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Sentinels need a tank, dps and healer trees


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Our 3 trees are more or less dps, may i suggest we get a dps tree, a healer tree and a tank tree instead


Healer = wathman with a couple more heals and group heals aoe´s


Dps = combat with a merciless slash included of course, cant miss this


Tank = focus, some more armor and/or armor protection or enhancement



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So basically Sentinels have 3 dps trees that do more or less the same, my point is, sages have dps and healer trees, guardians have tank and dps trees and so on, every character has variety in their trees for different roles they would like to play with only changing your spec, Sentinels do not


Obviously some will say no cause well, people always say no at the first change or new something suggestion but look at it from this perspective that im pointing out above



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Not needed. People who play sentinels don't want to heal or tank. They just want to DPS.


Kudos on making me laugh though. I thought it was cute how you suggested all three trees keep their current DPS, but just tack tanking or healing on top of them.

Edited by Caelrie
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Nope, left my ret pally behind in WoW, this was one of the reasons. There is something oddly light about never having your RL ask you if you have your tank set or healer set with you and "can you respec for this fight plz? K, tx! Oh, your gonna have to stay holy the rest of the raid, soz!" :p
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So basically Sentinels have 3 dps trees that do more or less the same, my point is, sages have dps and healer trees, guardians have tank and dps trees and so on, every character has variety in their trees for different roles they would like to play with only changing your spec, Sentinels do not


Obviously some will say no cause well, people always say no at the first change or new something suggestion but look at it from this perspective that im pointing out above




You're forgetting Gunslingers/Snipers.


Not every class needs to be able to accomplish multiple roles to be successful, turning us into a hybrid would cause BW to balance us around those new abilities and roles. When that happens, it's usually not in our favor.


When I played a non-healer on other games, I rolled a healer alt whenever I wanted to heal. Same thing applies to this game.

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we have 4 classes in this game as pure dps and they're beastly at that. Gunslinger/snipers and sents/mara should not have a tank or heal tree. If you wanted to tank you should've went guardian. Dwing lowers any type of defensive move you can use irl.
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Maybe i havent made a connection here with what im trying to say


My point is that all 3 trees in sentinels are dps, there is no variety, yes all have different abilities but they are all dps, one is dps, the second is dps and the third is dps


So there is basically nothing else to do while other characters can just respec and be totally different and be usefull for other things, for instance, the guardian is a melee class like the sentinel and can do either dps or tank so if you roll a guardian you can at least choose from 2 different roles depending on the situation which makes it a lot more usefull for everything from pvp to pve


A shadow can also be again a dps or a tank


Why cant a sentinel be also a dps and tank?


Same with other characters, i dont know if healer could be a good spec for sent or a tank, im just saying that having a character that can only do one thing is less atractive than a characters than can do multiple things and maybe having more varienty and usefullness could be a lot more interesting

Edited by khsolo
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Maybe i havent made a connection here with what im trying to say


My point is that all 3 trees in sentinels are dps, there is no variety, yes all have different abilities but they are all dps, one is dps, the second is dps and the third is dps


So there is basically nothing else to do while other characters can just respec and be totally different and be usefull for other things, for instance, the guardian is a melee class like the sentinel and can do either dps or tank so if you roll a guardian you can at least choose from 2 different roles depending on the situation which makes it a lot more usefull for everything from pvp to pve


A shadow can also be again a dps or a tank


Why cant a sentinel be also a dps and tank?


Same with other characters, i dont know if healer could be a good spec for sent or a tank, im just saying that having a character that can only do one thing is less atractive than a characters than can do multiple things and maybe having more varienty and usefullness could be a lot more interesting



Yes, we get what you're trying to say. To which I say Sentinel is not the class for you. We are one of 2 pure dps advanced classes on the Republic side. If you want something with variety, you should be a Guardian and not a Sentinel. Again, not every class needs to have multiple roles available to them to be interested or needed. You say why can't a sentinel be a dps and tank, I say why should they? We have plenty of multi-role classes in the game for you to check out.


And again, you're missing Gunslinger. They also have 3 dps trees, same as us and don't complain about not being able to tank or heal.

Edited by Zellfel
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Yes, we get what you're trying to say. To which I say Sentinel is not the class for you. We are one of 2 pure dps advanced classes on the Republic side. If you want something with variety, you should be a Guardian and not a Sentinel. Again, not every class needs to have multiple roles available to them to be interested or needed. You say why can't a sentinel be a dps and tank, I say why should they? We have plenty of multi-role classes in the game for you to check out.


