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Male or female choice


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Now I kind of regret making it a female because it feels weird, especially with the romance options. If this game was like WoW, I'd pay $25 and change my toon to a dude just so I don't have any weirdness.



Jeepers, you must have never heard of role playing. If nothing else exploring male romance options would allow you to explore a side of your character that may feel weird at first, but may ultimately be rewarding.


Seriously, though I play male and female characters in games. The reason, because I can separate my own identity from the character, and playing both sexes in games is rewarding. Being confident in my own identity and sexuality, I don't fear to role play opposite gender character romance options in games. For consular the gear seems to fit the female character form better. Male consulars look a bit like Elton John in a fancy stage costume.




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I play both depending on which I like the look of for a particular class.


I do tend to make my 'tanks male, and my ranged dps/aoe female now that I think about it, but I never spend much time thinking about which gender I'm going to play.

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There is two sides of interpretation..


As someone stated: «I`m no gay. So if i going to spend 2-3 hours every evening watching on someones butt, it better to be a girls one...»

ppl actually keep their sight at the toons but?! are you also an arsenal merc? that would explain why you would have time to look somewhere else but what you are shooting/doing
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I'm guessing this has been hit on before but I wanted to speak my mind. I really wanna play this class but I can't get behind the male voice at all. I rolled as a female, but feel a little weird playing a female when i'm a man. first time my main has ever been a girl, I just started this game btw. Just thought I would ask what everyone thought of the story with a female character and such. I did like the voice of the female JC seemed to fit better. Oh does the voice over of Nolan north get any better?


You shouldn't feel weird because you're playing a female video game character and anyone who would judge you based on this insignifance still has some growing up to do.


I've grouped with male Consulars and I know what you mean. Matter of fact I'm not entirely fond of the Republic male voice acting at all. It all sounds very ...Superheroish to me.

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I've actually played both from 1-50. I've pretty much always rolled female characters in all the MMOs I've played so that's what I did first in SWTOR. I started with a female Sage. When it came to the romance part of the story, it just felt weird to me. I guess I just don't have a strong enough imagination to really enjoy romancing a male companion. I did it, because it was a part of the story and I wanted to play through everything, but it felt uncomfortable. I re-rolled on a new server for population reasons and the 2nd go around I went with a male Sage. I honestly liked them both. I thought the voice acting for both genders did a nice job. Contrary to an OP above, my favorite so far is the female voice of the Sith Inquisitor. That lady did a fantastic job with the whole "don't mess with me unless you want to face my wrath" voice. I mean she sounds scary! But I digress. Pick your poison and you'll most likely enjoy either path you choose.
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I am a male, but I almost always play a female character. I always play in third person view and my reasoning is that if I am going to look at the back of a character while I play the game I am going to try and make it as pleasant for myself as possible. Just saying...
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I tend to imagine that I am my character so it's extremely difficult for me to play characters of the opposite sex as I don't imagine myself as a man.


But I really understand where you are coming from. My Sage is my main and I LOVE her voice, but my Vanguard alt... I rolled her as a female as well and her voice is terrible. I understand she is a tank and maybe more masculine but her voice is just too low, but I just deal with it.

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But I really understand where you are coming from. My Sage is my main and I LOVE her voice, but my Vanguard alt... I rolled her as a female as well and her voice is terrible. I understand she is a tank and maybe more masculine but her voice is just too low, but I just deal with it.

Did you just call Jennifer Hale terrible?


I died a little bit inside.

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Did you just call Jennifer Hale terrible?


I died a little bit inside.


Not exactly, and her voice doesn't irritate me all the time.. there are just moments were it's really low and husky sounding and I don't like it. However, I think it fits the character but it's just not what I would have preferred. Call me crazy ;)

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I'm just wondering how old the guys are who think it's weird to play as a female character. I'm not judging your maturity- I'm just wondering if there's a gamer generation gap thing going on. You guys never played Tomb Raider?


I almost always pick female characters for two reasons-


1) Old habit- back in the 90s there were a lot of games that changed the makeup of the characters based on gender. I was usually better with faster and more agile (but weaker) characters. A classic example is Chun Li from Street Fighter 2. I know there there are no statistical changes to a character based on gender on SWTOR but old habits die hard.


2) The Laura Croft effect- they're pretty. What would you rather look at all day long?


I think it all comes down to whether you project yourself into your character or look at it as though you're the puppet master, pulling the strings.

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I'm a guy, but I have several female characters and got no problem with it.

The Jedi Sage is my main, and he's a male miralukan... But I can't say I don't enjoy playing with my female twi'lek smuggler... Dat 4SS!! :rolleyes:


By the way... Male consular's voice sounds fine to me. Firm and calm, just the way it should be in a peaceful and diplomatic Jedi, IMO.

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I would just make a female cause you get to wear robes and most of their gear is white/gold robes that look better on females than a guy. Like the elegant dress looks awesome on females, but not so much on males. Actually, it looks weird on male characters.
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Well in RPG's i usually play male character, a bit of projecting I suppose. In MMO's (Non EVE mmo's I played female characters simply because it have me something to look at.


