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Community Q&A – March 30th 2012 Blog Discussion


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I choose a server with a very low population, so I changed server and my legacy level was back to 0.


When (if) character transfers from one server to another becomes available, will I get the legacy abilities and exp from the transferd character on the new server or does the legacy perks stay on the original server?

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Players have expressed some dissatisfaction with endgame armor sets – can you comment on your plans for future endgame appearances?


Daniel Erickson: We have heard the community loud and clear when it comes to armor sets. What we’ve heard the players say is, “I don’t care how high level I get, I still want my core sets to look and feel like Star Wars and like my class - cooler but not crazy. Keep the crazy to optional gear.” I will warn that creating new armor is a part of our game with long lead times so it will take a set or so before players see a strong shift in direction but we’re already working on some stuff I love and I think players will too.


WHAT A SURPRISE.... Did we sign up for a Star wars game or what? NO ONE could have forseen this, just lets put up WoW-Reject designs.


But its nice it got heard.. even if they will puke out 1-2 non-starwars looking sets, before they get back to STAR WARS in a STAR WARS game...


+1 to what Kheldras said.


1) Your excuse: "I will warn that creating new armor is a part of our game with long lead times so it will take a set or so before players see a strong shift in direction "


That was the most lame excuse BW, feels like you are not taking our gaming experience seriously, you should make every armor sets you release count! You're profesionals, give your 110% effort on every sets released! - You said you heard us and know what we want, so DO NOT THREAD THE WATER!-


It could be a set or so too late to increase our SWTOR gaming experience BW! it's not like you release this "filler" sets every week/month, we have got to wait ages for them.


2) Your response: we’re already working on some stuff I love and I think players will too


"We will like them" - Really? but BW's has a lame sense of taste in terms of SW armor designs based on the armor sets that have been created/released so far, can we trust on what you said? Maybe yes - maybe not? So let's see how this set that you "love" will turn out. Hopefully you could prove us wrong.

Edited by Altaress
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I agree... nerf the cost of mod removals/swapping. Its way over priced. And i thought the purpose of the WORK STATION was to reduce the cost of removing mods etc, but it costs the same thing, so what is the purpose for even having the work station in the game?
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Well I honestly wish these guys the best with SWTOR, they sound like ok people but I'm going to quietly walk away from this one...


I don't think "quietly" means what you think it does.

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Affected Class:

Sith Inquisitor Sorcerer (and Republic mirror) DPS builds



Concern 1:

Sorcerers/Sages need an unique (not shared with Shadows/Assassins) emergency escape mechanic akin to "Force Camouflage" or "Force Shroud"


What's the likelyhood of seeing a "blink" like ability that will "distance us from our target in addition to making us immune/resistant to force and tech attacks for 3-seconds" come to Sorcerers/Sages?


Spellcasting, light-armor wearing classes are usually given a "blink" like ability that has a fairly low cooldown to help them escape stuns/immobilization effects that would mean their demise.


In PvE, every resource to escape a damage mechanic is always welcome.


In PvP, melee/melee-hybrid classes are perfecting their uninterruptable-burst-damage tactics and perfecting their ability stay in assault range of their target and is now readily apparent that these melee/melee-hybrid classes have all the tools to do so, but, Sorcerers/Sages don't have any unique abilities (that are not shared with Shadows/Assassins) to escape stuns/immobilzation effects.


The Sith Sorcerer Lightning tree as well as our available healing abilities in a DPS build are susceptible to interrupts and the Sith Sorcerer Madness tree has low burst, so currently, when we get "trapped" we end up just having to eat the damage with no way to effectively compete/counter against the uninterruptable-burst-damage being dealt to us by our opponent (less we are willing to fill our opponents resolve bar by blowing our stuns and knockback, along with the fustration of Guardians/Juggernauts having talents to make them immune to immobilization/stun effects in addition to applying a "root" effect after leaping).



Concern 2:

Existing DoTs breaking/cancelling CC effects and abilities that are applied afterwards.


What's the likelyhood of our existing DoTs on a target removed whenever an effect/ability that breaks/cancels on damage is applied to the target being put into place?


The Sith Sorcerer Lightning tree talents "Backlash", "Electric Bindings", and the ability "Whirlwind" all break on damage, with the assumption being that after these effects/abilities are activated any subsequent damage you initiate will break/cancel the effect.


The problem is that existing DoTs that were applied before the effects "Backlash", "Electric Bindings", or the ability "Whirlwind" keep ticking when the aforementioned CC effects are applied - with us being denied these CC effects by default from some of our primary damage dealers (Affliction, Crushing Darkness, and Creeping Terror).