Ty but im not new to the sentinel class, my toon is lvl50, im 54 valor and 17 legacy and do raids and pvp almost all the time


Im suggesting this cause it could bring a new level of interest for me and maybe others who the more they play the more i reach out and see how lacking in some respects the sentinels are


And again, you're missing Gunslinger. They also have 3 dps trees, same as us and don't complain about not being able to tank or heal.


Maybe thats why gungsligers are only 3% of the server pop

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Pls point to me where im saying otherwise

Happy to help:

Our 3 trees are more or less dps, may i suggest we get a dps tree, a healer tree and a tank tree instead


Healer = wathman with a couple more heals and group heals aoe´s


Dps = combat with a merciless slash included of course, cant miss this


Tank = focus, some more armor and/or armor protection or enhancement



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Happy to help:


You imply in your post that im suggesting that you wont be able to dps with sentinel


Since i never said that nor wrote it i would like to know how your logic translates my post to "i wont be able to dps" with a sentinel which is what you imply

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You imply in your post that im suggesting that you wont be able to dps with sentinel


Since i never said that nor wrote it i would like to know how your logic translates my post to "i wont be able to dps" with a sentinel which is what you imply

No. Sentinel is a pure DPS class and offers three different types of DPS. With 1.2 coming out they will be evened out so that Watchman won't be the pretty much go-to build for DPSing for the most part.


I have no interest in tanking or healing on my Sentinel and I don't think anyone wants two DPS trees changed to tanking or healing trees when they obviously picked the class to DPS.


As people have said, if you want to tank or DPS roll a guardian. If you want to DPS or heal, roll a Sage. Sentinel has 3 DPS trees for to give variety to the DPS offered. You're meeting push back because no one wants to be pigeon-holed into a single DPS tree. Why do you think BioWare is overhauling Combat and Focus to bring them in line with Watchman? So the DPS class can have more variety of DPS.

Edited by DoctorSeven
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You imply in your post that im suggesting that you wont be able to dps with sentinel


Since i never said that nor wrote it i would like to know how your logic translates my post to "i wont be able to dps" with a sentinel which is what you imply


No, you infer that is his meaning, but you are incorrect.


You're proposed changes give 1 DPS tree to what is supposed to be the melee DPS AC. Adding a healer role to Watchman or a tank role to Focus without nerfing the damage isn't going to happen. Doing that by design would be OP out of the box - current balance problems aside, both of those trees would HAVE to do less dmg with these changes lest they cause even more problems.


Thus your concept pigeon holes all Mads and Sents (who want to roll melee dmg) into a single tree, which is boring and lame. And as previously mentioned, 1.2 should balance the trees better so that variety is viable to people who care about OMGMUSTHAVEMAXPOWERGOGOGOONLYUSEBESTSPECANDGEARORGTFO!!! playstyle. Essentially rendering the "Everyone only uses one tree anyway" argument moot. (Which is the direction I *infer* this thread was going, not implying this was part of your specific point).


More importantly, Sents/Mads are a triple scoupe of win-sauce as they are, and will be more awesome after 1.2. They are difficult and have a great deal of rotation changes depending on situation or what timed buffs are active or available, and that makes them difficult to master. And it makes them all the more rewarding and fun once you get the hang of it, which I am only starting to do.


No, these are not knee jerk reactions my friend, I'm afraid we genuinely do not approve of this suggestion and have valid reasons for doing so. No need to claim everyone is just "Saying no at first to new ideas;" we like having our DPS specialists (Mad/Sent, Snipe/GS in this game) and there's nothing at all wrong with that.

Edited by MayorOfAngrytown
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You imply in your post that im suggesting that you wont be able to dps with sentinel


Since i never said that nor wrote it i would like to know how your logic translates my post to "i wont be able to dps" with a sentinel which is what you imply


by adding a healing tree as watchman and w/e for tanking makes the dps into one tree. Everyone will be taking that tree. Also by making sents a dps,tank, heals class you just made guardians obsolete and not needed in this game at all.


Sents and slingers are your 2 pure dps class in the game republic side. Those 2 do dps only and people pick them cause thats what they want to do. If i wanted to tank/dps i would've chosen a guardian instead. In reality i choose a shadow for my tank character.

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