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Everything posted by Thiella

  1. As I see it, only the energy regeneration is fixed. The dps will not be improved at all because Hidden Strike still requires stealth and Backstab has the same CD. Plus, other classes get stealth detection, immunity, reflect and more goodies. I was waiting to see a decent fix but I think they will not give us. At least they told us the future class 'balance'. For me its time to move on from this game. No reason to wait any more or pay for this 'balanced' expansion...
  2. In 1vs1 situation any decent operative will take the pylon from you.... At 2v1 ffs you can lose it from only 1 stealther. No need to be 2 of them....
  3. Stealthers are fine. The solution is simple for most classes but wzs are full of fotm spam-smasher and they want just to leap-smash. How to guard the pylon? NEVER guard the pylon near it or over it. Guard it from a little distance. If you guard next to the pylon or over the pylon, Ops are going to sleep dart you, go out of stealth and take it. If you brake their first cc than they will Flash Bang you and they will take the pylon. But, if you guard the pylon from a distance (not too far ofc) they have to sleep dart you, unstealth and run to pylon. Don't brake the sleep dart because this way they don't have the time to grab the pylon and you can interrupt them. Than they have to Flash Bang you. You will brake the Flash Bang and you are ok. Its really simple and works.....
  4. Don't guard the pylon near it or over it. Guard it from a little distance. Ops are going to sleep dart you, go out of stealth and take it. If you brake their first cc than they will Flash Bang you. But if you are a little far they have to sleep dart you, unstealth and run to pylon. Don't brake the sleep dart because this way they don't have the time to grab the pylon and you can interrupt them. Than they have to Flash Bang you. You will brake the Flash Bang and you are ok. Its really simple and works. Trust me.
  5. So, pyro needs a nerf. No problems with that. But for sure you need a nerf too. And fast. As, you say you have pretty high damage. This must change asap. Marauder/Sentinel must not permitted to have this burst. Its quite unbalanced. If you can't understand why the high burst is a problem at pvp I can't do anything ....
  6. Marauders/Sentinels have insane burst. The highest at the game. Snipers can't kill so fast. They do pretty much damage but they can't compare to Marauders/Sentinels. And my chars are geared. Maybe not the best geared out there but all Marauders/Sentinels kill me really FAST. At 1.4 are by far the most unbalanced class. And this must be change soon. Not after 3-4 months. They are OP already enough time.... And ofc you can't compare them to any dot class. Maybe their dps is fine, I don't know. But their burst isn't...
  7. Marauders/Sentinel have insane burst. They kill you too quick. I don't know if their total damage is fine but their burst must drop. This is one more unbalanced class. If we want to play an unbalanced game we could stay at wow. If you want us to pay for this game you must balanced it soon.... So yes, marauders need nerf
  8. They aren't effective. They are OP, insane OP. And we want more nerfs, not only those. All running with Powertech/Vanguard because they are OP....
  9. I see the OP classes want to stay OP and afraid a nerfbat. Vanguards are OP but sadly nerfbat isn't coming soon. No wonder why this game will be f2p soon.
  10. Can someone explain the score? Look the upper game board and the final result.... http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i315/lycos_photos/Screenshot_2012-08-10_19_34_32_574174.jpg
  11. The in-game combat log is a joke. It says only the killing blow hit. So if I want to see what killed me I have to minimize the game and run an external program or upload my log file to a web site (if I store it) and try to find the time. For me the game has no useful combat log yet and this is unacceptable ....
  12. I just hit level 50 and I tried pvp for 2 days. As far as I see it, without gear every geared player can 2 shot kill you and the farming you need to do for gear is insane. And you can't even see what damage you took? Do I miss something? Can we see what hit us and how hard? Is it really needed so stupid farming to gear? I left wow months ago and I will never return (panda's hater) and I thought this game had something more than wow. But I think the pvp farming is far worst from wow. If its true I will quit for sure. But is it?
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