It would be great for our existing DoTs to be removed whenever an effect/ability that breaks on damage is applied to the target (because surviving an uninterruptable-damage-burst while you wait for your 18sec/15sec DoT to finish before you can long-term CC is seldom possible).


This is useful in PvE when trying to manage mobs and is crucial in PvP because these CC effects are key means for Sorcerers to keep opponents off of us.



Concern 3:

"Recklessness" being consumed by "Force Lightning" when Sorcerers are given the passive ability "Transmission" that already increases "Force ightning" to 30 meters


What's the likelyhood of seeing "Recklessness" take into account Sorcerers' "Transmission" passive ability and "Recklessness" no longer be consumed when Sorcerers activate "Force Lightning?





If you're willing and/or interested, I have another post where I speak on related matters in more detail:


Edited by KingZmaN
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I do not like playing cross gender, are you implying that this should make my characters exempt from legacy perks?


This would be why there was no male - female relationship to make a child requirement....


It would feel odd to me, since my wife plays as well...


You misunderstand. I was just asking hypothetically would the child of two characters get a better selection of powers from the parents instead of just the shared iconic ability all of your legacy characters will get regardless of their relation to one another. If you don't wish to play as a girl because you are a guy irl, then more power to you. I personally just like the aspect of linking a male and female character together and make a potentially powerful child. Again though, I'm not saying they should have access to all the powers of either parent simply because they are related by blood, i was just wondering if they would get more than one. This is meant for people who feel the same way I do and plan on the same thing. Of course, if you were to link your characters as siblings (or hell even as the child of another without a member of the opposite sex to act as the other parent to "inherit" powers from), then I suppose the same thing could apply for you as well.

Edited by MasterYmir
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All of the new updates will help even the custom ui that you all are bring out. I like the new ideas that ever one is coming up with. Would like to know if their will be new races such as some of the other races that yall have in game that compare to a few of the none player race but i understand if that is something for later date. Also a group star fighter combat were party members can assist in their own fighters or new ships.
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I was a little disappointed at the RE overview.... I'm just a little curious about other sets that will not be able to be crit crafted (specifically social sets).

I'd like to dust off my slave girl outfit and get a crit crafted set so it would be appropriate for end game (yes, without aug slots it still will be, but it will not be ideal)


Keep in mind one of the last paragraphs states they are working on a way in the future to let you modify exisiting orange gear like unique bits from certain quests with a augment slot on purpose.


(One of the many suggestions some of us suggested they simply do vs the can crit accidently version.)


So, if true then this would be even better. Random crits and Specificaly deciding "I want an augment slot in this piece. Make it so please." :) Augment slotting on purpose.


If that is possible, then no doubt your favorete social bits will qualify too, since once bought they are simply orange moddable gear pieces just like the com and quest reward oranges. So don't toss out your slave girl outfit yet. ;)


At least that's what my reading of that says to me. I might be wrong.


PS: Iwould love to know when/if we will be able to put hoods up/down and goggles/visors down over eyes or pushed up on forehead/hung round neck (not in use) as those options too are all part of customising appearance and should not be forgotten.

Edited by RogueDemonhunter
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I agree... nerf the cost of mod removals/swapping. Its way over priced. And i thought the purpose of the WORK STATION was to reduce the cost of removing mods etc, but it costs the same thing, so what is the purpose for even having the work station in the game?


so true, what are they thinking

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Are any immediate actions being taken to resolve the games pending failure. Such things as combining servers, createing a method of balancing the pvp competion, having a meaningful game for lvl 50????
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the main problem with TOR is the speed the developer release something for weeks we hear about 1.2 .

But do we hear when they release it no silence as useual

the legacy should been done months ago

And as for PVP you cant do pvp if your booted 1 min your in a warzone.

and what about the 9000 error for months Bioware knows of it but did they fix it no


The main problem is EA if they would not be so hasty with the release we would not have the situation this MMO has

But Eric Brown and Co only care about money as it seems as long as they got enough subscribers they will not see a reason to act


Sadly if the Management wont listen there is only one option go to a diffrent mmo cause Bioware will do there thing if we like it or not


I do not know who makes the schedule around here but as long as the profit is okay then why even bother


I expected more support from bioware then what they have shown

on E3 and other events they talk alot but when it comes to solid facts what do we get

No Answer that should change if TOR is meant to survive 20 years

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Are any immediate actions being taken to resolve the games pending failure. Such things as combining servers, createing a method of balancing the pvp competion, having a meaningful game for lvl 50????


I'm having fun playing...but I don't think anything can stop the tsunami that is May Diablo 3 & June Guild Wars 2.

