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Dissapointed - Too Much Too Fast


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Dearest Bioware,


Let me open by saying so far so good, I'm loving the game, the story, and the content. I'm not a huge fan of the current PVP and PVE armor skins, but it wasn’t a total miss.


Now with regard to 1.2....it's simply too much too fast.


There are still many bugs in the EXISTING content. Most of the Ideas you have for patch 1.2 that are in PTR are wonderful, and will be great if implemented gradually with a little re-vamping.


You are introducing too much new content too fast, The game hasn’t even been live for 5 months. Scale back the amount of new content you are releasing in the next patch and get it right.


Talent tree and ability re-structuring is a huge ordeal, not to be taken lightly, and in my MMO experience I know it can really ruin or make a class. New raids with multiple bugs can lose you customers, especially if there are still bugs in existing content.


Instead of releasing this orgy of new material in 1.2, scale it back and put it out gradually over a few months, or maybe every two weeks, giving you time to adjust any bugs that do occur with newest content.


Before Releasing any content I also would highly recommend going back to the drawing board on the PVE and PVP set design and firing whoever was responsible for their acceptance into PTR.


No mystery to many, part of the motivation for gear is its appearance, not just the stats. The new gear simply looks horrific, and Imperial Agent and Bounty Hunter gear simply looks lazy, like you couldn’t come up with anything. The sorc gear looks like a Rogue Shredder from Ninja Turtles.


Once you have come up with a new appealing design for both factions, all classes, I would suggest proceeding as shown below.


Suggestion for 1.2 Releases

Week 1

1.2 - New Operation and Daily Content (includes rewards)

1.2 - New PVP Rating System

1.2 - New PVE and PVP Tier Gear



1.2.1 - Bug Fix to New Operation and Daily Content (you know it will be needed)

1.2.1 - Bug Fix to New PVE and PVP Tier Set Stats and Mods (you know it will be needed)

1.2.1 - Bug Fix to PVP Rating System


Week 3 From Original 1.2

1.2.2 - New Interface Customization Options and Modifications

1.2.2 - Combat Log Available

1.2.2 - New Crafting Schematics


1.2.3 - Bug Fix to New Interface Customization Options and Modifications

1.2.3 - Bug Fix to Combat Log


Week 5 From Original 1.2

1.2.4 - Legacy System Implementation


1.2.5 - Bug Fix to Legacy System


1.2.6 - Additional Bug Fix to Legacy System


Week 8 From Original 1.2

1.2.7 - Talent Tree Updates

- Instead of having the tree re-set once with 1 free respec, give 1 week of free

respecs so people can try different builds since some of the tree's and tree

abilities will have significant impact on existing play style



Just in case the readers care, my current in game experience is below;



- 71 Valor (the hard way)

- Full Battlemaster



- 10/10 Hard Mode Operations

- Full Columi/Rakata


I'm also a quest/content whore, ive aquired most of the datacrons (missing 1 planet and the +10 all stats). Some new Datacrons would be welcomed, but perhaps that should come with the introduction of a new planet in a later expansion.


I collect speeders (wouldnt mind some new speeders in 1.2 timeline)

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Sorry to say the 1.2 gear is so awful... I wish I never had to say that... I so want the style of gear we saw for months in the progression videos...


Where is that gear that looks like Star Wars gear?


Gear does not have to go WAY over the top all the time for later tiers... Just has to be different, add some buckles, a different style holster, some color modifications, different stripes styles and patterns for cloaks and garments, go back to the SW movies and comics for inspiration, or even go back to the progression videos that sold this game...

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Having played the game for a while != being capable of scheduling game development


Following your ways, they would waste a lot more time in tweaking, balancing things, QA...


You are completely missing that some changes are linked. Just as an example, still following your schedule, on week 1 they release new operation (that must be balanced with the current skill trees), on week 3 as they release some new crafting schematics, the new operation need to be rebalanced, ... on week 8, the new skill trees force them to rebalance the new op again....



And yes, different teams working on different parts of the game in parallel with big milestones is how things are done.


It's the best way, it provides new content and bug fixes at the same time. Fixing all bugs in x months then making new content would result in higher pop drop, making new content without fixing bugs or only every 6 months would resullt in higher pop drop.

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Somebody posted yesterday, and I agree. Bug fixes should come out as soon as they go through qa. They should not wait for the big patch that is right around the corner for 2 months. They should be released at the weekly maintenance.
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Somebody posted yesterday, and I agree. Bug fixes should come out as soon as they go through qa. They should not wait for the big patch that is right around the corner for 2 months. They should be released at the weekly maintenance.


They don't. Did you miss all the 1.1.5a,b,c,d,e patches? Bug hunting isn't easy. I would bet you that hte majority of them are so cross connected with working things that just zapping them pell-mell would break the game a lot worse.

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Well i think its worse that the game is 4 months iold and people have the content though.


Surely, you cant do enough content for Nolifers, but right now, at 50 is no much to do.


As it stands the marvelous experience stops at 50... and they put in the Legacy System to gives treat to people raising alts again and again...



I gues thats the fate of a lot of games that define an "endgame" as "when the game stops". See Guildwars. You had more questing to do after 20.

Edited by Kheldras
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"Having played the game for a while != being capable of scheduling game development"


No, if I really thought that I would be much dumber than you think I am, and applying for Dev positions.


It's a suggestion box, and that my suggestion, often great idea's are gleaned from even partially valid suggestions.


If they really feel the need to re-balance the tree's then it should be first, and by itself, prior to any other content.


Some of these changes are going to severely screw with PVP for the most played class in the game for one...

Edited by Malinok
qrong quote
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