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Sentinels need a tank, dps and healer trees


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You imply in your post that im suggesting that you wont be able to dps with sentinel


Since i never said that nor wrote it i would like to know how your logic translates my post to "i wont be able to dps" with a sentinel which is what you imply


Ok there are sentinels who like to DPS in watchman and to DPS in the other two tree's as well.


What you are suggesting is to remake the class into a hybrid 1 tree remains DPS and everyone who levelled to 50 in a pure DPS class with 3 styles available gets shuffled to 1 tree 1 style to dps.


All so you don't have to reroll a class that heals or tanks. Am I right?


This doesn't even take into account those that went with the tank archetype at level 10 who would now have that unique advantage stripped despite the fact they made a choice that involved having lower DPS and Individual power to be a group support class. So lets also make the group oriented players who chose the DPS/Tank option unhappy because the archetype they could have chosen now has superior group utility being healing DPS and tank option.


What you are suggesting is simply irrational. No class in the game has healing tanking and DPS. you have Tank/DPS, heal/DPS, DPS/DPS.


The answer to your dilemma is level a DPS/tank class (Shadow/knight) or a DPS/Heal class (Operative,smuggler/sorc sage).

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The answer to your dilemma is level a DPS/tank class (Shadow/knight) or a DPS/Heal class (Operative,smuggler/sorc sage).


Basically, unfortunatelly Sentinels only get dps trees so if you wanna do something else you have to roll another toon


I really like my watchman sentinel but i was looking forward to doing something else without having to reroll and lvl another 50

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Basically, unfortunatelly Sentinels only get dps trees so if you wanna do something else you have to roll another toon


I really like my watchman sentinel but i was looking forward to doing something else without having to reroll and lvl another 50


thats why they have different classes. Like any other mmo a pure dps class will stay a pure dps class. You should've rolled something that was more versatile like a shadow or guardian for your tank or commando/scoundrel for your dps heals (dont go scoundrel they're gettign another nerf). And the two pure dps are gunslingers and sents

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thats why they have different classes. Like any other mmo a pure dps class will stay a pure dps class. You should've rolled something that was more versatile like a shadow or guardian for your tank or commando/scoundrel for your dps heals (dont go scoundrel they're gettign another nerf). And the two pure dps are gunslingers and sents



I hear ya

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Our 3 trees are more or less dps, may i suggest we get a dps tree, a healer tree and a tank tree instead


Healer = wathman with a couple more heals and group heals aoe´s


Dps = combat with a merciless slash included of course, cant miss this


Tank = focus, some more armor and/or armor protection or enhancement




No, we dont.

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Our 3 trees are more or less dps, may i suggest we get a dps tree, a healer tree and a tank tree instead


Healer = wathman with a couple more heals and group heals aoe´s


Dps = combat with a merciless slash included of course, cant miss this


Tank = focus, some more armor and/or armor protection or enhancement




You're trolling right?

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  • 3 weeks later...
Maybe i havent made a connection here with what im trying to say


My point is that all 3 trees in sentinels are dps, there is no variety, yes all have different abilities but they are all dps, one is dps, the second is dps and the third is dps


So there is basically nothing else to do while other characters can just respec and be totally different and be usefull for other things, for instance, the guardian is a melee class like the sentinel and can do either dps or tank so if you roll a guardian you can at least choose from 2 different roles depending on the situation which makes it a lot more usefull for everything from pvp to pve


A shadow can also be again a dps or a tank


Why cant a sentinel be also a dps and tank?


Same with other characters, i dont know if healer could be a good spec for sent or a tank, im just saying that having a character that can only do one thing is less atractive than a characters than can do multiple things and maybe having more varienty and usefullness could be a lot more interesting


No. We get what you're trying to say, however from what I've read so far, I along with 100% of the posts think you're idea is moot.


Here's why:


If you want versatility, there are 6 of the 8 advanced classes to choose from. Gunslingers (being your pure ranged dps) and Sentinels (being your pure melee dps) are your pure dps classes, for people who want to do just that - dps.


As for 'just respecing and being something totally different' you forgot the gear required to be something 'totally different' ie. that's whole other set of gear I have to maintain. No thanks. Especially for end game pve. As someone mentioned before, I left my pally back in that game that shall not be mentioned for a reason.


No if I feel like tanking I'll go jump on my Guardian or Vanguard, if I want to heal ill play my Sage or Scoundrel.


Sorry, but dumb idea is dumb. Leave the advanced classes variety as they are (fine) and go re-roll another class.


