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General Garza, I'll Call You.......


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I'm really getting tired of being summoned to Coruscant to speak to General Garza, only to get one quest off world, complete it and then be summoned back to Coruscant to speak to General Garza.


Can I just call you General? Then you can tell me what I need to know via holo terminal rather than me making the laborious trip to Coruscant muliple times.

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Yep, this is annoying. A "travel to coruscant" pass would be nice. At least we'll be able to use our speeders soon in the biggest, most drawn-out spaceport ever.


Another, equally important question is why we never see General Garza kicking down a door and whooping everyone with an assault cannon. I would pay credits to see that.

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Worse is when you go talk with hear get order to go have fun at fleet just to get called back to Garza when you come to fleet.


Did this one this morning. There's a very similar quest to this for IAs too. "Go have some time off at the fleet, come back the SECOND you get there!"

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"Yep, this is annoying. A "travel to coruscant" pass would be nice. At least we'll be able to use our speeders soon in the biggest, most drawn-out spaceport ever."


I could not agree more!


Having to go back again and again is silly. I don't want to believe it's true, but I cannot help thinking this was a concerted effort to force a certain 'time played' mechanic into the class quest. Perhaps to make it as long as another class's quest, or to simply force the player to stay in game longer. What other reason could their be? If you guys can think of one, please tell me.


This is only reinforced by the fact that the space port is so drawn out and is generally a much longer run than other similar ports. I've heard developers in other games use the excuse of wanting to 'allow' players to see the beautiful artwork, so they made the flight-paths overly long and followed unusually strange 'scenic' routs. But the space port is just a simple space port, nothing to see or do along the way. And...get this...you cannot fast travel from the port either. Why is that exactly? I have to run all the way through the damn thing before I can even use fast travel? And then, by the time I'm all the way through, might as well just mount up and finish the last leg on speeder. Very strange in my humble opinion.


What are your thoughts on this guys and gals?

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Seriously love my trooper but if Garza calls to meet her one more time...I don't know what I will do but she won't like it.


Last night I finished Hoth and got called to Coruscant. Talked to Garza went to the Gauntlet, finished that mission, went back to Coruscant to talk to Garza. Then I went to the fleet cause she told me to, and then she called me back to Coruscant. Got a mission to save some ambassadors, saved them, and got called back to Coruscant.


Seriously just talked to me over the holoterminal. I don't have to fly back to Coruscant everytime she misses me.

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Seriously love my trooper but if Garza calls to meet her one more time...I don't know what I will do but she won't like it.


Last night I finished Hoth and got called to Coruscant. Talked to Garza went to the Gauntlet, finished that mission, went back to Coruscant to talk to Garza. Then I went to the fleet cause she told me to, and then she called me back to Coruscant. Got a mission to save some ambassadors, saved them, and got called back to Coruscant.


Seriously just talked to me over the holoterminal. I don't have to fly back to Coruscant everytime she misses me.


That's what I'm on about.


I love this game but aspects of it like this make me want to put an ice pick in my eye because that would be less painful.

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I just went through the series mentioned above. Finished Hoth, and then spent the rest of my game time for the night flying to/from Coruscant, running through the spaceport and into the senate, only to be sent out to do a single mission before repeating the same traveling sequence repeatedly. And it wasn't like either story missions took more than 10 minutes to complete.


Something really should be done about this. Either trooper shuttles should land right at the senate (Jedi going back to Tython land in the temple), or they should make it holo calls. Such a waste of time and really destroys the pacing of the game.

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Having to go back again and again is silly. I don't want to believe it's true, but I cannot help thinking this was a concerted effort to force a certain 'time played' mechanic into the class quest. Perhaps to make it as long as another class's quest, or to simply force the player to stay in game longer. What other reason could their be? If you guys can think of one, please tell me.


I can pretty much guarantee you that it's something like this:


"Hey, these guys probably just have been questing through the planets and maybe not on the fleet much. Let's send them back there and leave some quests around as a reminder that they can do Taral V, the Nar Shaddaa bonus series, check out the GTN, and talk to other players in the hub."


Especially for the MMO newbies they attracted it makes a certain amount of sense. But in the end it is ultra tedious if you do all this stuff in order: run through Coruscant, run back to your ship, go to the fleet, go to Coruscant, go to Tatooine, etc. Especially since the spaceports count as indoor areas so you can't use your speeder.


It's not a conspiracy to make you waste 20 more minutes out of your day running around. That's a drop in the bucket compared to the time it takes you to get from 1-50. Anyway, I believe next patch they're letting you use speeders in spaceports, giving you an option to skip a lot of the dumb airlock passageways, and giving you special one-time teleport items for doing this "report in" missions between acts.

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Seriously love my trooper but if Garza calls to meet her one more time...I don't know what I will do but she won't like it.


Last night I finished Hoth and got called to Coruscant. Talked to Garza went to the Gauntlet, finished that mission, went back to Coruscant to talk to Garza. Then I went to the fleet cause she told me to, and then she called me back to Coruscant. Got a mission to save some ambassadors, saved them, and got called back to Coruscant.


Seriously just talked to me over the holoterminal. I don't have to fly back to Coruscant everytime she misses me.


Yeah, and there's something similar earlier on - finish chapter 1, go to Coruscant. Then go to fleet. Then back to Coruscant. Then to Tatooine for one quest. Then Coruscant again if remember correctly.


And in addition to not being able to use speeders in spaceports, you have to run through the senate building. And there's not even a taxi directly from the spaceport to the senate building - instead there's a useless taxi station halfway between them (which is even more of a pain at lower levels, since you have to run between it and the Senate without Sprint or a speeder).


But as the above poster said, some of the changes in patch 1.4 will help make it faster..

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I think the fleet side of that equation wound up unfinished, which is what makes it seem so awful.


We get our shore leave, then literally go to the fleet, talk to someone that gives a quest finish dialog box, then back to General Garza. I'm thinking there was some talking, hanging out, tuck'n bucks, or somethings that either got deleted or never got finished when we talk to the guy in the fleet. It just feels like something it conspicuously absent at that spot.

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