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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

ARENAS/Death match....NOW


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They have one of these on Tatooine. Go ahead, check it out. It is jam packed with everyone else who is asking for this same feature.


Or it's empty because nobody goes to Tatooine for anything ever outside of leveling up, it's hard to get to (what, 2-3 looooong loading screens on top of the travel time itself?), and requires organizing your own event every single time, since nobody want to go through the hassle of going there on their own.


I see this suggestion pop up all the time, and it has since before the game was released. There's obviously more interest in it than you seem to be giving it credit for, regardless of your personal feelings about a deathmatch-style arena type of Warzone.


I'd honestly be very surprised if BW wasn't already thinking of how they'd like to implement the feature in the future, as they've already mentioned that they know the community is interested more than once.


No, it doesn't have to be exactly like WoW arenas, and let's be honest, SWTOR is already more balanced than WoW was during Season 1. My freshly dinged 70 frost mage could kill fully-decked out Gladiator warriors w/out breaking a sweat; my 50 Sorc wasn't exactly wiping the floor w/ full BMs when I dinged in this game.


Edited by Varicite
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Simple Solution, have it offer no rewards or gear. Maybe a few titles and a ranking system.


And srsly the ones who are like "NO NO ARENA'' are obviously the baddies who got stomped in whatever game they played before ToR.


I for one would love to see some ranking so i dont have to group with people who arent skilled at games. I hate being dragged down by people that think they're good.

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I don't care if I get ZERO gear from it.


I'm a PVPer and I want to know where I stack up with the best.


I don't exspect EVERYONE to understand.


I understand why some don't want it...........BUT TRUST ME top players do.


And without them playing what do we really have?....


A game full of casuals and it means NOTHING if I beat a casual player in PVP WZs!

Edited by Izola
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What in gods name is taking so long?



BW make a 150m * 250m room and let us do the rest.


Afraid your game can't stack up balance wise?




No way. This will be the end of SWTOR. Arenas will completely destroy what is left of class balance. Sorcs will get annihilated and they will all QQ that they need a buff, just for starters. Then it's all downhill from there.

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Simple Solution, have it offer no rewards or gear. Maybe a few titles and a ranking system.


And srsly the ones who are like "NO NO ARENA'' are obviously the baddies who got stomped in whatever game they played before ToR.


I for one would love to see some ranking so i dont have to group with people who arent skilled at games. I hate being dragged down by people that think they're good.


Show your skills in WZs. Arenas is not and never was a show of skills. It's all about who bursts the fastest on the opposing team's healer/squishy.

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Show your skills in WZs. Arenas is not and never was a show of skills. It's all about who bursts the fastest on the opposing team's healer/squishy.


You're talking about WoW Arena.


This is SWTOR.


It doesn't have to be that way, y'know.

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Tatooine? get a couple buddies together and DM if you want


people do it you know


Screw making it the epitome of PvP though with rankings and stat specific rewards


Or a reason for class balance specific changes

Edited by vulup
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Tatooine? get a couple buddies together and DM if you want


people do it you know


Screw making it the epitome of PvP though with rankings and stat specific rewards


Or a reason for class balance specific changes


That's... not at all what the OP was asking for..


What are you even replying to, or is this yet another knee-jerk reaction to the word "Arena" w/out even bothering to read anything else?

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Show your skills in WZs. Arenas is not and never was a show of skills. It's all about who bursts the fastest on the opposing team's healer/squishy.


LOL @ ^



The FAIL is strong with this one.

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That's... not at all what the OP was asking for..


What are you even replying to, or is this yet another knee-jerk reaction to the word "Arena" w/out even bothering to read anything else?


I read his first post


"Death Match" may have caused a small knee-jerking reaction yes


and "Arena"


and "afraid your game cant stack up balance-wise"


but serisouly such spots exist everywhere on a pvp server - people just have to organize themselves a little bit to get things rolling if they want to


the lack of server specific forums hurts ofc but its possible


BW making it offical will just lead to huge QQ due to balance issues - something I expect to see with R WZs in 1.2 anyways...

Edited by vulup
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I'd like to see smaller WZ options or some sort of Arena without gear rewards.. Right now the only teams that win are the ones that group bang(and with tons of CC) people, sorry but there is no skill in that. Edited by broganthomas
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Arena sucks and ruined the game, let them keep that crap as it ruined PVE forever.


(By the way I am 83 Valor so I do not hate PVP either)


lol @ ^ guy.


Thinking Valor grind is PVP....




As a fellow PVPer IZOLA (OP) I and competitive by nature


The FAIL is stronger with THIS GUY ^


I win this round IZOLA, Look foward to beating you in ARENAs Soon Enough!

