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Your Legacy Begins


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Seriously, they gave a detailed pop up write up when choosing a surename (Legacy Name). I say this, in my opinion Bioware did the right thing in letting there player base have one Legacy name per server for all characters. It is not fair or right for anyone to horde multiple surenames on one account. This keeps things fair and makes people think twice before they create names like "Snugglebunny Legacy". Its your fault for not reading the pop up and you shouldbof paid more attention.


If the decouple surnames from the legacy system there is no reason to keep the surnames as needing to be unique, so hording won't be an issue. With given names having to be unique already this should be a problem.

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I don't disagree there is a lot of changes in 1.2


I just don't see them as a step forward as much as a step sideways.


It is a step forward for the Legacy system (or really the actual launch of the system). I'm sure there will be an update dedicated to primarily upgrading PvP, or Ops or FP's etc...


Edit: Oh and for guilds, the guild functions being added are going to make guilds so much more enjoyable.

Edited by varrangian
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If the decouple surnames from the legacy system there is no reason to keep the surnames as needing to be unique, so hording won't be an issue. With given names having to beunique already this should be a problem.


It should be unique, its your Star Wars legacy, your story. I like the current system in works and its brilliant in my opinion. I am a RPer/PvPer and if your not on a server such as this than why would you want mutiple names. I know so you can name a character Fatty McFatty and still hold another name. Lets be fair here, it is a fair system and one I support. BioWARE got it right on this one.

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It should be unique, its your Star Wars legacy, your story. I like the current system in works and its brilliant in my opinion. I am a RPer/PvPer and if your not on a server such as this than why would you want mutiple names. I know so you can name a character Fatty McFatty and still hold another name. Lets be fair here, it is a fair system and one I support. BioWARE got it right on this one.


But under the current system I can tell only one of my stories. Let's say I use Luke as my archetype, I get him to the Legacy unlock choose his last name (for simplicity will call him Luke Skywalker). Now I've finished with my Luke Archetype and I want to roll a Han Archetype. If I choose to play on the same server as Luke, Han can't be Han Solo. He can be Han or Han Skywalker or Han of the Skywalker Legacy, but he can't actually be Han Solo.


I have zero desire to have stupid names. Currently my Legacy name is a variant of the forum handle I use in my guild so people in my guild can identify all my alts easily, but if I were allowed a different surname for each character I would actually have RP appropriate surnames.


BW didn't get it right they got it simple. Nothing about the legacy system prevents people from having a Fatty McFatty name. Nothing about the surname aspect (or even really the fact that it is limited by server) are inherently necessary to make the system work and work well for everyone.


If you decouple the surname from the Legacy system and make it so surnames are non-unique you can do two things that are ideal. You can allow those who want all of their character to share one surname to continue to do so, and you can allow those who want to share a surname with another player (i.e. real family members) do so.

Edited by varrangian
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I don't disagree there is a lot of changes in 1.2


I just don't see them as a step forward as much as a step sideways.


I've been on about a dozen MMO forums, and on all of them the consensus usually is that content patches are ALWAYS a step forward.


Well, there's a LOT of content coming with 1.2...

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I've been on about a dozen MMO forums, and on all of them the consensus usually is that content patches are ALWAYS a step forward.


Well, there's a LOT of content coming with 1.2...


I dunno, I don't have time to do all I want to do with my few 50's already, how the heck does anyone find time to do that many and still have the top gear/mods for them all?


Besides I just don't see the fun factor in killing the Darth du jour again for the 4th or 5th time.

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I love how races can be unlocked for all calsses (Working to get Jedi Knight Cyborg) there is only one problem...


Not really liking the whole new abilities and skills for the classes and races. Some i would love to have but onthers not so much. A smuggler able to force choke? Jedi bringing orbital bombardment? Kinda takes the fun of the whole uniqueness out of some classes BUT!!! like i said, most of the features i just love. :D

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I love how races can be unlocked for all calsses (Working to get Jedi Knight Cyborg) there is only one problem...


Not really liking the whole new abilities and skills for the classes and races. Some i would love to have but onthers not so much. A smuggler able to force choke? Jedi bringing orbital bombardment? Kinda takes the fun of the whole uniqueness out of some classes BUT!!! like i said, most of the features i just love. :D


Keep in mind, you don't have to use these. From what they've said these might help a little in solo PvE, but they aren't going to be usable in Ops or PvP, you have to have a companion out to use them.

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I love how races can be unlocked for all calsses (Working to get Jedi Knight Cyborg) there is only one problem...


Not really liking the whole new abilities and skills for the classes and races. Some i would love to have but onthers not so much. A smuggler able to force choke? Jedi bringing orbital bombardment? Kinda takes the fun of the whole uniqueness out of some classes BUT!!! like i said, most of the features i just love. :D


They can only be used WHILE you're using your heroic moment ability, which is on a 20 minute cooldown. Think I've used it twice. I kind of like the idea of my smuggler kid getting so angry he suddenly starts force choking. It's neat.


While the system isn't perfect, it is just being released. Settle down and breath. Changing surnames, races, and all that other neat stuff might be in the pipes. Let's get 1.2 out, work out the bugs, and go from there.


And in the meantime just pretend you're playing some old school p&p game. Imagination!

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I dunno, I don't have time to do all I want to do with my few 50's already, how the heck does anyone find time to do that many and still have the top gear/mods for them all?


I have 2 50's, 2 40's, and all the rest done with Chapter One, except for the new ones I've started creating on another server.


No way in hell am I going to top gear them all. I choose one, maybe two, to start gearing out. Eventually, like maybe a year or two from now, I'll have them all geared out, but that certainly is not an immediate goal.


