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Insane farming for pvp gear?


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I just hit level 50 and I tried pvp for 2 days. As far as I see it, without gear every geared player can 2 shot kill you and the farming you need to do for gear is insane. And you can't even see what damage you took?


Do I miss something? Can we see what hit us and how hard? Is it really needed so stupid farming to gear? I left wow months ago and I will never return (panda's hater) and I thought this game had something more than wow. But I think the pvp farming is far worst from wow.


If its true I will quit for sure. But is it?

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try doing your belsavis and ilum pve dailies until you have geared u enough to have around 15k health, that only took me two days, and also just run the ilum pvp dailies and run your warzones and collect armaments, as well as doing the weekly ofcourse, as that one doesnt require you to win. I am still in the process of gearing up my guardian but this is pretty much the method I am doing, except I havent been doing my ilum pvp dailies as I do not have an interest in riding around collecting armaments.
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PVP gear is pretty damn easy to get now, and it's only going to get easier. My bro dinged 50 and didn't have trouble in his first warzone at 12.8k hp. Within a week he had full centurion minus the mainhand and 1 champ piece. He said he expected it to be worse from what people were saying.


On top of that this is his first MMORPG and he's a clicker. No his numbers weren't very great and he died enough times, but its not all that bad if you position yourself properly and work with your team.


The times when you play have a roll as well. During the day, getting set up against a battlemaster premade is far less common then in the evenings.

Edited by TroyBerg
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I had this fear. But at 49 I bought. 350k worth of nice mods to go in orange armor a couple epic or superior items and made sure to start doing dailies right away for more mods and Champion bags.


Result was no more than 1 week to feel ok in pvp. Now I have mix of champ and rakata and feel reallu solid. Battlemaster gear is going to be even better.


For you though... 1.2 will let you buy for credits only, a full set of pvp gear to bridge the "expertise gap".

It still remains very quick to gear up contrasted with some popular mmos currently.

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I just hit level 50 and I tried pvp for 2 days. As far as I see it, without gear every geared player can 2 shot kill you and the farming you need to do for gear is insane. And you can't even see what damage you took?


Do I miss something? Can we see what hit us and how hard? Is it really needed so stupid farming to gear? I left wow months ago and I will never return (panda's hater) and I thought this game had something more than wow. But I think the pvp farming is far worst from wow.


If its true I will quit for sure. But is it?


EVERYONE else you are playing with and against had to do the SAME thing! There is no instant gratification. Do some work and get it done, it's not that hard.

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I just hit level 50 and I tried pvp for 2 days. As far as I see it, without gear every geared player can 2 shot kill you and the farming you need to do for gear is insane. And you can't even see what damage you took?


Do I miss something? Can we see what hit us and how hard? Is it really needed so stupid farming to gear? I left wow months ago and I will never return (panda's hater) and I thought this game had something more than wow. But I think the pvp farming is far worst from wow.


If its true I will quit for sure. But is it?




Why do some people assume when they hit the level 50 bracket that everybody else is wearing full BM?


Honestly, I just popped a sentinel to 50 less than a week ago and have a half set of champ and the rest cent.


Just PvP for a week and get your gear. The second week it will be a lot better....All the BM's have hit a brick wall. You have the chance to catch up real fast before 1.2.


When I hit 50, I had 1000 wz and merc comms and a champ bag in my inventory for a total of 6 champ bags. I also did my daily's and weekly's for another 8 bags. Do the math, it doesn't take long to gear out a guy in PvP gear...

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i feel you..


i'm about to hit 50, and i took a look at the vendor

and you need 4k warzone tokens for 1 battlemaster token.


too much farming for pvp gear indeed.


the least they can do is add an Item-Level Filter, like WoW did,

and have the game set you up with equally geared players.

then we can start focusing on having fun, rather than this carrot-on-a-stick race.


i can see myself going over to GW2 when it launches.

there's RvR, no factions, and from what i've heard

in pvp zones everyone is boosted to the same stat/item level.


for once, skill will matter more than time played (aka gear) .....hopefully.

Edited by Apollonel
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I hit level 50 and then decided to pvp. I had done some on the leveling up, but probably about 5 matches total.


At 50 i have NO purple mods in my gear, no bags or tokens saved up for pvp gear. I queued up in my questing gear.