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You're talking about WoW Arena.


This is SWTOR.


It doesn't have to be that way, y'know.


No I am not talking about WoW arena. I am talking about Arenas in general. It's not like it is not happening now. Go search for videos on Tatooine. Quite a few, with large gatherings. End result? Sorc got creamed in every single battle. It will open a floodgate of QQing on balancing classes based on which class destroys which class constantly in an arena. Then hell will break loose.


LOL @ ^



The FAIL is strong with this one.


^ No I think you are referring to the noob suggesting the 150m * 250m pretending focus fire on a squishy is not 17k to 0k in under 4 sec. Yea, that's skills alright, especially with more than half the players with pull/jump lol.

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No I am not talking about WoW arena. I am talking about Arenas in general. It's not like it is not happening now. Go search for videos on Tatooine. Quite a few, with large gatherings. End result? Sorc got creamed in every single battle. It will open a floodgate of QQing on balancing classes based on which class destroys which class constantly in an arena. Then hell will break loose.


L2 gaurd




^ No I think you are referring to the noob suggesting the 150m * 250m pretending focus fire on a squishy is not 17k to 0k in under 4 sec. Yea, that's skills alright, especially with more than half the players with pull/jump lol.


LOL @ ^


The FAIL is much more powerfull then we once thought.

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I don't get why some of these people are against it, however you DON'T have to participate in Arena. It's an option and not required, and as a paying member of this community I'd personally like to see an option for smaller WZ, or Arena. This does not need gear/rewards, so I really don't see a problem.
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I don't get why some of these people are against it, however you DON'T have to participate in Arena. It's an option and not required, and as a paying member of this community I'd personally like to see an option for smaller WZ, or Arena. This does not need gear/rewards, so I really don't see a problem.


At the risk of being a little rude it's actually an easy question to answer...


If arenas come into the game then they will be rated. People that get a BAD rating in arenas....ALL OF THESE PEOPLE.......feel like they're opinions don't count as much when it comes to PVP anymore Bcuz there is proof that they are not good at it.

Edited by Swidgin
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I don't get why some of these people are against it, however you DON'T have to participate in Arena. It's an option and not required, and as a paying member of this community I'd personally like to see an option for smaller WZ, or Arena. This does not need gear/rewards, so I really don't see a problem.


^ This.



Quit qq'n about Arenas. If you don't want to play, don't participate. Pretty simple.


Some of us (true pvpers) like to actually FIGHT each other. Give us Death-Match/Arenas.

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I don't get why some of these people are against it, however you DON'T have to participate in Arena. It's an option and not required, and as a paying member of this community I'd personally like to see an option for smaller WZ, or Arena. This does not need gear/rewards, so I really don't see a problem.


What is you dont get? It is not about participating or not. It is about the domino effect it will create by THOSE who are participating and will feel that their class need to be rebalanced based on the results of the arenas. And there WILL be obvious and consistent results, none of which will have anything to do with skills.

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What is you dont get? It is not about participating or not. It is about the domino effect it will create by THOSE who are participating and will feel that their class need to be rebalanced based on the results of the arenas. And there WILL be obvious and consistent results, none of which will have anything to do with skills.


Balancing the game around the SMALLEST number of classes possible is the GREATEST way for OVERALL game Balance!


You had a bad time in Arenas lost had a BAD rating and EVERYONE saw it and STOPPED listening to your opinions as a result.


I am sorry for you but that shouldn't stop us from playing what we want to play.

Edited by Swidgin
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What is you dont get? It is not about participating or not. It is about the domino effect it will create by THOSE who are participating and will feel that their class need to be rebalanced based on the results of the arenas. And there WILL be obvious and consistent results, none of which will have anything to do with skills.


How is this any different than the class QQ we get from warzones? People will always ***** about the game, move along.

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I don't get why some of these people are against it, however you DON'T have to participate in Arena. It's an option and not required, and as a paying member of this community I'd personally like to see an option for smaller WZ, or Arena. This does not need gear/rewards, so I really don't see a problem.


The problem is that we end up affected regardless of whether we participate or not. From what I remember, complaints about class balancing happen most frequently in WOW from experiences in PVP. "This class is overpowered! This class is completely useless!" Have you ever heard that? And we all know what happens next: buffs and nerfs. And what happens next? MORE COMPLAINING ABOUT IMBALANCE! And the icing on the cake is now they are not only receiving complaints from pvper's, but also from those who pve, because the buffs and nerfs affect you even if you DON'T pvp.


THIS is why we're against arenas.

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