might add) you would have simply stated :


"My browser seems to default to the french version of the SWTOR website even though I do not live near a major french community here in Canada. Anyone have any suggestions on how to fix this?"


See how that is different and does not imply or state anything other than you have a problem and you would like help?

Edited by Galius
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I'm french canadian. I use the website from Montreal. I've never ended up on the english website.


No idea what you are talking about... but seems like you made a big research to make a point that isn't really relevant.


It' your browser or computer.

Edited by matraque
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Nicht empfindlich sein, das ist nur ein forum.


I have checked all my settings and my language settings are all set to English (US). I still get the french site on Chrome, IE and Firefox. My keyboard doesnt switch between english and french with ctrl-shift and I dont even have French (Canada) in my language bar, although I do have French (Im assuming France?) there. I dont know what else to change. Maybe its my ISP idk. I appreciate everyone who tried to help. Thanks.

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Nicht empfindlich sein, das ist nur ein forum.


I have checked all my settings and my language settings are all set to English (US). I still get the french site on Chrome, IE and Firefox. My keyboard doesnt switch between english and french with ctrl-shift and I dont even have French (Canada) in my language bar, although I do have French (Im assuming France?) there. I dont know what else to change. Maybe its my ISP idk. I appreciate everyone who tried to help. Thanks.



Top left of the screen > English, Francais, Deutsch > Click English (or Anglais when it's french) and move on with your day lol.

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I am in the US and have seen the French forums issue. It happens most when I access the forums from a Google search. It's weird but I just select English from the top left and problem solved.


Sometimes I even get German. Just kind of random.

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you know that bioware is a canadian company right?

and since they are based in alberta, like you, they probably know that alot of people there speak english..


WOW, some people have no clue


Bioware Edmonton migght be founded in Edmonton but this game is developed in Austin Texas and has never once been accosiated to Bioware Edmonton.


Language in Alberta has nothing to do with anything in this topic.

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Well, my two cents; I'm French and the website is always in English when I logon (might have been in French the first time but changing it one time kept it defaulted to English). Probably linked to the OP's browser, keyboard or OS language settings.
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frankly i am pretty sure it pulls cookies from somewhere on your comp like people have said because i have noticed every once in a while swtor auto opens the German version of its site.... i live in the USA and only speak English the only explanation i have is i must have a cookie from a site hosted in Germany... i don't car i press 1 button and the site is fixed...


to the op... get over it no one cares and if your so lazy that clicking a button to have the site in your preferred language offends you by all means i invite you to not visit this site any more.... we will all simply have to suffer with he loss of your witty and creative posts.

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I would normally say it has to do with some setting on your computer. But with this particular website that probably isn't the case. On a few occasions I have pulled up the site and its been in french or german... setting I have never selected. Its just glitchy.


And I kind of doubt a canadian company is stereotyping canadians as all being Québécois.

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