Know what happened? I got smashed hard. Know what i did? I queued up again. I watched other players and learned from my deaths. I found ways to make a difference in the game (CCs are not impacted by Expertise) and supported other players. If you're new to 50 and don't have decent gear, you are NOT a ball carrier, nor are you someone who can solo guard a door or node. You're support while you level up.


But i made a difference. I did my dailies and weekly (this was before 1.1.5 and I didn't go to Ilum so missed out on those and the weekly). By the end of the first week, I was in full Cent gear and had a few pieces of Champion. Suddenly I could carry the ball. I could go toe-to-toe against more enemies. Sure, someone in BM could still tear me up, but I was a factor in the game.


Getting full BM (right now) is a grind. But Cent/Champ is NOT and it does make you competitive. There's no reason to complain about it. Just do some pvp, adapt to your weakened state, and by the time you start getting geared up, you'll be all the more powerful for learning to compensate for weaknesses you no longer have.

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PVP gear is pretty damn easy to get now, and it's only going to get easier. My bro dinged 50 and didn't have trouble in his first warzone at 12.8k hp. Within a week he had full centurion minus the mainhand and 1 champ piece. He said he expected it to be worse from what people were saying.

I totally agree. I was using my 40 range PvP gear and weapon when I hit 50 and I never considered it to be a big deal. Actually, I don't think I ever complained about it.

Edited by MidichIorian
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Only took me 4 days to get full cent w/ champ main hand. Turned 50 tues.


Started 50 pvp with LVL 40 pvp gear, averaged 2-3 medals a match for first day.


6 bags on turning 50, 4 days of dailies and the two weekly. Plus couple other bags with wz comms.


Started out getting implants and ear pieces, relics, then bracers / waist.... Did the main pieces last and saved the champ tokens for the main hand.


Easy enough.


Fidelis Mortifer - Fa'Fatha ( something like that ) Server

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Did absolutely zero pvp before lvl 46, because I have never enjoyed pvp in any previous game. found out that I loved it in this game, but was deathly afraid of hitting 50 and going up against battlemaster geared players. I didnt even know to try to have 1 champ bag and 1000coms/1000 tokens to maximize how much gear I could get once I hit 50, so when I dinged 50, I got precisely 1 bag.


Even then, I wasnt totally useless, because I learned from watching what others were doing in the warzones. By the time I finished my first weeklies, I was able to get into the 200s in expertise, and while I was still low, I saw a great increase in survival and damage.


Bottom line, dont expect to go straight to BM gear...... Cent and Champ gear are there for a reason, and are STILL viable.

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The problem isn't any one guy in gimp gear against any one guy in full BM gear.


It's more like when you 4 guys in gimp gear against 4 guys in BM you get destroyed no matter how good you are. Hopefully, you're on the right side of the balance on your server, or life really sucks.

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I hit 50 two weeks ago.


When I hit 50 I was also Rank 50.


Had a total of 6 bags (one in the backpack and 1000/1000 commendations)


Now on Thursday evening I hit Battlemaster rank. I have Battlemaster Earpiece and Implants, Full Champion Mainset and Offhand, couple of pieces of Centurion gear. Nearly 12% Expertise as well.


I also have a full time job so I can't play more than 4-5 warzones a day.


You call that hard? This is almost free gear.

Edited by Ankhkharu
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I hit 50 two weeks ago.


When I hit 50 I was also Rank 50.


Had a total of 6 bags (one in the backpack and 1000/1000 commendations)


Now on Thursday evening I hit Battlemaster rank. I have Battlemaster Earpiece and Implants, Full Champion Mainset and Offhand, couple of pieces of Centurion gear. Nearly 12% Expertise as well.


I also have a full time job so I can't play more than 4-5 warzones a day.


You call that hard? This is almost free gear.





SWTOR is actually the most casual and easy-going MMOG when it comes to gear farming (...barring some games which don't have emphasis towards gear at all...).



I really think people should just shut up and think about how everything really is, before start spewing garbage into these forums and demanding their every little bit of frustration or inconvenience be addressed by the game.



I've seen some really bad PvP forums in all kinds of variety of games, but sheesh... I've really never seen a forum more whiny and moany like SWTOR. I mean, here, every little bit of small challenge, every little bit of frustration, people come running along and make a QQ post.


Do they think the system/developers are some kind of babysitters, so they have to make a game that caters for every skill level to have exact same opportunity of winning across every kind of situation and every kind of equipment???


