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Legacy level redundant?


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From what I have read about legacy unlocks it seems that by the time you have achieved the other requirements for a legacy unlock you would have far surpassed the legacy level required? For instance racial unlocks, its a lot easier to get to level 5 in Legacy than 1.5 million credits to spend on a new race or level a race to 50. It seems like this for all of the unlocks. Then on top of that the buffs and bonuses(class and companions) don't require any legacy levels. I am looking at my 28 legacy levels and realizing the last 18 are about useless and redundant.
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From what I have read about legacy unlocks it seems that by the time you have achieved the other requirements for a legacy unlock you would have far surpassed the legacy level required? For instance racial unlocks, its a lot easier to get to level 5 in Legacy than 1.5 million credits to spend on a new race or level a race to 50. It seems like this for all of the unlocks. Then on top of that the buffs and bonuses(class and companions) don't require any legacy levels. I am looking at my 28 legacy levels and realizing the last 18 are about useless and redundant.


They're not done with the legacy system yet, they'll be adding more. There's also plenty of things that unlock at level 15-25. Nothing past 25 yet, though.

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From what I have read about legacy unlocks it seems that by the time you have achieved the other requirements for a legacy unlock you would have far surpassed the legacy level required? For instance racial unlocks, its a lot easier to get to level 5 in Legacy than 1.5 million credits to spend on a new race or level a race to 50. It seems like this for all of the unlocks. Then on top of that the buffs and bonuses(class and companions) don't require any legacy levels. I am looking at my 28 legacy levels and realizing the last 18 are about useless and redundant.


Racial unlock require either:

A) 1.5 Million Credits AND Legacy level 5

B) Level a race to 50


You don't get every race just by getting to Legacy 5.


The class buffs don't require anything but finishing act 2, but even with a friends help, you'll still have to be at least level 33 (minimum level to land on Quesh).


The companions pretty much require finishing the class quest arc to finish all their conversations.


As for your 28 levels, the highest unlock currently (the Ship GTN terminal) requires Legacy 25 and 5 million credits. So you're only 3 levels above the highest reward for this patch.

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Emotes and useless cool down reductions? Global Trade in your ship? Not a single one is that exciting and worthwhile imo.


I can't judge their system on what they may or may not add in future patches but by what they said their Legacy patch would have.

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Racial unlock require either:

A) 1.5 Million Credits AND Legacy level 5

B) Level a race to 50


You don't get every race just by getting to Legacy 5.


The class buffs don't require anything but finishing act 2, but even with a friends help, you'll still have to be at least level 33 (minimum level to land on Quesh).


The companions pretty much require finishing the class quest arc to finish all their conversations.


As for your 28 levels, the highest unlock currently (the Ship GTN terminal) requires Legacy 25 and 5 million credits. So you're only 3 levels above the highest reward for this patch.


Pretty much my point by the time you have 1.5mil or level 50 you would easily be Legacy level 5.

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To me this whole Legacy level requirement issue is just way too low.


Getting Legacy 5 is a drop in the bucket compaired to getting 1.5 mil credits. or for that matter level 50.Anyone that has gotten to level 35 should not be allowed to reroll , via buying a species. Legacy 5 is just too easy to obtain. probably 15 hours after getting legacy access.


IMOO unlocking a species for an alt, via legacy should require Legacy 15 and the 1.5 mil credits

Or level 50. If you get to level 50 you most likely will be Legacy 12 minimum. Doing PvE dailies will get you those last 3 legacy levels and tons of creds within a week.


Having Legacy level 5 to open up ANY species for an alt is just low and a laugh in your face for the Legacy system.

Obtaining the alt ability to create an off species should be earned not just bought.


This comes form a Legacy 39 player. Of which all those Legacy levels are meaning nothing in the greater scheme of things. I can just pay credits as it stands now, and the Legacy levels I have earned has netted me nothing special for my work.

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Pretty much my point by the time you have 1.5mil or level 50 you would easily be Legacy level 5.


It is probably there so I cannot just send 1.5m to a different account, say a family member or friend's.


Also, one could technically get the money and not have any legacy levels, say by tradeskilling a character a ton. Easier now that the droid can gain some affection. Yeah, not a likely, but possible.

Edited by Battilea
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It is probably there so I cannot just send 1.5m to a different account, say a family member or friend's.


Also, one could technically get the money and not have any legacy levels, say by tradeskilling a character a ton. Easier now that the droid can gain some affection. Yeah, not a likely, but possible.


Mostly it's there so that you don't have to play a race to unlock it.