/end rant

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So basically Sentinels have 3 dps trees that do more or less the same, my point is, sages have dps and healer trees, guardians have tank and dps trees and so on, every character has variety in their trees for different roles they would like to play with only changing your spec, Sentinels do not


Obviously some will say no cause well, people always say no at the first change or new something suggestion but look at it from this perspective that im pointing out above




Not Gunslingers. Lore-wise it only makes sense for this class to be a pure dps class considering the fact that they are suppose to be the true offensive side of the jedi knight. Healing would have to be based off of attacking things to gain focus and the tanking is already covered by the guardian. No this definitely should not happen.

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Maybe i havent made a connection here with what im trying to say


My point is that all 3 trees in sentinels are dps, there is no variety, yes all have different abilities but they are all dps, one is dps, the second is dps and the third is dps


So there is basically nothing else to do while other characters can just respec and be totally different and be usefull for other things, for instance, the guardian is a melee class like the sentinel and can do either dps or tank so if you roll a guardian you can at least choose from 2 different roles depending on the situation which makes it a lot more usefull for everything from pvp to pve


A shadow can also be again a dps or a tank


Why cant a sentinel be also a dps and tank?


Same with other characters, i dont know if healer could be a good spec for sent or a tank, im just saying that having a character that can only do one thing is less atractive than a characters than can do multiple things and maybe having more varienty and usefullness could be a lot more interesting


Because the class is supposed to be the top melee damaged in the game like the gunslinger and agent are suppose to be THE ranged damager. Not to mention the fact that lore wise they are known as the person that's always on the offensive where as the guardian is know as the defensive hence GUARDIAN. There really should be no issue about it being a pure dps class I mean whenever we choose the advanced class it strictly says dps. So to expect a healing or even tank tree is stupid.

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Am I the only one who uses Rebuke and Riposte on a watchman to tank? Granted, I am only level 30, still it has been thoroughly effective.


imo riposte is a waste of focus, thats just from the top of my head and unfortunatelly cant try it against my test dummy cause he doesnt hit back...yet

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  • 4 weeks later...

It is a consequence of class-based game systems, going all the way back to Chainmail and D&D.


So basically Sentinels have 3 dps trees that do more or less the same, my point is, sages have dps and healer trees, guardians have tank and dps trees and so on, every character has variety in their trees for different roles they would like to play with only changing your spec, Sentinels do not


I think that needs clarification. Sages choose between good healing and OK DPS. Guardiand choose between good tanking and OK DPS. Sentinels choose betweeh WTFPWN DPS and MOARWTFPWN DPS. We are the hands-down best at in-your-face-smacking-down-the-enemy-fast. DPS is all we do so we do it better than anyone.

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Also, its important to note that you cant simply "add" tank/heal trees to the skill page because the actual class doesnt support them.


ACs with a tank option (guardian, vanguard, shadow) or with a heal option (sage, scoundrel, commando) have abilities as they level that support those roles, even if they dont spec in those trees. Even if a guardian specs for DPS, the flavor of his tree will still be tank/support ish (npc control, ally support). The class is abilites you gain while you level passivly are made to at least have those roles represnted to a minor degree regardless of spec. A scoundrel who doesnt spec for healing still has a decent suite of heals and the option to off heal just as a dps guardian can still take advantage of his tankier flavored mob managment tools.


Sentinel however is a different story, because there was no intention for them to ever serve a heal or tank purpose the class abilities would have to be completely redesigned. simply adding a "Tank tree" wouldnt address the fact that there are no tank themed specials in the class and that its based on a different style of combat. So its simply not a feasable option to forcibly add a new role to a class not meant to carry it.

Edited by thepilk
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This ways they will lower our dps and survivability : the only raison why sentinel is a very good 1vs1 class and one of the top dps it's because it can only dps. Like other ppl said, i rather be a solid dps class that a jack of all trade. If u want to do something else play something else.
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I think OP is only seeing a DPS class as a one-dimentional damage hammer.

In reality, Sentinels and Marauders can spec into DoT DPS or Burst DPS, or an unsatisfactory hybrid of the two. Adding in the PvP-focus that you can add as a third dimension, and the Sent/Mara is set up for one role within the range of DPS types.


The Healers have a similar thing, except that each healing role is allocated to one class as an alternative spec to the DPS option - Sage/Sorcerer, Commando/Mercenary, or Scoundrel/Operative - each (in theory) should be good at one of steady HPS, burst HPS or PvP heals.

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