For crying out loud, people. :rolleyes:

Edited by kweassa
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Getting to Valor 60 takes a while, at least if you started your character prior to the 4 medal = tons of valor change went in. It's not really a big deal because half champion + centurion is enough to be competitive against a BM character if you know what you're doing. Just be aware of the bad matchups, as a BM character that has a class advantage over your class will absolutely stomp you.
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Below is an excerpt from a post of mine in another thread about this topic:


When you hit 50, you can have up to six bags right off the bat (one in your inventory, and five purchasable with maxed out commendations). At lvl 50 you also get access to the two weekly quests - good for another six bags total. If you do the two daily quests, say, five of seven days your first week at 50 - that's another TEN BAGS.


That's 22 bags in your first week of lvl 50 PvP, playing for a couple of hours over five days. For that investment of time, you suddenly have 154 Champion commendations, and a staggering 330 Centurion commendations.


That's enough for 2-3 pieces of Champion gear (depending on what you choose - and assuming you didn't get lucky once with unassembled stuff), and more than enough to fill out the rest of the gaps in your gear with Centurion stuff for now (which at least nets you some important expertise).


And all of this by playing ten matches of PvP for five days at lvl 50, getting three wins a day, and saving some of the comms you earned PvPing pre-50.


So yeah - I have limited sympathy for people who complain/complained about the gear disparity in PvP WZ's. Someone in Tier 3 purples SHOULD be able to crush someone rolling by in lvl 49 greens and blues. Put in a couple of hours of play each day, and you can quickly close the gear gap




How is this considered "insane farming" of gear? Putting in the time to kit yourself out in full Battlemaster gear SHOULD mean something. It SHOULD mean you get to destroy the average Joe who saunters by in lvl 49 greens and blues.


As I broke down above, a couple of hours a day over a handful of days, and you can easily kit yourself out in Champion and Centurion gear in less than week - and get better from there.


The jump between Champion and Battlemaster gear is far smaller than the jump between Centurion and Champion. Battlemaster gear takes a long time to grind out, because Battlemaster commendations can be a huge pain to get. Champion gear, on the other hand, is easy to get.


I really don't like this attitude some people have, that they ding lvl 50 and queue for a WZ, and their reaction to getting crushed by people who have spent hours and hours painstakingly putting together a great set of PvP gear is to stamp their feet and say it's unfair that they aren't equally competitive in their sub-entry level (often sub-lvl 50!) equipment.


As I demonstrated - two hours a day for less than a week, and you can assemble a decently competitive set of gear.

Edited by ShakesMcQueen
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Also, you've to know which pieces are more valuable than others.


Your first Champion commendations should be going to offhand + 2 relics (because there are no centurion relics with Expertise). Your first Centurion commendations should go into a set bonus (if the set bonus is good), otherwise the cheapest pieces because each piece has identical Expertise. After that, you should aim for either a Champion mainhand or pieces that seems to have especially good mods (i.e. stuff with +Power +Surge or +Crit +Surge).

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tl;dr: If you are weak as a fresh 50 so play to the objectives and play smarter not stronger


I just hit 50 last night on my Sorcerer in orange gear with reasonable blue 49 cybertech mods and a couple epic 50 implants I made on my Biotech. Funny observation. Pre 1.2 wearing pretty cosmetic orange armor (worse yet my char is wearing Slave Dancer orange armor) is a huge blinking red light that screams "I have ZERO expertise. Kill me now!"


But so far I am making a solid contribution to the team and even getting some mvp votes. On my first 50 toon it was probably a month before I started getting mvp votes.


I think I owe that to a shift in strategy any fresh 50 can follow:

  • Play conservative. Careful to use very visible skills (force lightning for example) in middle of battle.
  • Stay away from Center of huttball, stay away from doors, stay away from nodes.
  • Ignore sideline fights and 1v1s.
  • CC people and move on if you can towards the objectives.
  • In Huttball, use whatever you have to your advantage. Sorcs get in position to extract ball carrier. Tanks exploit your pull enemy and jump to enemy.
  • Be a tool not a gun.
  • Play the position. In Huttball always try to lead the ball carrier (though you don't necessarily always want the ball, I was able to score a bunch with force speed and a bubble).
  • Play smarter not stronger.

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