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the main problem with TOR is the speed the developer release something


Exactly. They may well be working on all the things this game needs but they are working really really really really really slowly. When the game came out they said updates would be regular and the release of 1.1 was nice and quick but the time between 1.1 and 1.2 is just beyond ridiculous. Its almost as long as between wow patches and that's just unacceptable for a new MMO lacking so many things. If they don't release 1.3 very very soon after 1.2 they will loose even more subs.



Should definitely add a way to skip the conversations without exiting or at least speed it up because it is really boring!!!


And fix the companion problem that mosty people are experiencing. the one where your companion lays on the ground and keeps jumping to you while still laying down and cant attack. i've died so many times because my whole groups companions have done this.


YES!! You're the only person I've actually seen say it but my Qyzen does this all the time! Every time he gets knocked over he just stays like that for like 10 mins.

Edited by DarthZaul
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Exactly. They may well be working on all the things this game needs but they are working really really really really really slowly. When the game came out they said updates would be regular and the release of 1.1 was nice and quick but the time between 1.1 and 1.2 is just beyond ridiculous. Its almost as long as between wow patches and that's just unacceptable for a new MMO lacking so many things. If they don't release 1.3 very very soon after 1.2 they will loose even more subs.





YES!! You're the only person I've actually seen say it but my Qyzen does this all the time! Every time he gets knocked over he just stays like that for like 10 mins.


seems like that what they are aiming for to loose subs or can you explain otherwise nothing is been done to improve things

You allways judge tor with Wow but I ask you how where things in WoW in 3 months after launch

Bioware thinks not on each individual Member only that they make profit if the numbers drops fast enough in a certain period maybe they will act but it does not look that will happen soon

they claim its our MMO but strangly they do all the decisions no matter what they do as long as the chosen few who are considerd worthy to be considerd to make suggestion are satisfied

Everything is okay for them so accept it or leave cause they will not change there pace of speed

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What is the ideal cost too trade cent to champ and champ to BM coms,, I'm wandering casue if i have 8 cent coms and 12 champ coms after 1.2 what do i do with them and how would i acquire the right amount for exchange...


kinda like removing the penny and not letting us trade for a nickel..if we down a few pennies and cant earn set amount for trade... they are just wasted and that kinda goes for all those other comms,


need a system to trade up coms for pve and pvp

either buy resourses, gear social stuff etc

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You misunderstand. I was just asking hypothetically would the child of two characters get a better selection of powers from the parents instead of just the shared iconic ability all of your legacy characters will get regardless of their relation to one another. If you don't wish to play as a girl because you are a guy irl, then more power to you. I personally just like the aspect of linking a male and female character together and make a potentially powerful child. Again though, I'm not saying they should have access to all the powers of either parent simply because they are related by blood, i was just wondering if they would get more than one. This is meant for people who feel the same way I do and plan on the same thing. Of course, if you were to link your characters as siblings (or hell even as the child of another without a member of the opposite sex to act as the other parent to "inherit" powers from), then I suppose the same thing could apply for you as well.


What you are describing is not what they explained at all....


The available legacy ability is not one ability spread over your legacy, but rather an ability a character in question would not normally have that another character in your legacy does, at least that seems the logical approach.


If they give access to more abilities it is wholly irrelevant, they would most likely share CD and with a 1 minute window to use under very strict circumstances, it is highly unlikely to get more than one off every use of a heroic moment.

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  • 2 weeks later...
•Reverse engineering an item with mods leads to empty orange equivalents of the end game items. This can be done after the mods are extracted and used in a different item!

•The item you learn to create is commonly Bind on Equip, as we want to encourage a more lively market on the Galactic Trade Network.

•Many different mods can now be reverse engineered which will grant you a schematic to craft that mod. (This is not possible on armoring that carry a set bonus.)

•Reverse engineering non-modded items usually leads to a schematic for an equivalent item.

•Reverse engineering an end game item also provides materials needed to craft these items. Operations materials are also Bind on Equip now, creating a more diverse market.

•A crafting critical on these schematics will usually lead to an augment slot. For item mods, it results in an extra item.



Well now i'm frustrated... Did exactly what it said... First it says "Reverse engineering an item with mods leads to empty orange equivalents of the end game items." followed by "This can be done after the mods are extracted and used in a different item!" which is a total contradiction in itself. So I took all the mods out, and put it into something else, on two different items, but then I am not able to RE the original item. Also taking the mods out cost me 140K (roughly 35K each mod), so times 2 weapons, I lost 300K for nothing. Can this be any more confusing?

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