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Help with my Sentinel (Combat) in PvP and PvE...


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I feel like I haven't been doing as much DPS as I should be. During PvP, I also find a lot of difficulty in focusing on a single target, especially when they start running around amongst all the other players, and I cannot see that tiny arrow above their body.


I am combat focused with only 1 point in Steadfast, 1 in Defensive roll, 0 in Temperance. With 3 Focused Slash in the Watchman tree, and 2 in Master Focus and 2 in Stagger in the Focus tree.


I currently have the following gear for PvP:


Centurion Weaponmaster's Headgear

Champion Weaponmaster's Vest

Centurion Weaponmaster's Gloves

Champion Weaponmaster's Waistcord

Champion Weaponmaster's Leggings

Centurion Weaponmaster's Boots


Champion Weaponmaster's Device

Centurion Weaponmaster's Package

Centurion Weaponmaster's Implant

Centurion Weaponmaster's Bracers


Relic of Boundless Ages

Relic of Forbidden Secrets


Champion Vindicator's Lightsaber

Champion Weaponmaster's Offhand Saber


My PvP stats are as follows:


Strength: 1160

Presence: 255

Aim: 80

Cunning: 80

Endurance: 1302

Willpower: 130

Expertise: 514


Melee DMG (Prim.): 623-774

Melee DMG (Sec.): 199-299

Bonus DMG: 321.4

Acc.: 104.37%

Crit. Chance: 21.3%

Critical Multiplier: 50%


Health: 15,520

Armor Rating: 3,320

DMG Red.: 23.51%

Defense Chance: 5%


My current rotation for both PvP and PvE is as follows:


Force Leap in

Zealous Strike

Precision Slash

Blade Rush

Blade Storm

Master Strike


Then usually if I'm still alive, I try to hit Zen, then go Precision Slash + Blade Rush (repeated until out of focus)

This is a much easier rotation to do during PvE battles since the NPCs are stationary, but a lot of these moves are extremely difficult to coordinate while chasing the target when he is running around like a chicken with his head cut off.


Usually if I'm facing a Sith Sorc. or another healer, I try to get Crippling Throw off immediately and regularly while trying to interrupt their heals.


I'm not able to do over 100k damage in a Warzone, and I feel like in PvE I'm not hitting hard enough.


The PvE gear I have is as follows:


Tionese Weaponmaster's Headgear

Columi Weaponmaster's Vest

Columi Weaponmaster's Gloves

Columi Weaponmaster's Leggings

Columi Weaponmaster's Boots

Tionese Weaponmaster's Bracers


Does anyone have any advice for me? I just feel like I'm not hitting as hard or being as effective as I can be, especially in PvP.

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combat is harder to play in general, id advise if your having trouble keeping track of your target.. to lower graphics settings perhaps to improve framerate (may make it easier)


use leg slash more as they wont move away from you so fast after your immobilises break, thus easier to see where they are...


strafe a LOT, keybind all you can, move about as fast as you can it makes it hard to mouse target you for the enemy that way, and tab targetting is a bit mental and can be used against them... Just run and leap in circles around people like a lunatic whilst hitting them :)


i force camo a lot if i start to get focused by anything (or even if i see an aimed shot target on me sometimes.. or lightning start to hit) it forces people to re-target someone else or try and target you again with the targetting issues (see above) this reduces your deaths and gives you more in combat time :)


as for rotations.. well you cannot really always stick to them due to amount of CC often flying around but..


Blade Storm always follows a Blade Rush thats one rule i follow (saves having to look for combat trance thing on your buffs)


Use Precision as often as you can but always ensure you got a fair bit of focus built first and fill the time following with an immediate master strike, or some bladerush>bladestorm etc


cannot think of what else, gear may hold you back a little atm but should be enough there to do the job.


In mostly battlemaster if im mostly doing damage for a match (such as voidstar and a lot of alderaan games) my total damage done is usually in the 200-400k range, my personal best on a voidstar was 512k (in a game with rediculous healing on both sides) but i would not go on that number too much... What you need to be looking at is... am i killing lots of people really fast like an unstoppable machine!


edit: sorry this was a pvp only perspective really as i dont do a huge amount of PvE atm.


and i forgot to also mention.. when you pop zen, hit the relic and adrenal at the same time, then precision then bladerush spam, it can be quite devastating )

Edited by Ainianu
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Numbers stay low if you kill everyone faster then healers can get heals off. ;)


I would suggest switching to Watchmen until you get champion/BM as its a lot more forgiving on your gear. I am by no means telling you to switch just advising that for the time being it would be more enjoyable for you.

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As a previous poster alluded to, Combat spec is very gear sensitive. Also, your crit and surge appear to be quite low, which is definitely not going to help since the combination of those two is what gives us a lot of our burst, especially surge (what with many of our symbiotic abilities gaining auto-crits, but crit is also handy for Blade Rush spam).
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Do not force lead in right away in PVP. This is our only cap closer as combat spec and should be saved when the enemy uses knock backs on you. Also make sure your popping saber ward and rebuke half a second before you engage in combat. Personally your rotation and mine in PVP are the same with the exception that I do not force leap in or master strike at the end. I do use master strike but only in situations where I am fighting and I have no focus built or my enemy is standing still. You pile on vastly more stacs of centering if you use your higher end unlock skills. I also only use transcendence in PVP as combat spec we really do not benefit from Zen as much as other specs do, so picking up a speed buff with added defense bonus improves your survivability.


Save your stealth for when a sorc or sniper class tries the knock back snare on you. Followed with that force leap you saved so your right back on target and he basically just wasted his knock back and whatever move he was following up with.


As for dealing with CCs always always take the first CC, I know it sucks but you have to resist the urge to use your breaker. 9 times out of 10 if you take one CC another is right behind it and the 2nd will fill your resolve bar most of the time. When your resolve is full pop the breaker and go to town.

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despite common belief that watchman is the hardest spec, I think combat is because to be honest it's just not as good as focus or watchman, and thus it's far more challenging to compete with a watchman or focus sent in pvp if you're talking dmg.


You do have more burst then watchman, and you are not as easily kited due to quick release of cc as well as two extra roots, one of which isn't so great but will be in 1.2


also you have what i'd say is middle of the road gear. Depending on your server you will have guys in all battlemaster with fancy adrenal pops and what-not that are rocking some serious gear advantage. I know for me when I was in champ and cent gear and got into BM gear the difference was significant.


You ought to have a nice increase in dps from just the patch, but Combat really is a rough ride atm, but those big bladstorm crits are really fun, but really that's about all you get in Combat, while Watchman and Focus just have more to offer.

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Combat is a way harder spec to play than watchman, one small mistake and you lose out on a lot of burst.


Looking at your post I'd have to say get surge up, as a combat sent 70% crit multiplier is where you want to be.


Don't use precision slash without having the focus to follow it up.


Crippling throw and master strike a lot.


Go after sorcs, because in ataru you are pretty much impossible to kite.

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