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Love how people want to nerf Shadows now


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I'm of the opinion that if your healers are horrible then you're already dead in any large scale fight since Assassins do tend to get focus fired. So I try to maximize my damage output before I die which still involves firing FLs as fast as possible. When you're being hit by 3 guys, an extra 2K heal is only another GCD of survivality. You really should trust your healers, if only because if you can't trust them, you're dead anyway.


My Sin is still in 10-49 WZs, I'm hoping it will get better when I get back up to the 50s bracket, where healers know how to do their jerb. : )

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If 1v1 wasn't important when why is there a medal for an assassin kill (solo kill) and not say...capping a turret in Alderaan or passing the ball for a score, or even scoring in Huttball?


The medals don't really mean anything except for bragging rights; this will be even more the case after 1.2, when medals for objectives (like capping a turret in Alderaan or passing the ball for a score, or even scoring in Huttball) are going to be added.


There's also a medal for doing 5000 damage in a single hit. Would you say that it's important for every class to be able to do 5000 damage in a single hit?


What about the 2.5k heal medal? My PT has never gotten that one, ever.

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You know most of those long CD skills you could just click as well as extremely situational stuff.


It has nothing to do with how situational an ability is or how long it takes to recharge and everything to do with being able to activate it at a moments notice without having to find it on a bar with a cursor.

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"Special" Binds.


Learn to read.


Here is what the person you were responding to said:


I have 35 buttons bound on my sin, and use every single one every warzone.


Followed by what you said:


You do not have 35 special binds for your Assassin lol.


The person you responded to said nothing about 'special' binds. That's something you made up yourself. Aside from needing to learn to read yourself, perhaps for the rest of us you could define what a 'special' bind is and point out the difference between a 'special' bind and the bind everyone else uses.

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I really don't know where people keep on get this 'Tankasin can't handle healers'. Like Marauders, Tankasins eat Sorcer/Op for lunch. They have problem with Merc healers but so does everyone. Why do you need a faster interrupt when you can kill a healer after you interrupt their first big heal?


By the way stuff like Overload, Force Pull, and Spike all interrupt too. Maybe not ideal, but for healer with weak defense (i.e. not Merc) you don't have to worry about if giving them a full resolve bar will come back to haunt you later, because they'd be dead.


I'm sorry, but I have to take issue with this. I don't know what Sorcerers you've been fighting but a tank specced Assassin shouldn't be beating a well played, well geared heal specced Sorcerer. It's not like they don't have instants and two cast heals, so they can just use the other one if the first is interrupted. It also seems as though fake casting is an artform not many people know about in this game (yet, I hope). I've always found healing Sorc fights to be a stalemate. Now, after the Force Surge nerf it might be a different story...

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Balance and Infiltration shadows = free kill for me. Tanksassin/Tankdow = free kill for them. If there's someone you can't kill as a Tankdow/Tanksassin then you're either building wrong or playing wrong. So according to Bioware, Suck + Godly = average, and henceforth no nerf. I've been saying Tankdows are OP since they started putting DPS mods into their tank gear, and if so many people are now complaining about the lack of nerfs to a class that needed rebalanced the most, more people obviously realize the problem than you think.
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I didn't say they needed one, but there's one in the 1.2 patch notes nonetheless. The devs insist the Force Surge nerf is for PvE balance, though. The PvP one is wrecking the Lightning/Madness hybrid but no one should be surprised about that.
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As a result, we're going to go ahead and close this thread. We do hope that in discussing the game, people can constructively criticize and disagree with one another, as this leads to more productive discussion.


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