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Master Strike buff new 1.2 notes


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I read 15%, but still that's pretty nice. Couple it with 8% talent and it's going to be scary.


To be honest, I'm a little worried that there is a stealth nerf or something. I cannot understand why they are buffing us even more. I'm afraid, for Sentinels at least, they will make our offhand do less damage like it does in other attacks (currently MS both weapons hit for 100%dmg).

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I read 15%, but still that's pretty nice. Couple it with 8% talent and it's going to be scary.


To be honest, I'm a little worried that there is a stealth nerf or something. I cannot understand why they are buffing us even more. I'm afraid, for Sentinels at least, they will make our offhand do less damage like it does in other attacks (currently MS both weapons hit for 100%dmg).



You need to play your class quite a bit more.



If you do, you'll realize there are no buffs, just fixes.



- Dispatch at 30%? Should have been that way all along

- Pacify off the GCD? Should have been that way all along

- A few abilities are now free? Should have been that way all along


Seriously new dude, do you not realize how expensive 1 focus is to to us, compared to 5 force on a 200+ force class that has constant force regeneration AND starts fights at full force? Or that every other class finisher has be 30% this entire time?



Dirtnugget, do you even lift?

Edited by Asphen
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Also, I think they took Force Clap thing away from Jedi Knights (guardians), and are giving Master Strike a small boost to compensate.



Which is good. Master Strike, even an uninterrupted version, is extra High Risk. I know I'm going to blind fools trying to use it, and let them enjoy a long, 3 second windup of 'wiff'.

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Also, I think they took Force Clap thing away from Jedi Knights (guardians), and are giving Master Strike a small boost to compensate.



Which is good. Master Strike, even an uninterrupted version, is extra High Risk. I know I'm going to blind fools trying to use it, and let them enjoy a long, 3 second windup of 'wiff'.


Leg slash + master strike anyone?

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You need to play your class quite a bit more.



If you do, you'll realize there are no buffs, just fixes.



- Dispatch at 30%? Should have been that way all along

- Pacify off the GCD? Should have been that way all along

- A few abilities are now free? Should have been that way all along


Seriously new dude, do you not realize how expensive 1 focus is to to us, compared to 5 force on a 200+ force class that has constant force regeneration AND starts fights at full force? Or that every other class finisher has be 30% this entire time?



Dirtnugget, do you even lift?


they may have been "fixes" that serve mostly to make the class easier to play but they all also improve the overall top level performance possible by the class. sentinel already is only really challenged 1v1 by assassins and operatives and we are far more dangerous to healers than the tank spec assassins meanwhile operatives are getting another small nerf, so the question is why buff sentinels.


I can understand doing these changes and then maybe some slight nerfs to damage of a few abilities to make up for being able to use dispatch more, have more focus to spend on higher damage abilities etc or at the very least leave the damage the same. but BW actually is increasing the damage of several abilities this is what baffles people. I have no doubt that rage will get us nerfed hard post 1.2 so guess I'll just have to abuse it while I can and enjoy being the FOTM.

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Dude, the Master Strike change is going to be a reduction in damage, not an increase vs good players.



Here is how it will go: Noob Sentinel will rush up to a pro, and start Master Strike. Now Noob Sentinel is going to try to let the entire thing finish...


Pro Sith dude will then Stun/Blind/Knockback the noob Sentinel... And all that time he spend waiting for 'that last big swing' is going to be wasted.



Adding a little ammount of damage to that ability is just going to encourage noob Sentinels to preform self inflicted stuns on themsevles. I wouldn't sweat it.

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You need to play your class quite a bit more.



If you do, you'll realize there are no buffs, just fixes.



- Dispatch at 30%? Should have been that way all along

- Pacify off the GCD? Should have been that way all along

- A few abilities are now free? Should have been that way all along


Seriously new dude, do you not realize how expensive 1 focus is to to us, compared to 5 force on a 200+ force class that has constant force regeneration AND starts fights at full force? Or that every other class finisher has be 30% this entire time?



Dirtnugget, do you even lift?


Regardless of semantics these "fixes" increase the overall strength/utility of our class and are therefore "buffs". I don't really understand what you mean by "lift", and your nerd rage is not constructive.


I'm not complaining, I'm just saying that we are currently fine/strong in both PvE and PvP atm. The buffs/fixes they giving to Sentinels combined with the nerfs to other classes is probably going to push us over the edge a bit.Just sounds too good to be true.


We'll have to wait and see if they've changed the damage calculation on MS or something to see if it's a true flat 15% damage increase, or perhaps 15% on the last hit or perhaps they made our offhand scale now is all I'm saying. Also, by making dispatch usable from 30% now makes it by far the strongest execute in the game. Inquisitor has a 4m range, and Sniper is on a much longer CD.

Edited by Dirtnugget
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Dude, the Master Strike change is going to be a reduction in damage, not an increase vs good players.



Here is how it will go: Noob Sentinel will rush up to a pro, and start Master Strike. Now Noob Sentinel is going to try to let the entire thing finish...


Pro Sith dude will then Stun/Blind/Knockback the noob Sentinel... And all that time he spend waiting for 'that last big swing' is going to be wasted.



Adding a little ammount of damage to that ability is just going to encourage noob Sentinels to preform self inflicted stuns on themsevles. I wouldn't sweat it.


correct me if I'm wrong, master strike is now UNINTERUPTABLE. tht means nothing can stop u from finishing the attack including stuns nockbacks and blinds... I think...

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correct me if I'm wrong, master strike is now UNINTERUPTABLE. tht means nothing can stop u from finishing the attack including stuns nockbacks and blinds... I think...


no it does not make you immune to stuns, knockbacks or blinds, it just means an interrupt like force kick wont work.

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Watchman does that with a single merciless.


Focus too.


And combat when blade rush crits.


Actually as combat, I get the 2.5k hit on Blade Storm, which crits 100% of the time, after a Blade Rush. And as Blade Rush has no cool down, that is all the time.

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Asphen you don't seem to understand the definition of "buff"



a fix, as you say, can still be a buff, if it improves the overall ability of a class, regardless if it "should" have been that way all along


a fix can also be a nerf, if it makes the overall ability of a class worse, regardless if it "should" have been that way all along


buff and fix are not mutually exclusive words




just thought I'd throw that out there

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Asphen you don't seem to understand the definition of "buff"



a fix, as you say, can still be a buff, if it improves the overall ability of a class, regardless if it "should" have been that way all along


a fix can also be a nerf, if it makes the overall ability of a class worse, regardless if it "should" have been that way all along


buff and fix are not mutually exclusive words




just thought I'd throw that out there




Dude... Really?



Did you honestly type that entire post thinking I don't understand the difference?

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Dude... Really?



Did you honestly type that entire post thinking I don't understand the difference?


Well when you act like you don't understand that, then is it really unthinkable that someone might actually think that you don't?

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I wonder if they fixed master strike having basically a 12-15m range on the last swing. If not it will be rigged. Did I mention anyone who hasn't noticed this is bad and should never post about how pro they are again :p Edited by OdamanPrime
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I wonder if they fixed master strike having basically a 12-15m range on the last swing. If not it will be rigged. Did I mention anyone who hasn't noticed this is bad and should never post about how pro they are again :p


this part is funny atm in duels, you can try hit it at max melee as someone is jumping, when they land (in combat spec) the immobilise kicks in and they are out of range to hit you back or inturrupt :) (only funny in sentinel vs sentinel duels, since mostly people dont consider currently to use force stasis just to inturrupt master strike when kick is sufficient.)

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