In this game I split it, Hald my characters are male the other half female.


My Consular was my first and he is male.


I Dont find his voice actor bad. he saounds sanctomonius...and he is suppose to.


Jacen Solo, Zekk, Jaden Korr (From the books), the Masters for the KOTOR comics, Dass Jenier from Dark Times. thats what the Counsulars are.




ps I'm going to do some real damage!

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My main (Sith Marauder) is male, because i like the voice-acting and the looks on most armors. My first alt (lvl 46 Merc) is also male because i used to be a Fett fanboy.


My new char is a female Jedi Shadow and i'm loving it so far. I'm used to play female chars in MMOGs and i don't really care about it. Just wish i could have lesbian relationships ;p can't romance males.

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I've known plenty of people who played the opposite sex, because they preferred looking at them. Never been an issue for me, since the gender I'm attracted to and my own are the same.


One thing that's really nice about TOR's female characters is that you can make them look normal. They don't all have skinny waists and ginormous breasts.


Only one I can't ever see myself playing is the female trooper. I adore Jennifer Hale as a voice actress, but I will always wonder how Commander Shepard ended up a long, long time ago in a galaxy far away.


I liked both Consular voices. I think the male Knight might have my favorite voice, though. Female's is good, too.

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I have a male jedi knight and female consular. I also have a female agent, and a male bh. Guess it just depends on the class and what I think looks cool. I'm a male in RL btw.


One thing to think of is the romance options. As a girl toon you can only romance opposite sex companions at this point. So being a guy in RL means my female toons are celebate at this point as I can't bring myself to romance a guy toon in game.


My two cents.

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if it matters, my 2 cents:

I ALWAYS play with female characters. It's simply more fun. Basically it's a persona that I will be looking at for most of time in the game, so I make sure my character is nicely built and attractive (at least to me). Looking at some guy..?...naahhh, c'mon I see thousands of them around, none really interesting, so why should I bother in the game, that I play for fun??


No, no male characters for me (unless it's Geralt, of course).



Pity that when playing a girl you cannot romance other female characters, but perhaps it can be fixed later.

Thus I do not romance any other "guy' character in the game, that would be "weird" :)


But playing as female makes it even more pleasant when i kick some "big guys" asses, with my delicate girl wielding double blades :)

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I play both genders, its it random thing for me when i decide to make a new toon, the story about the same except for romantic options. personally i feel you should pick what you would have the most fun playing.
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I actually like the male JC voice; North's performance sounds calm and thoughtful, and it comes across to me like a natural match for the type of Jedi who takes a more tactical approach instead of Force Leaping his way into melee.


I have a male shadow and a female sage and I agree. The male voice fits very well. That said, I think among the classes I've played that the Consular works fine as a male or female. Where some, like the Sith Warrior, I can't see as anything but male.

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When I began playing MMORPGs back around 2000, I remember thinking it was very strange any time I found out a guy was playing a chick because it seemed a little bit like lying. But as the years passed, I met so many guys who did that (And a few women who played men, as well), that I eventually came to understand that this isn't like a FaceBook page, or something. Your character doesn't have to have anything to do with who you are at all. In fact, once I let myself out of that box, it opened up a completely new way to enjoy gaming.


It's 12 years later, and these days I play both. In fact, I make a point have trying out every class, race, model, and gender in a game until I find the ones I like. My current mains (that's plural because I 2-box) are a female Shadow and a male Sage. Tank and heals. It's a great combination. And while I prefer the voices of the female Assassin and the male Sorcerer, my friends who play with me prefer The Republic.


Since several previous posters saw fit to announce that they're not gay lest anyone misunderstand their in-game gender choices, it may be fitting for me to explain that I am gay, but I don't think that affected my choices, either. I'm neither pretending to be a woman on my female toons, nor staring at the butts of my male toons. I'm just playing a game.


I'm not getting emotionally involved in any of the in-game romances, either, although I don't find any of them bothersome. I might suggest to all the guys who are having difficulty adjusting to responding as a woman to the advances of a man, maybe you'd be less traumatized if you imagined yourself as the man who get's to pick the responses of the woman he's propsitioning. Either that or just consider it part of a story in which you don't have any vested interest. That's the way I'm used to getting through these sorts of things.


And while we're on the subject, has no one tried a female Imperian Agent? Because if you do, the subtext between your toon and Kaliyo is gonna feel like it's bursting with lesbian overtones. I haven't got mine past about level 20, but I was seriously expecting Kaliyo to make a move at any moment.


And for the guy who wondered how old we were. I'll be turning 45 this year. And I never played Tomb Raider.


Finally, and this only just barely related, the single biggest let-down for me about character customization was that there were no plus-sized female options. I mean, there's a upsized male model. Do *all* the female toons really have to have to have sex-appeal? My favorite Warcraft toon was my female tauren, with her clunky run and rhythmless "Electric Slide" dance. Yea, she was dorky, but she'd kick your ***!

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