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Any no-dress armor before level 50?


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can anyone point me to some good looking (ok, thats opinionated) moddable armor pieces for a maraudeur before level 50?


Problem is - I am not looking for any dresses or robes... more like the progression I'd have expected after watching the progression videos. So far, I'm hard working towards Force Clown. That needs to change!


Still sporting the armor from Dromund K.


Would be totally awesome.

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If you can stomach the minor armor loss from medium to light, there's a few modular sets(belt included) that you can acquire at the fleet with appropriate social rank and a number of space mission commendations. Spaceship upgrades vendor offers the outfits, and you don't run around in a skirt if you get the leggings. :)
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Thanks for the hint - I guess that measly percent of mitigation in dmg isn't as harsh as the mitigation in style-related-fun, so I'll definately check it out.


So frustrating, that every npc I meet has a cool style going, and I'm running around in "Academy-Look". :D


Consider that woman-sith on Taris (Thana?) , i.e. - standing in a discussion with her right now. DAMN thats a nice style!

Edited by chillshock
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Consider that woman-sith on Taris (Thana?) , i.e. - standing in a discussion with her right now. DAMN thats a nice style!


Indeed, that's the pvp set for sith warriors except that the hood's down and the metal pieces on the chest are gone. It's a shame but you'll have to get used to see NPCs wandering around in better looking gear than yours. :confused:

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Also remember you can wear most Agent style gear which has lots of pants. And if they're orange, then you can easilly mod them to Sith Warrior type stats. Some nice looks in there.


And if you can find an agent duoing partner, you can get some very sharp looking drops on flashpoints if they're willing to share. I did that with my wife's agent and it worked out quite well. She got a nice array of skirts from marauder drops, and I got nice tops and pants from agent drops.

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The pants hints are great... now only I had real cool boots instead of... socks? :D


There are alot of decent SW boots. But if all else fails, there's a really nice pair of orange/moddable Black agent boots you can buy with Alderaan Commendations. Re-mod them for Strength and they're very servicable.

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Just get used to wearing the same stuff for a long time, or having ugly gear with dresses. My mara wore the Taris chest with synth-made Marauder Leggings for a long-long time. (Also has a Foundry helm from the BP mission, looks good together.)
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I actually founf something for a few creds on the auction house: Bladestorm's Greaves. They look pretty decent and are dark pants. Well, actually they are leggins, but by now no one wonders about that trend in any mmo, eh? :D


I'm curious about "the Taris Chest"?


And the Boots. Are there ANY boots from Level 25-49 that do not look like... well... rubber-boots / wellies?

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I actually founf something for a few creds on the auction house: Bladestorm's Greaves. They look pretty decent and are dark pants. Well, actually they are leggins, but by now no one wonders about that trend in any mmo, eh? :D


I'm curious about "the Taris Chest"?


And the Boots. Are there ANY boots from Level 25-49 that do not look like... well... rubber-boots / wellies?


Modding them through the levelling part with Black Talon Marauder's Vest was the best option I could come up with to keep the feeling I wanted for my Marauder. :cool:

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