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10 Good
  1. I prefer soft enrages myself, as they allow strong group members to help carry. A geared tank can handle more stacks on a boss. A geared healer can also do the same. The downside being that it leaves it up to interpretation as to where the group needs to improve. And since the result is death, the healer tends to be the default target. The healer should have been able to keep everyone alive through the stacking AoE damage that was now ticking 5 times faster and 5 times harder. The healer should have healed the DPS that ran through fire because 80% of the room was filled with it. The healer shouldn't have let the tank die even though the boss was taking 75% of the tank's live with a single hit, or the DPS think the tank isn't geared enough for the encounter. The one nice thing about the hard enrage is that if everyone is alive when it happens, it is fairly clear what the group needs to do next time to win. 9 times out of 10, the DPS need to do their job better. Now, that isn't saying it is all about DPS needing to improve. Dispels and other similar mechanics are a factor. Not sure I've seen it in this game yet, but leaving a melee DPS rooted out of range of the boss is where an enrage can be partially a healer's fault.
  2. I just went through the series mentioned above. Finished Hoth, and then spent the rest of my game time for the night flying to/from Coruscant, running through the spaceport and into the senate, only to be sent out to do a single mission before repeating the same traveling sequence repeatedly. And it wasn't like either story missions took more than 10 minutes to complete. Something really should be done about this. Either trooper shuttles should land right at the senate (Jedi going back to Tython land in the temple), or they should make it holo calls. Such a waste of time and really destroys the pacing of the game.
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