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Your Legacy Begins


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Got it... its going to happen anyway. But that doesnt mean that there arent players out there that actually would like to have a great MMo with a huge story line like this can give us. And as for the the whole time line deal, I oviously have to conceed that to you. But again, I still like the idea of having a story that surrounds ALL of my toons and not just a one or two of them. You say "oh please". I say "its about time!"


I said "Oh please" to the idea of a family tree, especially a linear one, not a comprehensive story. Don't twist my words, lol.


I think the addition of the Rivals/Alies designation was a step in the right direction... yet extremely stupid that "rivals" of different factions and species would now share a surname. That part is NOT necessary to have some comprehensive interlinked story.

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I said "Oh please" to the idea of a family tree, especially a linear one, not a comprehensive story. Don't twist my words, lol.


I think the addition of the Rivals/Alies designation was a step in the right direction... yet extremely stupid that "rivals" of different factions and species would now share a surname. That part is NOT necessary to have some comprehensive interlinked story.


The surname thing is dumb as hell. In that I 100% agree with you. It makes no sense what so ever that a rival/allie/etc. would share a surname or any other title. Unless they are dirrectly "related", it is a dumb idea.


But I still think the family tree idea is good. Mostly because it gives us a "new idea" feeling to add to our toons. Linear or otherwise. But with that I think abilities should be tied to relationships between toons. Not just blanket.

Edited by deathslegion
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But I still think the family tree idea is good. Mostly because it gives us a "new idea" feeling to add to our toons. Linear or otherwise.


I can take or leave the family tree and I think the devs made the right choice in making it non-mandatory.


One of the problems I have with it is this - My Jedi got romantically involved with his companion via the companion stories. So now that companion cannot be in the family tree, if I decided to suggest that this character was married to a different character that then disrupts the story side of the game.


Family trees are fun ways of potentially "viewing" your characters, but they add nothing to the story side of the game on their own and whatever they add to the roleplay value of the game is taken away from by the surname aspect of the system as well as from the fact that currently the game allows for roleplaying in a very narrow sense of the term.

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I bet I'm in the minority here, but I'm actually pretty disappointed about the limitations on the Legacy cross-class abilities. They're set up so you can hardly ever use them. I think they should have just disallowed them in PVP; I see no reason to restrict them so harshly in 'normal' gameplay.


Otherwise this update seems sick.

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I can take or leave the family tree and I think the devs made the right choice in making it non-mandatory.


One of the problems I have with it is this - My Jedi got romantically involved with his companion via the companion stories. So now that companion cannot be in the family tree, if I decided to suggest that this character was married to a different character that then disrupts the story side of the game.


Family trees are fun ways of potentially "viewing" your characters, but they add nothing to the story side of the game on their own and whatever they add to the roleplay value of the game is taken away from by the surname aspect of the system as well as from the fact that currently the game allows for roleplaying in a very narrow sense of the term.


Can't disagree with you. I might love the idea, but it is extremely limited and interupting in some cases. We just have to hope that in the future the programers will fix the flaws. On the other side we really cant expect the game to be perfect every single time they update something. There will always be happy/unhappy players regaurdless of what they do. While I love the idea, I agree that they need to fix and fill some serious holes. But that doesnt make it any less of a good idea. As for the whole companion thing, I did the same thing with my toon. But you can still figure out ways to relate characters via that relationship. We will just have to be creative. Although in some cases that will be extremely hard depending on race/class.

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This, a thousand times over. Please make surnames a separate thing from legacy names, and make them non-unique and character-specific via a surname NPC or whatever.


It's such an obviously stupid choice to tie surname to the Legacy system.


The surname thing is dumb as hell. It makes no sense what so ever that a rival/allie/etc. would share a surname or any other title.


QFT. Why on earth are we restricted in this way? What possible reason could there be to prohibit characters from having different last names?

Edited by Inkling
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For once I'm not going to focus the disappointing decision you guys made on the legacy system.


So here's a few example of what you should have done:

  • Do not oblige players to write down a legacy name at all. (The legacy popup has to go if a player doesn't want to write down any)
  • Allow players to choose to which of their characters the legacy name will apply.
  • Allow players to set unique and different last names for all their characters
  • Allow players to have more than one legacy on a server (2 is a start)
  • Allow players to share a legacy with other players would they agree with
  • Have players capping a character be allowed a "choose one specie unlock"
  • Allow players to unlock a recall to space ship feature (especially as you're adding stuff in the space ships)
  • Regroups and restrict the ability unlock in either force or non force users groups.
  • Do not make flying Jedi or anything else than BH with rocket boost
  • Allow players to have companions sell gear
  • Email datapad browsing
  • GTN datapad browsing unlock
  • Space ship UPS delivery/pickup
  • Companions transiting items between you and your space ship
  • Borrow / lend / send help = use a companion from one character on another character (story less and with level adjustment)
  • Companion body features tweaking unlock
  • Ability to add and display companions nicknames instead of default names

Edited by Deewe
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For once I'm not going to focus the disappointing decision you guys made on the legacy system.