I pick the play style I like best, which is usually the one that fits who I am the best, and go for broke on him.


No, don't try to gear them all out unless you're playing 16-20 hours a day. And if you are, your health will suffer....


Besides I just don't see the fun factor in killing the Darth du jour again for the 4th or 5th time.


"Darth du jour"... going by your context, I'm going to assume you mean a boss in a world arc story quest, rather than a class quest.


Yeah, I know. I focus more on how differently he was killed this time, and the different dialogue I had with him this time rather than the fact that he died again. The combat is even different, being a different class.


Basically, for me, it's different enough for the 3rd and even 4th time. That said, 4 times is all you really need to do, since the different factions don't have any repeated content (aside from the near-similar world arc on Tatooine...good lord, did that one get old)...

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Dear sir, please go back and read the article properly. Especially the part where it says you can unlock the Legacy perks with credits rather than playing an alt. They have already catered for those who, like you, legitimately want to focus on a single character.


perhaps you should go back and read. It does not give you access to everything only to a few of the perks.

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Obama-care really? You really went there? BW made a game, a game is a product that you can buy or not buy, you can subscribe to this game or you can choose not to and not having it will not impact your life in the slightest.


I have problems with SWTOR trust me, I'd like to see the game be less rigid in what I can and cannot do with my character most of all, but that being said, I purchased the game knowing that it was a game that intended to deliver 8 stories. I knew that this game was intended to appeal to alt-oholics, if you did not I gather you did zero research on the game.


You can play the game however you so choose, and if you get enough enjoyment to warrant the sub fee playing one character that's great. But the game was not designed with that as the ideal method of play asking for that aspect to be changed is fine, but realize that you are asking them to revamp the core of the game. This is a game based on 8 stories not one.


Maybe that's what you think this game is about, but that's not what it is for me. The ads even say choose your side. They wouldn't say that if they intended every person to play all 8 stories. It is indeed a game a game that people get to play their own way and that is what I'm asking for. Don't short the people who only want to play 1 toon. Leveling an alt for me would be more like working a 16 hour shift at a bad job for a week straight. Especially since if I ever did want to level an alt it would be with a race/class combination that is only available if I level that race to 50 to unlock it. More work. You know what would sell me on the whole thing and perhaps even make me consider rolling an alt eventually? If they would make it so all you had to do was hit level 50 on 1 toon to unlock all race combinations. Then it would interest me enough to roll 1 alt and level that race/class combo up because I might actually enjoy it, but forcing me to level up multiple alts just to unlock the stuff that would only be useful for more alts in the future is just mindnumbingly time consuming and boring. Please Bioware change it so you only need to reach level 50 on your first toon to unlock all the race combinations.

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yes all of this sounds fantastic but what about the start of the family? what does the father or mother get? do they only pass on their skills or do they get nothing? i personally would like to have my main a sith sorcerer be the father but what if i want him to gain some of my powertech abilities?:confused: all i know is this going to be exciting! thats for sure:D!


what are the family choices too? father, son, cousin, an ally, sister, uncle,aunt? anyone who can answer these questions shall be appreciated!

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But under the current system I can tell only one of my stories. Let's say I use Luke as my archetype, I get him to the Legacy unlock choose his last name (for simplicity will call him Luke Skywalker). Now I've finished with my Luke Archetype and I want to roll a Han Archetype. If I choose to play on the same server as Luke, Han can't be Han Solo. He can be Han or Han Skywalker or Han of the Skywalker Legacy, but he can't actually be Han Solo.


Han and Luke were different players

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I get to play Anakin, Padme, Luke, Leia, Han, Mara, Ben, and Jaina.


I get to play my own father and mother. I get to play my own spouse(s). I get to play my own siblings. I get to play my own children (P.S. Sorry to Jacen and Anakin, Jr., I only have 8 character slots!)


Thank you for enhancing the RP of my single player game. :rolleyes:


If I am playing Luke, do I log out to have him speak to Leia?


P.S. In which film/book did Han Solo Force Choke someone?

Edited by Blueneko
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Why couldn't legacy unlocks be account wide? I have been playing since day one of early access, I have 6 republic characters and am currently legacy level 44. 4 of the characters are level 50, all 6 are level 400 crafters (one of each). All of them have many RE unlocks. These are not characters that I would ever consider deleting no matter how much I want to see the 4 imperial side class stories. So I can either play only 2 of the imperial classes, OR start over from scratch on another server.

Why should all this time that I've already put into playing the game have to totally go to waste in order to see the other 4 stories? Why should everything I've already unlocked count for nothing if I want to move to another server?


There are 8 AC's per side, make 16 slots per server. Make it so that every level 50 character on a server unlocks an extra character slot on the same server, up to a maximum of 16 slots.


To me the Legacy system seems like more of a restriction than a bonus.

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Why couldn't legacy unlocks be account wide? I have been playing since day one of early access, I have 6 republic characters and am currently legacy level 44. 4 of the characters are level 50, all 6 are level 400 crafters (one of each). All of them have many RE unlocks. These are not characters that I would ever consider deleting no matter how much I want to see the 4 imperial side class stories. So I can either play only 2 of the imperial classes, OR start over from scratch on another server.

Why should all this time that I've already put into playing the game have to totally go to waste in order to see the other 4 stories? Why should everything I've already unlocked count for nothing if I want to move to another server?


There are 8 AC's per side, make 16 slots per server. Make it so that every level 50 character on a server unlocks an extra character slot on the same server, up to a maximum of 16 slots.


To me the Legacy system seems like more of a restriction than a bonus.


Read the Q&A from yesterday. More character slots per server is coming.


I don't want Legacy to be account-wide because I have two separate Legacies on two separate servers.

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