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1.2 assault vanguard


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1.2 Gives us a slight nerf.



*Ion cell can't be used with ionic accel.


*Ionic accel procs more often but once ever 6 secs. This will take time to get used to but it is only a slight nerf. you might have to throw in an extra ion pulse/hammer strike but I been playing this way for past 2 days in preparation for the patch and have actually seen a slight increase in over all damage due to plasma cell.


We will have to see, I would like to here others opinions on this from other skilled vanguards like loveshock & oozo.

Edited by kozzie
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It will still be better than tactics. But that isn't saying much.


everyone craps on tactics but it is a very very good spec, it just is not faceroll easy like assault and it takes more work to gear because you have to get rid of all the accuracy that is all over every piece of gear. But gear it right and play it right and it will out damage assault, it just takes more effort which most people are bad and lazy so they do not take the effort.

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But gear it right and play it right and it will out damage assault




I have played both with Max gear. I currently play tactics and like it, but it will not out damage assault. I can do 400k damage as tactics, but it would probably be higher as assault.


Assault pumps out 4k+ crits. Tactics pumps out 3k crits on any attack, even ion pulse crits for 2500+

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I have both a full set of BM eliminators and another full set of BM combat tech gear and have run both builds. So yes, you can have different sets and can have personal experience with them.


Burst is helpful for PVP and Assault is better for that. Ammo management is easier with Tactics. DPS in my experience is higher with Assault; in particular PVP effective DPS. I am a big fan of HTL and pulse cannon however.

Edited by Fafryd
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I have both a full set of BM eliminators and another full set of BM combat tech gear and have run both builds. So yes, you can have different sets and can have personal experience with them.


Burst is helpful for PVP and Assault is better for that. Ammo management is easier with Tactics. DPS in my experience is higher with Assault; in particular PVP effective DPS. I am a big fan of HTL and pulse cannon however.


and you completely missed the point. The BM set is 100% trash for tactics, so all you did was prove my point you have someone who has no idea what kind of gear you need much less even having the right gear. So having bad gear for one spec will make it underperform another spec that has better gear.



Like i said, having someone who has no idea what they are doing will show a spec underperforming another spec.

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Lol never meant to incite so much hostility, I was just thinking about rolling a vanguard and give it a go, I haven't seen tactics vanguards around that often perhaps ill check it out and see what its all about my main is a balance shadow and I'm just a trip away from the skill mentor to become op as a tanksin but refuse to play that spec, so I just will check out the different vanny specs and see whats up I was just seeimg how they were performing
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PvE wise assault will always have an advantage over tactics purely due to 8% more on HiB benefiting pyro over tactics, when they make set bonuses that are equally good for both specs it might be different Edited by Shredzz
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PvE wise assault will always have an advantage over tactics purely due to 8% more on HiB benefiting pyro over tactics, when they make set bonuses that are equally good for both specs it might be different


Eh, Tactics can regear out all its Accuracy. That's a pretty big bonus. And it's not far behind before that.

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Eh, Tactics can regear out all its Accuracy. That's a pretty big bonus. And it's not far behind before that.


I'm not trying to be a jerk, but what does that mean. I believe the poster you quoted was referring to the 8% HIB damage increase with the combat tech gear for the assault tree. What does the accuracy have to do with the set bonus?


Again, not trying to be a jerk...just curious as to whether or not I'm missing something. Thanks.

Edited by Mozivicus
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I'm not trying to be a jerk, but what does that mean. I believe the poster you quoted was referring to the 8% HIB damage increase with the combat tech gear for the assault tree. What does the accuracy have to do with the set bonus?


Again, not trying to be a jerk...just curious as to whether or not I'm missing something. Thanks.


In order to be effective, Assault needs significantly more accuracy than does Tactics. This means that, despite the set bonus benefitting Assault more, Tactics will still be able to swap Accuracy mods for more beneficial stat adjustments.

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In order to be effective, Assault needs significantly more accuracy than does Tactics. This means that, despite the set bonus benefitting Assault more, Tactics will still be able to swap Accuracy mods for more beneficial stat adjustments.


Hmmm, maybe I just like my 8% HIB bonustoo much to agree. I'm gonna have to try it out for myself before 1.2 I suppose. Thanks

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I'm not trying to be a jerk, but what does that mean. I believe the poster you quoted was referring to the 8% HIB damage increase with the combat tech gear for the assault tree. What does the accuracy have to do with the set bonus?