So here's a few example of what you should have done:

  • Do not oblige players to write down a legacy name at all. (The legacy popup has to go if a player doesn't want to write down any)
  • Allow players to choose to which of their characters the legacy name will apply.
  • Allow players to set unique and different last names for all their characters
  • Allow players to have more than one legacy on a server (2 is a start)
  • Allow players to share a legacy with other players would they agree with
  • Have players capping a character be allowed a "choose one specie unlock"
  • Allow players to unlock a recall to space ship feature (especially as you're adding stuff in the space ships)
  • Regroups and restrict the ability unlock in either force or non force users groups.
  • Do not make flying Jedi or anything else than BH with rocket boost
  • Allow players to have companions sell gear
  • Email datapad browsing
  • GTN datapad browsing unlock
  • Space ship UPS delivery/pickup
  • Companions transiting items between you and your space ship
  • Borrow / lend / send help = use a companion from one character on another character (story less and with level adjustment)
  • Companion body features tweaking unlock
  • Ability to add and display companions nicknames instead of default names


You are quite the armchair developer. And we all know that armchair developers know what's best for the game... :rolleyes:

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One of the problems I have with it is this - My Jedi got romantically involved with his companion via the companion stories. So now that companion cannot be in the family tree, if I decided to suggest that this character was married to a different character that then disrupts the story side of the game.


This is probably my biggest concern right now - the fact that the family tree business is so contradictory to and inconsistent with the story already in the game, it almost makes our companion stories completely ..arbitrary? Meaningless?


Aside from the obvious problem of species, (we were all adopted. Every single one of us.) I wish that there could be some kind of restriction imposed, like if your character is already married to a companion, they shouldn't be able to be married to an alt as well.


My second issue is, and how can I articulate this, is how isolated and disconnected this system is, from other players. It doesn't appear to allow any interaction, like marriages or friendships whatsoever between real people - it's completely insular. Unless you rp that, which makes this system even more contradictory.


I suppose that's fine for some folks but I don't know, I just feel like you have to live in your own head to really get enjoyment out of this. This is like.. creating some kind of lonely, intricate alternate reality. I'm not sure it makes sense for a game they want us to play together. I was already a little uncomfortable with how my character and my husbands character can duo the entire game together and yet never once do we speak to or acknowledge each other. ("Oh that guy, that's um.. the guy that always happens to be standing around when I get missions, just ignore him.")


On the other hand, I'm really looking forward to that droid that buys junk on my ship :D Plus, I really do appreciate the work they are putting into this crazy thing. I've never seen anything quite like it before, and I realize how complicated a lot of this stuff must be to implement. I'm very excited to try it out.

Edited by grania
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Umm, no. Annakin is a level 80 champion, Darth Vader level 100, while Han Solo is probably a level 70 Smuggler. Unless you're implying that bosses in the next expansion would be able to beat Annakin in a fight. Edited by Agemnon
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Umm, no. Annakin is a level 80 champion, Darth Vader level 100, while Han Solo is probably a level 70 Smuggler. Unless you're implying that bosses in the next expansion would be able to beat Annakin in a fight.


Yeeeeaaaahhh... now we're splitting hairs. Guess this thread has already run its course! :p

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Well sisters, but yeah :) Though one is human and one is rattataki *scratches head* I'm just going to pretend my "family" is like some weird cult or something.


And anyway how do our companions fit into this equation? You marry them in your class story but then you can marry one of your alts? Lol this gets crazier the more I think about it.


Oh that's easy, Bigamy :D

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Yeah, someone at BioWare needs to get on the ball and say something like this:


"Hey, you! Marketing guy! You, with the degree in Media Communication and five years experience writing press releases, shaking hands at conventions, and talking to editors at game magazines! Stop what you're doing! Here's 50,000 lines of C++ code, written over the span of five years by two dozen different programmers (none of whom believed in documentation, all of whom had different coding styles), and somewhere in there is a bug that causes a null pointer error under conditions we haven't quite nailed down yet. Get to fixing it! Also, go get that guy we have doing system design and get him writing code, too! What do you mean 'designing systems isn't the same as implementing them and those are completely different, non-fungible, skill sets'? I don't know what fungible means! Is that some kind of mushroom? Whatever! Everyone start coding, now! Fix those bugs! Even you, with the mop and bucket! Get to it!"


That will work, right?


Love it! XD

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Am I the only one who likes to play a single character, but is miffed that I can't get all the cool new stuff because I don't enjoy grinding everything out on an entirely new character? I am a completionist, but I only like to play 1 toon because that is the toon I identify with and have no want or need to play anything else...except that now you made it so I have to grind up other toons races etc if I want to unlock buffs and abilities. I feel like I am going to be shorted here simply because I have no desire to level alts. Please put in an option to buy the buffs/heroic moments/etc. I have absolutely zero desire to level another character ever, but I would like to enjoy the game.
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Am I the only one who likes to play a single character, but is miffed that I can't get all the cool new stuff because I don't enjoy grinding everything out on an entirely new character? I am a completionist, but I only like to play 1 toon because that is the toon I identify with and have no want or need to play anything else...except that now you made it so I have to grind up other toons races etc if I want to unlock buffs and abilities. I feel like I am going to be shorted here simply because I have no desire to level alts. Please put in an option to buy the buffs/heroic moments/etc. I have absolutely zero desire to level another character ever, but I would like to enjoy the game.