Say I want to play a Sith Mirialan. But I don't want to play a Republic one up to level 50 on my Imperial server in order to do it. I spend 1.5 million instead, and can play the race I want.


Or I want the valor rank emotes, but don't enjoy grinding ranks in WZs.

Edited by DarthDemens
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To me this whole Legacy level requirement issue is just way too low.


Getting Legacy 5 is a drop in the bucket compaired to getting 1.5 mil credits. or for that matter level 50.Anyone that has gotten to level 35 should not be allowed to reroll , via buying a species. Legacy 5 is just too easy to obtain. probably 15 hours after getting legacy access.


IMOO unlocking a species for an alt, via legacy should require Legacy 15 and the 1.5 mil credits

Or level 50. If you get to level 50 you most likely will be Legacy 12 minimum. Doing PvE dailies will get you those last 3 legacy levels and tons of creds within a week.


Having Legacy level 5 to open up ANY species for an alt is just low and a laugh in your face for the Legacy system.

Obtaining the alt ability to create an off species should be earned not just bought.


This comes form a Legacy 39 player. Of which all those Legacy levels are meaning nothing in the greater scheme of things. I can just pay credits as it stands now, and the Legacy levels I have earned has netted me nothing special for my work.


You and some others are not reading this correctly:


Species unlocks require Legacy level 5 AND 1.5 million credits. Not one or the other... both. OR level 50 of that species.

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You and some others are not reading this correctly:


Species unlocks require Legacy level 5 AND 1.5 million credits. Not one or the other... both. OR level 50 of that species.


He clarified in a post a few above yours. He knows it.


ON the subject, I think that the just didn't want it a high requirement, but they wanted it to only work for a person who put at least some time into the class.


and some people don't have the level per se...just hit lvl 12 on my 50, and she's been there awhile. think i was level 9 when I hit 50...so if someone is leveling fast or lean, they could only be at 5 or a few above it by the time they hit 50

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I wanna play a Chiss trooper. But my only characters are a lv50 mirialan sage and a lv18 twilek shadow.


I would much rather pay 1.5 million credits to play a Chiss trooper than I would to level up a Chiss on the imp side. I'm not planning to have any imps on my current server anyway.

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Emotes and useless cool down reductions? Global Trade in your ship? Not a single one is that exciting and worthwhile imo.


I can't judge their system on what they may or may not add in future patches but by what they said their Legacy patch would have.


Video Game = Useless animated pictures that respond to mouse clicks and keypresses


No part of any game is more or less useless than any other.

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Video Game = Useless animated pictures that respond to mouse clicks and keypresses


No part of any game is more or less useless than any other.


I find a reduction in a CD from 18hrs to 12hrs for 600k credits, when my average playtime is only 4hrs to be useless. The most useful abilities/buffs are either below level 10 legacy or not even affected by legacy levels(class buffs/companion buffs).


To me the system doesn't seem to encourage people to try to level alts and get legacy exp but instead just to farm more credits for a few perks.

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I find a reduction in a CD from 18hrs to 12hrs for 600k credits, when my average playtime is only 4hrs to be useless. The most useful abilities/buffs are either below level 10 legacy or not even affected by legacy levels(class buffs/companion buffs).


To me the system doesn't seem to encourage people to try to level alts and get legacy exp but instead just to farm more credits for a few perks.


It encourages people to click their mouse and press their keys. Even if you aren't one of those people, it's still serving its purpose of giving people something to do.

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1) The legacy system is one of the crappier veteran reward systems I've seen


2) This game (and especially the increasing amounts of credits required for everything) reminds me more and more of Korean grinders like Aion.

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They're not done with the legacy system yet, they'll be adding more. There's also plenty of things that unlock at level 15-25. Nothing past 25 yet, though.


I thought you needed legacy level 35 to be able to get the GTN on your spaceship (and 5 million creds).

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I find a reduction in a CD from 18hrs to 12hrs for 600k credits, when my average playtime is only 4hrs to be useless. The most useful abilities/buffs are either below level 10 legacy or not even affected by legacy levels(class buffs/companion buffs).


To me the system doesn't seem to encourage people to try to level alts and get legacy exp but instead just to farm more credits for a few perks.


It gives us more reasons to level alts than there already exists. Class buffs, emotes, race unlocks etc. Leveling alts isn't supposed to be this super undesirable thing that you need a ton of incentives to do. You may feel that way, but thats not what Bioware's attitude towards alts is.


The legacy isn't mean to change strict anti-alt people's minds about leveling alts. Its an added incentive for people who don't mind them.

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