Again, not trying to be a jerk...just curious as to whether or not I'm missing something. Thanks.


It's like the other poster said, but I'll elaborate a bit more. Assault has a very significant portion of it's damage coming from an attack that requires a hit roll. It also has to use more Hammer Shots which require an attack roll and actually do more damage than Hammer Shot in Tactics due to Reign of Fire.


Tactics on the other hand is pretty much completely composed of Tech Attacks which are auto hit. The only time you use HIB is when it's an autocrit which is frequently longer than it's CD. Accuracy has such a minimal effect on damage in the Tactics tree that you can ignore it and regear for other stats.

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Hmmm, maybe I just like my 8% HIB bonustoo much to agree. I'm gonna have to try it out for myself before 1.2 I suppose. Thanks


you might shoot an HiB more often as Assault, however EVERY HiB that tactics shoot is a crit, and every other attack has its own bonuses as well as no itemization wasted on accuracy like assault must do.




also remember that Tactics with having no accuracy mods it means you will have more surge on your gear, not much but some as well as Ion Pulse Stock Strike and Fire Pulse having 30% more crit, and pulse cannon hits for a ton.



Tactics is not behind assault, the people playing tactics are not gearing it correctly which makes it seem like a lesser spec. You get people running "Battle master" gear which has tons of accuracy all over it making the gear set poor for it. Any spec will appear to underperform when you gear it incorrectly.

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I have battle masters Eliminators and combat tech sets, both remodded. Just because they are BM doesn't mean they are bad, you have no idea how people have modded their armor. Do we have to come up with a new term for modded gear now? What about when crit success orange gear is out, how will you bestow your hate on that gear if you have no idea what mods they are running?


Will we now have to post our stats just for you to find them credible? Yea... cus gear means everything.

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you might shoot an HiB more often as Assault, however EVERY HiB that tactics shoot is a crit, and every other attack has its own bonuses as well as no itemization wasted on accuracy like assault must do.




also remember that Tactics with having no accuracy mods it means you will have more surge on your gear, not much but some as well as Ion Pulse Stock Strike and Fire Pulse having 30% more crit, and pulse cannon hits for a ton.



Tactics is not behind assault, the people playing tactics are not gearing it correctly which makes it seem like a lesser spec. You get people running "Battle master" gear which has tons of accuracy all over it making the gear set poor for it. Any spec will appear to underperform when you gear it incorrectly.


That's an insightful post, thank you. I'm not sure about the gear issue though. I'd have to play it, then adjust accordingly I guess.

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everyone craps on tactics but it is a very very good spec, it just is not faceroll easy like assault and it takes more work to gear because you have to get rid of all the accuracy that is all over every piece of gear. But gear it right and play it right and it will out damage assault, it just takes more effort which most people are bad and lazy so they do not take the effort.


Indeed, with the slows coming to tactics, 8/31/2 will be a new spec that people complain about imo.


I've been running tactics now, just to prepare myself before 1.2, and while it is not so strong as assault in it's current shape, it still keeps up very well in both DPS and burst.

Edited by Fdzzaigl
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The thing about tactics is that ion pulse hits super hard. While, with luck, assaault hits harder if you get any bad luck at all tactics will out perform it. Tactics also has higher sustained damage just due to better ammo efficiency and regen.


Having played both extensively I have to say that with the changes to pulse generator and with gut getting a snare tactics is going to be REALLY scary in 1.2.


The mobility that tactics has is also amazing. You can also kite melee at 10m extremely well doing circle strafe shennanigans.


My favourite part of the spec is you NEVER have a problem killing someone with low health who survived your burst. Ion pulse hits super hard and you ALWAYS have ammo. Firepulse also costs only 1 ammo and makes SS free, an easy 6-7k+ damage (with crits, which is very high for both) for 1 ammo. I always hated prolonged fights on my IF or Assault spec where I just didn't have the ammo to finish off a kill. Never a problem on tactics.


Assault right now is STILL a better spec just because the damage is insane. After the patch I think tactics will be the better PvP spec. Tactics damage right now is REALLY good, it's way higher than most people think, but assault is the highest PvP burst in the game and you can't really compete with that.



Be careful about modding your BM gear right now as you will want to put the original mods back in before the patch hits to get the expertise as it will be worth far more than the optimized stats.

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