I think in this game you're missing out by not playing multiple toons even without the legacy unlocks. This game is based on story and there is more of than than pretty much any other content in this game, so by not playing another character you're missing out.

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I think in this game you're missing out by not playing multiple toons even without the legacy unlocks. This game is based on story and there is more of than than pretty much any other content in this game, so by not playing another character you're missing out.


I have to 100% agree with you. Why not playing another toon? People can miss out an a ton of other story based stuff if they do that. Not mention, its fine great you have a single maxed out toon. But can you honestly say you are gamer of any kind if you perfect a SINGLE toon? I mean this is an MMO, not a "play through" throw away. The investment is in the story and actions from all characters, not just in the gear you have. Which by the way, any monkey who plays their life away can get given enough time and a serious lack of personality or creativity.

Edited by deathslegion
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I don't really know what to use this feature for. Im know its a dedicated team but my humble suggestion would be to dedicate them to something else. Like coding or writing actual content.


I do hope those that look forward to it get their expectations met. The danger I see is that Bioware seems to feel that if they can just keep is making alts we will be happy. And a pure sith Jedi Knight is NOT what is the number one priority for most people (that I have talked to anyway).


I hardly care what race my current characters are because it doesn't seem to matter except in a few dialogue where you treated a little different as a non-human.

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You are quite the armchair developer. And we all know that armchair developers know what's best for the game... :rolleyes:


In the interest of truth and mutual awareness I just took a look at JeremieCrowe's posting history and this guy either works for Bioware or has a serious forum addiction cause he posts every 5-10 minutes for 10-14 hours at a time. I mean it's ok I have nothing against the guy but it's very fishy since all he has been doing is shooting down any complain about the game and when does he play if he loves the game so much?


I think it's interesting at the very least...

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You are quite the armchair developer. And we all know that armchair developers know what's best for the game... :rolleyes:

Look we both know you played it the easy way bashing someone without providing facts, nor a constructive post either.


Now be my guest and answer to all the points I made. And we'll check who looks like a fool here.


BTW in case you might feel like I did not provide enough constructive feedback, here's another post I made on the legacy system.

I'd love you to comment every single entry and provide better suggestions, suggestions that can be added without huge investment either.


Note that you'll find some redundant entries so you are allowed to skip a few if you don't feel like it.


  1. You are now able to send/receive emails directly to your datapad, as long as you have a direct link to your space ship or a planet's holocom system. Different planets/location might hinder your reception power adding latency/delay to the email delivery.
  2. Your friendly companions will now gladly sell anything to the vendor.
  3. Your companions are now willing to carry items between your location and your space ship storage
  4. As premium member your datapad has now a very high end encrypted chip allowing you to browse the GTN network from anywhere (see#1)
  5. Due to your high rank you have now access to the VIP SW UPS postal service picking up and delivering items directly to your space ship
  6. There's such a mutual trust between you and your companion that they're now able to post items on the GTN.
  7. You can now recall directly to your space ship
  8. You unlocked a specific piece in your space ship: secret compartment for smugglers, armory for troopers, torture chamber for Sith, etc...
  9. On very rare occasion you are able to group with 2 companions of yours
  10. You can now equip companions with roles allowing you to choose whether they tank/heal/dps
  11. You can lend a companion of one of your alts to another character. *Will just fit the combat skill, not the story part.
  12. You can now customize further your companions body features separately.
  13. You can add and display a companion nickname to your companions
  14. You can now enjoy a silent mode on all companions.
  15. Wardrobes: you can now preset gear sets and switch them at once between your characters
  16. New identity: You can one time change your character name
  17. One time change your character sex
  18. You can totally redo your character body features
  19. You can one time change your character specie
  20. Secret stash: your characters shares a secret stashing location
  21. Shared bank account: all your participating characters shares the same bank account (for a fee).
  22. Armored speeders: your speeder can now take a few hits before being destroyed
  23. Shielded speeders: your speeders can now take severe hits before being destroyed
  24. Dual seat speeders: your companions rides with you
  25. You (or your companion) can do other tasks while one of you is fighting (Ex gathering nodes
  26. Dual/multi speccing: your expertise makes it so your able to switch between multiple templates roles as needed
  27. AC to AC respec: A traumatic experience let you change your behavior in battle.
  28. Halos/glowing: You are so attuned with the force that you're able to display a halo of light(white/yellow) or power(red) around you from time to time. For non force users == shields generators.
  29. You discovered the secrets of [insert specie] and are able to either make any classes alt with this specie or have your soul matrix reinserted into this specie.
  30. You have now an enhanced radar allowing you to display friendlies on the minimap
  31. Your radar has been further enhanced to display non friendly foes on the minimap.
  32. Once per day you can now recall to any unlocked location on any planet

Edited by Deewe
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